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Don't know who he is, but he hits the nail right on the head...




Losman has earned a seat on the bench


As you read this, I am forcing down a huge piece of humble pie, trying hard not to choke on it, or barf.


After watching the Buffalo Bills lose to Indianapolis Sunday, 17-16—no, they did not get beat, they just lost—I have given up on J.P. Losman as the quarterback who can/will/would/could lead this team anywhere. At least, that is, anywhere positive.


When it gets right down to it and the pressure is on, the quarterback is the go-to guy on any football team. That is especially true when the team needs someone to make something good happen when the game is on the line. The quarterback touches the ball on 99.9 percent of the plays and what he does with the ball can be the lifeblood, or the death knell, of his team.


And Sunday, with the Bills looking for an upset victory against the unbeaten Colts, Losman threw a measly 13 passes. Thirteen! And coach Dick Jauron’s message was clear: We don’t have any—as in zero—confidence in J.P. to come through with the game on the line and the less we have to depend on him, the better.


The conclusive evidence came late in the first quarter. The Bills had the ball on their own 14, first down, and Losman was sacked for an 8-yard loss. Then, on third down and 16 from the Bills’ eight, the Bills told Losman to give the ball to running back Anthony Thomas asap instead of running a pass play.


If that’s the way Jauron feels—and it was obvious that he does—then he should put Losman on the bench and put Craig Nall under center. If what you’re doing isn’t working, then try something else. Anyway, could things get any worse? I doubt it.


Buffalo, like every team in the NFL, cannot win consistently without a quarterback the team can turn to when it is bleeding and on the ropes late in the fight, a quarterback they can give the ball to and say, “It’s all yours, baby, go get ’em.”


It is painfully evident that the Bills don’t have one and things are not going to get any better until they get one—either that or a defense that pitches a shutout every week.


I was in favor of JP playing the entire year, regardless of the results. But if the coaching staff isn't even going to give him the chance to do anything, get him out of there. What a waste of a season. This was going to be the year that he either proved himself or not...and guess what, the coaching staff is scared to do so. What a waste.

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And one other thing...does anyone is the press have the stones to directly ask Dick or Marv why they don't let JP throwing the ball?


Well the next logical question is: why haven't they turned to Nall yet, considering he was signed by the current regime? I don't think that benching JP is the answer, but it might have to happen to finally prove where the problems lie.


Jauron stated explicitly last night in the PC that they don't have the confidence in the OFFENSIVE LINE to take shots in the end zone, particularly not against the third-ranked pass rush.


But I'm sure this guy from some Buffalo business newspaper knows more about football than a guy who's spent his life in the game. :blink:


Fault Jauron or Levy or Donahoe or McNally or whomever for not getting a better offensive line on the field, but I just can't see giving up on JP yet.


Yeah...the passing game is just brutal.I can't lay all the blame on Losman (though he deserves a big chunk).The whole right side of the OL are turnstiles and our recievers are below average....not to mention Fairchilds penchant for calling deep drops...when you should know you are not going to have he time to get those plays off.Even when they can run the ball some...nothing opens up in the passing game,that is sad.I don't think Nall is the answer but i think this JP's last year here.


This guy doesn't get it. Yeah DJ doesn't have faith in throwing the ball. That does not mean he does not have faith in Losman. It means that he does not have faith that a pass play will work. That can mean that the protection won't hold up. That could mean the receivers won't get open. That could mean Losman is too dumb to find an open receiver, or it could mean all of the above, but it does not JUST mean that he has no faith in Losman.

Jauron stated explicitly last night in the PC that they don't have the confidence in the OFFENSIVE LINE to take shots in the end zone, particularly not against the third-ranked pass rush.


But I'm sure this guy from some Buffalo business newspaper knows more about football than a guy who's spent his life in the game. :blink:


Fault Jauron or Levy or Donahoe or McNally or whomever for not getting a better offensive line on the field, but I just can't see giving up on JP yet.



He may not "know more" as you put it. But the writer is not beholden to the politics of an NFL locker. If the coach was to come out and just toss Loseman under the bus he would have lost most of the locker room. Which really isn't a bad thing considering most of that locker room won't be here in two years.


The game plans of 15 attempts followed by 13 attempts speaks louder then anything Jouron could have said at the PC.


IMHO I think the Bills haven't lost confidence in JP but in the O-line. They're working JP as a drop back passer to get him the experience. They know he can roll out and throw, they are trying to make him comfortable in staying in the pocket. I think they know this was going to be a rebuilding year and they need to to get the right people the experience for next year.

Now if this is not the case and they have lost confidence in JP, they what the #$%@ are they waiting for? Put him on the pine!

IMHO I think the Bills haven't lost confidence in JP but in the O-line. They're working JP as a drop back passer to get him the experience. They know he can roll out and throw, they are trying to make him comfortable in staying in the pocket.  I think they know this was going to be a rebuilding year and they need to to get the right people the experience for next year.

Now if this is not the case and they have lost confidence in JP, they what the #$%@ are they waiting for? Put him on the pine!


For that to happen, there has to BE a pocket, doesn't there? Just sayin'...


has it occurred to anyone that the bills knew that the first 3-4 games with the new line were going to be rough, and decided to stick to a run-first plan until pennington etc. got their sea legs? if so, it's been a decent strategy -- they haven't turned the ball over and beat a pretty solid pack team and came within a whisker of beating the colts. as the line -- which i realize will never be great -- starts to gel just a little bit, you'll see the bills throw it more.


seems like most people around here want some one to step in and be god . no way do we have any more wins with one of our backup QBs


It reflects a lack of confidence in the OL to protect a pass play. They have to keep two guys back as extra OL and therefore only two are going out to catch. Chance of success is very low. We need a better OL to send out 4 WR's

seems like most people around here want some one to step in and be god . no way do we have any more wins with one of our backup QBs



Missed an 'O' there. Not "god" how about good? I'll even take average or adequate. Or even an upgrade to OK.


Nobody knows how Nall would do when the whistle blows. I just want to find out. Lets see before we go into the offseason.


If this is a "rebuilding" year. Isn't best to find out everything you can about all the players on the roster? The Bills have an extra 7 pre-season games going into the 2007 season. Let's use them. Let's empty the benches and find out who the players are and who the pretenders are. Throw the politics of contracts and draft postions out the window. Give Loseman the next game. Then three each to Holcomb and Nall. Let's find out. What is there to lose? A higher draft position?

Let's empty the benches and find out who the players are and who the pretenders are.


Too bad TBD doesnt do this with its posters. you'd have been waived a long time ago.

Well the next logical question is: why haven't they turned to Nall yet, considering he was signed by the current regime?  I don't think that benching JP is the answer, but it might have to happen to finally prove where the problems lie.


Perhaps because Nall sucks?

Missed an 'O' there. Not "god" how about good? I'll even take average or adequate. Or even an upgrade to OK.


Nobody knows how Nall would do when the whistle blows. I just want to find out. Lets see before we go into the offseason.


If this is a "rebuilding" year. Isn't best to find out everything you can about all the players on the roster? The Bills have an extra 7 pre-season games going into the 2007 season. Let's use them. Let's empty the benches and find out who the players are and who the pretenders are. Throw the politics of contracts and draft postions out the window.  Give Loseman the next game. Then three each to Holcomb and Nall. Let's find out. What is there to lose? A higher draft position?



I think it'd be a great idea to play Nall for at least a game or two this season.


For one thing, JP has been regressing terribly over the past 5 or so games. It'd be good for him to sit a little while, clear his head, and reflect on why he's struggling. I think a lot of his problems stem from his total lack of confidence in not only his OL, but in himself. He's a bit of a head case. It becomes evident in his inaccuracy and in his tendencies to lock onto Evans whenever the going gets tough.


Also, playing Nall will allow us to see whether or not he's the next Kurt Warner-type from NFL Europe. Most likely, not...but it's worth a shot...


And finally, changing up the QB may help the coaching staff discern just exactly how much the OL is to blame for the O's woes.


I say give JP the start in Houston...a much more manageable opponent than Indy, Chicago, and NE....and depending on how that goes, maybe give Nall the start for the following home game.

I think it'd be a great idea to play Nall for at least a game or two this season.


Why? If we start Losman for 14 games and Nall for 2, the end result is that we still won't know about either quarterback. Is there any scenario where Nall could play the last two games of the season and somehow eliminate all our concerns about the quarterback position? Is anyone really going to say they're ready to make Nall the starter for next season after two games this season?

Why?  If we start Losman for 14 games and Nall for 2, the end result is that we still won't know about either quarterback.  Is there any scenario where Nall could play the last two games of the season and somehow eliminate all our concerns about the quarterback position?  Is anyone really going to say they're ready to make Nall the starter for next season after two games this season?



Did you bother to read my entire post? I explained my reasons there.


And I can just as easily turn the table on your question. Will starting JP those extra 2 games give us a definitive answer on whether or not JP is our future?


Why is everyone afraid of playing Nall for a game or two? I'm starting to get fed up with holding an entire franchise hostage for 1 player's development. If Nall was a 1st rounder - and JP wasn't - I bet this argument would take on an entirely different flavor.

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