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The Bills were 21-9 as a team while Flutie happened to be starting. A lot of those wins took place despite Flutie, and not because of him.


Flutie played well for a while. But once defenses figured him out, that was it. He definitely deserves to be lumped into the same category as Bledsoe (had success in the first half of 2002 until defenses figured him out) or Rob Johnson (had some good games here and there, but defenses figured out you beat him down with the blitz).


Look at what Flutie achieved once he went to San Diego.



Umm... to be fair a 70% winnin percentage is pretty good and he made the offense look so much better than RJ did. It is really unfair to place a quarterback that was signed to be a backup from the CFL to be in the breath of those other qb's


also AVP doesn't deserve to be on that list, as he was basically 2nd-3rd string for many years, and never really considered the QB of the future or the man who will bring us to the playoffs.

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Right so 31 teams in the NFL play as a team ... except for Brady. He plays alone. Stupid.



I wish I could cut & paste the 1,000 times I said that he sucked in 2001. He was incredible in 2003 with no running game. But hooray for the internet; lets lump 6 seasons together and have an extreme opinion!

I wish I could cut & paste the 1,000 times I said that he sucked in 2001.  He was incredible in 2003 with no running game.  But hooray for the internet; lets lump 6 seasons together and have an extreme opinion!



Note: I actually meant to put a question mark (?) after the "stupid" in my post ... I wasnt calling you stupid


Whats my extreme opinion? That Brady has 3 Super Bowl rings as part of a TEAM?

Umm... to be fair a 70% winnin percentage is pretty good and he made the offense look so much better than RJ did. It is really unfair to place a quarterback that was signed to be a backup from the CFL to be in the breath of those other qb's


also AVP doesn't deserve to be on that list, as he was basically 2nd-3rd string for many years, and never really considered the QB of the future or the man who will bring us to the playoffs.


I've got nothing against Alex Van Pelt, whom I think is a great guy, a hard worker, smart, and someone who wasn't blessed with the talent to be a starting-quality quarterback.


I'd say that football is 40% offense, 40% defense, and 20% special teams. Of the 40% that's offense, maybe 15 percentage points are your running game, and 25% is your passing game. Of the 25% that's your passing game, 1/3 goes to your offensive line, 1/3 to your receiving corps, and 1/3 to your QB. So your quarterback makes up about 8% of whether you win or lose. Hey, use different numbers if you want, and get 16%. Even 20%--these numbers are very subjective. But subjective or not, there's no way a QB deserves anything remotely close to 100% of the credit for a win, or the blame for a loss.


I agree Flutie made the offense look good in 1998, just as Bledsoe did in the first half of 2002. But the defense carried the team in 1999.



Exactly. Wow.


Loved how he edited his post from "??? not really. I've stood firm on my opinions for a long time." to "?????". Sums it up.


Don't get me wrong, I think you're generally a nice guy, but if you want people to take you seriously, stop pandering and grow a backbone.

Exactly. Wow.


Loved how he edited his post from "???  not really.  I've stood firm on my opinions for a long time." to "?????". Sums it up.


Don't get me wrong, I think you're generally a nice guy, but if you want people to take you seriously, stop pandering and grow a backbone.



I wonder how many times in your life, you've changed your mind on something. And if you didn't notice I changed it back. I'll stand firm on that decison to keep it like that. My opinions don't change but my actions do. I think that doesn't go well with most people here.

I wonder how many times in your life, you've changed your mind on something.  And if you didn't notice I changed it back.  I'll stand firm on that decison to keep it like that.  My opinions don't change but my actions do.  I think that doesn't go well with most people here.


I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. You've been accused of being wishy washy, because your views about Losman have apparently changed. I've been called stubborn, because my views about Losman have remained more or less the same. Someone will throw accusations your way almost no matter what.


At some point, you have to stop worrying about what other people think or don't think. Just tell the truth as you see it, and listen when others do the same.

Exactly. Wow.


Loved how he edited his post from "???  not really.  I've stood firm on my opinions for a long time." to "?????". Sums it up.


Don't get me wrong, I think you're generally a nice guy, but if you want people to take you seriously, stop pandering and grow a backbone.


Actually my opinion is opposite to that. Try not to be so "this is the way it is". Apart from the concept of.....how can one be so definitive on subject matter that is so.....subjective....if you go & change such a non-bendable position it sticks out like a sore thumb. Basically....don't show so much back bone....see the reality that your opinion could be wrong & avoid being so dogmatic on situations that are literally impossible to be 'sure' on. I know a majority of posters here(& hell, people world-wide) tend to view things that if they don't state something forcefully definitive one way or the other that their opinion is in someways not as important....the truth is that seeing both sides to things enables you to analyse the situation(whatever it is) more clearly.

Right so 31 teams in the NFL play as a team ... except for Brady. He plays alone. Stupid.


I don't understand your point on Brady daq. Your sig. line says.....

"Manning > Brady > Rest of NFL"

You have Brady as the #2 player in all of the NFL. Surely it is pure knit-picking to say he won a superbowl as a 'team' effort or not etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.

If you acknowledge him as the second best player in the NFL, what do you care if someone rates him as the #1? I could see your frustration if you thought he was just a 'very good' QB on a great team....like...IMO....Aikman....and people were putting him up as the #1 player in the NFL but basically calling him a HOFer & getting upset all the time that others put him ahead of your #1 is silly.

IMO, both sides have decent arguments.....neither can prove themselves right because it all comes down to opinion on what factors are more important to a QB.

I don't understand your point on Brady daq.  Your sig. line says.....

"Manning > Brady > Rest of NFL"

You have Brady as the #2 player in all of the NFL.  Surely it is pure knit-picking to say he won a superbowl as a 'team' effort or not etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah.

If you acknowledge him as the second best player in the NFL, what do you care if someone rates him as the #1?  I could see your frustration if you thought he was just a 'very good' QB on a great team....like...IMO....Aikman....and people were putting him up as the #1 player in the NFL but basically calling him a HOFer & getting upset all the time that others put him ahead of your #1 is silly.

IMO, both sides have decent arguments.....neither can prove themselves right because it all comes down to opinion on what factors are more important to a QB.



I actually dont care if people rank him #1 ... just dont say he was the main reason for them winning the SB's. He wasnt. People seem to have forgotten that he played on a TEAM.

I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. You've been accused of being wishy washy, because your views about Losman have apparently changed. I've been called stubborn, because my views about Losman have remained more or less the same. Someone will throw accusations your way almost no matter what.


At some point, you have to stop worrying about what other people think or don't think. Just tell the truth as you see it, and listen when others do the same.



Thanks. I'll take that advice.

I actually dont care if people rank him #1 ... just dont say he was the main reason for them winning the SB's. He wasnt. People seem to have forgotten that he played on a TEAM.


But he was.....just as....if the Colts win a SB, Manning will be the main reason for them winning the SB.....just as Favre, Montana & Elway were all the main reason for their teams winning the superbowl.

It's not like the Pats had a Ravens/Bucs type D & heavy run attack & Brady simply managed things. The facts are that no team can win a SB without having at least a good team.....& as it happens, Bradys first SB winning team is generally considered one of the weakest SB winners ever.

Do you remember that year? The Patriots were considered relatively devoid of talent & the Rams were chockas full of it. They squeeked through nearly every game......sure they played like a great 'team' which is why Belichick got so much credit. The only real players that shone that year for them were Brady, Vinatieri & maybe Milloy & Law.....Seymour looked like a promising young rookie.

JP is (if our coaching staff is competant) our best QB, cause that's why he is #1 on our chart.



Maybe so. But I think that the coaching staff is starting to get frustrated with Jp. Yeah sure it say he #1 on the chart but how to the coaches and players feels about Jp.

He been making a lot of errors that would make a first time qb look good.    He doesn't know how to get rid of the ball when he feels pressure.  Like what happened today.  He contributed in a big way to Lindell's missed field goal (wide right?  Why does that sound familiar?).




How many errors did he make (Your post suggests a LOT)......Did you see the play where he got sacked....

Maybe so.  But I think that the coaching staff is starting to get frustrated with Jp.  Yeah sure it say he #1 on the chart but how to the coaches and players feels about Jp.


Q: How do the players and coaches feel about JP?


A: Who gives a crap? Most of the offensive players we have are completely terrible. We have Jason Peters, Lee Evans, Willis McGahee, and Anthony Thomas. And that's it. Everyone else is below average. Losman (who I think is OK) is basically on the field with three NFL guys every time he takes a snap.


Our TEs have 108 yards receiving this season! They've probably cost us more than that in penalties this year.


And who the hell is our no.2 receiver? I'd say Peerless Price but I'm not even sure he's on the team anymore.


Of all the fullbacks in the NFL, we definitely have one. That's the nicest thing I can say about Shelton.


As for our offensive coordinator, if he's not going to give Losman anything to do then I'm not going to expect Losman to do anything. We never attempt any play-action or roll-out plays so the defense doesn't even worry about them. I'm not surprised our drives stall even if we can move the ball a little.

Dude. I KNOW I am annoying to some people on this board .. but you take the cake. You are leading JoeSixPack for tard of the 2006 year. 1,000+ posts of crap about Losman.



That's not very Christ-like of you.


!@#$ off.

Actually, it's more like...


Yay for Losman.

Yay for Sabres.


Sabres Suck

Losman Sucks


Switch and repeat when needed.



And as for you, jackass, when did I ever say the Sabres suck, especially this year?


I called out Miller last postseason for letting in some soft goals from the point, and you get Sabres suck?


You too can go !@#$ yourself.


And I've also never said Losman sucks, you asshat.

Simply because there are idiots here who actually think we'd have a winning record with Leinart under center.



No one believes that after reading everything. All people are saying is that a 3rd year pro should be better prepared than a rookie. People ONLY look at Lienart because JP is so bad.


We lose nothing by trying Nall at this point. Unless Nall averages 2 fumbles a game and 2 Ints for 3 games than what did we really risk? 3 games of a guy who might manage a game better.

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