bills_fan Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 And here's another one... Ladies and gentleman...the 43rd POTUS! Rudy's sites...
PastaJoe Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 He'll never make it past the Republican primaries. How could the religious right wing of the party support a pro-abortion, pro-gay rights, former roommate of 2 gay guys, who made public appearances with his new girlfriend before he was divorced from his wife.
Chilly Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 IIRC, by him filing the papers that way, he has a pretty low threshold right now for money. To me, this seems to show that he is planning on making the decision relatively quickly. Although it could also be that my memory just sucks.
RkFast Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 PastaJoe said: He'll never make it past the Republican primaries. How could the religious right wing of the party support a pro-abortion, pro-gay rights, former roommate of 2 gay guys, who made public appearances with his new girlfriend before he was divorced from his wife. 836113[/snapback] Because after your boys and girls carry out their plan of quitting on iraq and disgracing our military, and they appease and kowtow to every whim and desire of the rest of the world, we are all going to be clamoring for a man like Rudy Guiliani to make things right again, regardless of whether or not he has a girlfriend or not.
Johnny Coli Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 RkFast said: Because after your boys and girls carry out their plan of quitting on iraq and disgracing our military, and they appease and kowtow to every whim and desire of the rest of the world, we are all going to be clamoring for a man like Rudy Guiliani to make things right again, regardless of whether or not he has a girlfriend or not. 836260[/snapback] Ah, you mean Baker, Scowcroft, Gates, Powell and the rest of Bush I's team, not to mention too many retired generals to even link to. One would have thought that the "Stay the Course" and "Cut and Run" jingoism would have ended when they realized the American people were too smart to fall for it.
RkFast Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 Johnny Coli said: Ah, you mean Baker, Scowcroft, Gates, Powell and the rest of Bush I's team, not to mention too many retired generals to even link to. One would have thought that the "Stay the Course" and "Cut and Run" jingoism would have ended when they realized the American people were too smart to fall for it. 836351[/snapback] I was thinking more of the "Cut and Run NOW!!!" yelps that have already begun from your boys, before they even grab power. But nice try.
UConn James Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 Don't know if he'd actually have the gall to do it or how faithful he is to the Republican party (he has keep a certain distance from this administration, for a reason you'd have to think), but it would be interesting if he decided to run as an independent ala Lieberman here in CT. I think it especially depends on whom they nominate --- if it's McCain he steps aside, if it's Gingrich, Frist or the like, it gets more interesting. His main strength is that he draws support from both parties and from many independents.
RuntheDamnBall Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 catchescannonballs said: wayyyyyyyyy too liberal for me 836387[/snapback] James Dobson could run for President and he'd be too liberal for you.
RuntheDamnBall Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 UConn James said: Don't know if he'd actually have the gall to do it or how faithful he is to the Republican party (he has keep a certain distance from this administration, for a reason you'd have to think), but it would be interesting if he decided to run as an independent ala Lieberman here in CT. I think it especially depends on whom they nominate --- if it's McCain he steps aside, if it's Gingrich, Frist or the like, it gets more interesting. His main strength is that he draws support from both parties and from many independents. 836396[/snapback] Problem with that = $$$$$. The Republican and Democratic Parties have a ton of it. Other parties, not so much. No party, no money. There was a reason that only a whackjob like Perot was able to do it to great impact; he was loaded.
catchescannonballs Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 RuntheDamnBall said: James Dobson could run for President and he'd be too liberal for you. 836443[/snapback] Rudy=anti-gun, pro-abortion and pro-ferry's
RuntheDamnBall Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 catchescannonballs said: Rudy=anti-gun, pro-abortion and pro-ferry's 836471[/snapback] I don't recall his really doing much to improve the ferry system here, but if you look at his maintaining the status quo with the Staten Island Ferry still running for free in addition to the others, I suppose you're right. Good call. We should stop wasting our tax dollars on ferrys. No possessive apostrophe in that, just so you know, though.
catchescannonballs Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 RuntheDamnBall said: I don't recall his really doing much to improve the ferry system here, but if you look at his maintaining the status quo with the Staten Island Ferry still running for free in addition to the others, I suppose you're right. Good call. We should stop wasting our tax dollars on ferrys. No possessive apostrophe in that, just so you know, though. 836481[/snapback] did i touch a raw nerve?
Bungee Jumper Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 catchescannonballs said: did i touch a raw nerve? 836499[/snapback] Should have just called them "fags". You may have spelled it properly. Maybe.
bills_fan Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 Quote Rudy=anti-gun, pro-abortion and pro-ferry's Actually, he's not anti-gun. Rudy is the most libertarian candidate out there...smaller gov't, lower taxes, won't legislate how you live social policies. That will play very well out West and with independants and moderates. He may even be able to take NYS in a national election, something not done since Reagan 84. The trick will be getting him thru the Christian coalition in the Southern primaries. The best thing that can happen is that Hillary remains strong. If Hillary remains strong, he may have a real shot. The Christian coalition is no fan of McCain and they respect Rudy as an individual. They just don't agree with all his policies. If Hillary remains strong, I can see a situation where they vote for Rudy just to defeat Hillary. C'mon you think Bill Frist has a shot at beating Hillary? The chances would be 50/50. And there is nothing the Christian coalition wants less than to see the Clintons back in the White house.
RuntheDamnBall Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 bills_fan said: Actually, he's not anti-gun. Rudy is the most libertarian candidate out there...smaller gov't, lower taxes, won't legislate how you live social policies. That will play very well out West and with independants and moderates. He may even be able to take NYS in a national election, something not done since Reagan 84. The trick will be getting him thru the Christian coalition in the Southern primaries. The best thing that can happen is that Hillary remains strong. If Hillary remains strong, he may have a real shot. The Christian coalition is no fan of McCain and they respect Rudy as an individual. They just don't agree with all his policies. If Hillary remains strong, I can see a situation where they vote for Rudy just to defeat Hillary. C'mon you think Bill Frist has a shot at beating Hillary? The chances would be 50/50. And there is nothing the Christian coalition wants less than to see the Clintons back in the White house. 836538[/snapback] He'll never make it. I can see the campaign ads now: "Rudy Giuliani: soft on large boat's" (sic)
Bungee Jumper Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 RuntheDamnBall said: He'll never make it. I can see the campaign ads now: "Rudy Giuliani: soft on large boat's" (sic) 836544[/snapback] Looks like somebody hit a raw nerve... You a boat owner or something?
X. Benedict Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 bills_fan said: The trick will be getting him thru the Christian coalition in the Southern primaries. 836538[/snapback] That ain't no trick, that will be the parting of the sea. Christian voters/Social Conservatives on the right are going to be very angry post-2006. There is no way that Rudy clears the litmus. There just are not enough libertarians in the grass roots of the Republican party to carry that nomination. But he could parlay a run into a cabinet position or a VP bid.
bills_fan Posted November 14, 2006 Posted November 14, 2006 Quote That ain't no trick, that will be the parting of the sea. Christian voters/Social Conservatives on the right are going to be very angry post-2006. There is no way that Rudy clears the litmus. There just are not enough libertarians in the grass roots of the Republican party to carry that nomination. But he could parlay a run into a cabinet position or a VP bid. But they fear the possibility of a Hillary election. They know Giuliani is the best NATIONAL candidate. Combining that fear with the the national security question (Ask yourself, who would you want leading you through a time of crisis?) and Rudy is far ahead of anyone save McCain. So, the primary voters get a McCain/Rudy choice. I don't think they like McCain down south. Pat Robertson despises him, yet respects Giuliani immensely. Even called him a "friend." Falwell has not come out one way or another yet. We're going to find out, but a strong Hillary is the best thing for a Rudy candidacy.
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