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For the posters who claimed Bryan Pata


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No, I'm saying he's over reacting (is that one word?) for condemning other people for their opinions before we really know what happened.  Peter is basing his conclusion that Pata was a boyscout on the fact that he was shot in the back of the head, which alone tells us nothing about what happened.  ;)



I would seem to me that when someone is shot and killed, people should not automatically take the position that the kid was a thug.


As for being shot in the back of the head, that does tell you something. It is consistent with not being in a threatening position (to his killer) and is further consistent with the statements of others that he was walking away. If they ever catch the guy who did it, that fact is going to be a critical piece of evidence both with respect to intent (and any purported claim of self defense) as well as sentencing (e.g., the death penalty).

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As for being shot in the back of the head, that does tell you something.  It is consistent with not being in a threatening position (to his killer) and is further consistent with the statements of others that he was walking away.  If they ever catch the guy who did it, that fact is going to be a critical piece of evidence both with respect to intent (and any purported claim of self defense) as well as sentencing (e.g., the death penalty).




While not an absolute, it is also consistant with being involved in some way with the perp. Fact is that 3 out of 4 murder victims are killed by someone they know. And it stands to reason that people don't randomly kill acquaintences without some reason.


But again, let's wait to see how things turn out before drawing conclusions or condemning anyone for their opinions.

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But again, let's wait to see how things turn out before drawing conclusions or condemning anyone for their opinions.



Your statement is inconsistent. I agree with the first part of what you said -- let's wait to see how things turn out. In the meantime, I am going to give the kid the benefit of the doubt rather than presume that he was a "thug" (as some posters did here within hours after he was brutally murdered without knowing anything other than he was shot and killed).

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Your statement is inconsistent.  I agree with the first part of what you said -- let's wait to see how things turn out.  In the meantime, I am going to give the kid the benefit of the doubt rather than presume that he was a "thug" (as some posters did here within hours after he is brutally murdered without knowing anything other than he was shot and killed).



How is my statement inconsistant when I haven't offered an opinion on the kid one way or the other?


YOU are inconsistant by starting this thread designed to condemn others' opinions when you don't yet have enough facts of the case to know if those opinions were accurate or not.

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How is my statement inconsistant when I haven't offered an opinion on the kid one way or the other?


YOU are inconsistant by starting this thread designed to condemn others' opinions when you don't yet have enough facts of the case to know if those opinions were accurate or not.



I was not referring to you. I was referring to others who posted in a completely different thread on the night he was murdered.


The inconsistency is that, on the one hand you are saying that we should not have any opinions until more facts come out, on the other hand you are saying that we should not be critical of people who have expressed their opinions before the facts come out.


To me, that appears to be inconsistent. Further, the point of my initial post in this thread was that some posters expressed some a pretty horrible opinion that the guy was a "thug" within hours of his murder without knowing anything other than that he was murdered.


What we do know (from what I have read in the paper) is that (1) he never had been in trouble with the law; (2) he was shot in the back of the head.

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Buddy, go back to the original thread and point out anything in there about Pata that i said was fact. It was all speculation and a possibility that a lot of people were not considering.


The fact of the matter is that we do not what really happened that night so stop pretending like you know what happened because he got shot in the back of the head.


I even admitted to playing devils advocate.


Find a life besides the cyber one you live on TSW, you lifeless jerkoff.



Says the guy with 1,200 + posts since January. ;)



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Says the guy with 1,200 + posts since January.  ;)





I do it throughout the day, in passing between going to school, coming home, going to work, and coming home. I average four posts a day, i wouldn't get insane about it. It's not 10,000 or anything like that. :lol:

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This thread amuses me.


You have Peter judging posters as "classless" based upon a post on an intarweb message board (the internet is serious business!).


You have Daquix complaining about people "passing judgement on Peter" (who is, himself, passing judgement on other people).


KD is the only one being sane and talking about statistical probabilities and offering some evidence besides an emotional look at it, and he gets attacked as being "inconsistent".


There are the typical hypocritical "WHY DON'T YOU STOP POSTING ON THE INTARWEB AND GET A LIFE" insults.


And you have crayonz not being a troll but providing a reasonable counter-argument to the original post.


Christ this is a screwed up thread.

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This thread amuses me.


You have Peter judging posters as "classless" based upon a post on an intarweb message board (the internet is serious business!).


You have Daquix complaining about people "passing judgement on Peter" (who is, himself, passing judgement on other people).


KD is the only one being sane and talking about statistical probabilities and offering some evidence besides an emotional look at it, and he gets attacked as being "inconsistent".


There are the typical hypocritical "WHY DON'T YOU STOP POSTING ON THE INTARWEB AND GET A LIFE" insults.


And you have crayonz not being a troll but providing a reasonable counter-argument to the original post.


Christ this is a screwed up thread.



But we love it, dammit. ;)



The whole get a life thing might have been over the top, but for this to bother someone for multiple days, and for them to look at the internet for the next few days after the initial thread, looking for evidence that i was wrong, that is a little obsessive.


Once again, everybody is entitled to their opinion and i stand by my hypothesis on the matter, and until the facts of the case come out, i will stand by it.


Probability that this is in some way related to "thugism" is just too great to ignore, and the fact that people are discrediting it is quite disturbing.


Basically it boils down to this, Peter is a 'canes fan, and it is the same as if a Colts fan came on this website and was making comments about Donte Whitner and his arrest.

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KD is the only one being sane and talking about statistical probabilities and offering some evidence besides an emotional look at it, and he gets attacked as being "inconsistent".





Awww....thanks! Just for that I'm not even going to mention the Texas game.

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What is your definition of "thugism" ??? Did someone murder your favorite horse or something?



Thugism is not really a definable thing. It is like terrorism. It is merely something that is noticable when it occurs.

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Donte Whitner is a thug. He was arrested for domestic violence against his girlfriend. Ergo-The Bills are thugs. Buffalo is a city full of thugs, oh and murderers (if the glove does not fit, you must acquit). Ohio State is a thug school.

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By the the time he brought out the comeback with guns locked and loaded, i was sarcastically poking fun at him for his comeback and i used the "jerk store". It was a joke, not serious.


The fact of the matter is that we still do not know what happened that night. Maybe he got shot in the back of the head because he was at a strip club, throwing $100 bills at scantaly clad and nude women, snorting cocaine and smoking marijuana out of a sawed off shotgun. Walked out in the parking lot to resolve some beef that he had encountered in the strip club and was shot in the back of the head.


Or maybe he was on his way out of a church with his Bible and rosary beads and he was getting in his Honda Fit to go pick up his ailing mother at her methadone clinic because he vowed to help her through thick and thin, and he might have been on the way to the soup kitchen after that to feed malnurished Samolians.


Who knows?


Either way it comes out, if i am wrong for my view as devil's advocate, i will admit that i was wrong and call myself an @$$ in my own thread. But if my way is in fact the truth, and that includes if it had anything to do with the thugish brawl with Florida International, i would expect the same response from those playing God's Angels.


A lot of the things in that thread can be taken out of context days later, i state now that i never had the intent of saying he was a thug for sure, it was all speculation.


I know you usually have my back, and i appreciate that.



Wow. Your stupidity knows no bounds. Go back to the Miami-FAU fight and you will see that Pata was actually not involved with the fight he was holding his own players back from coming off the sideline. Just to clear it up he was outside of his apartment building when a coward shot him in the back of the head.

Like I told you before do some research before you make conflicting statements.

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Wow. Your stupidity knows no bounds. Go back to the Miami-FAU fight and you will see that Pata was actually not involved with the fight he was holding his own players back from coming off the sideline. Just to clear it up he was outside of his apartment building when a coward shot him in the back of the head.

Like I told you before do some research before you make conflicting statements.



Wow, okay, i don't think you are getting it. Listen closely, because the more i am saying this, the more it is killing me, and this is the final time i will say it.


My last post was not saying that those two situations were exactly about the case, they were metaphoric situations that discuss the meaning behind Pata's actions the night he died. I was not saying he was outside a church or a strip club.


So don't come at me with this whole thing that i don't do any research, okay? I use a lot of metaphors and i think it is about time that you realize that.


In terms of not doing research, i went onto his myspace page and checked it out so let's just take it easy here.

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Wow, okay, i don't think you are getting it. Listen closely, because the more i am saying this, the more it is killing me, and this is the final time i will say it.


My last post was not saying that those two situations were exactly about the case, they were metaphoric situations that discuss the meaning behind Pata's actions the night he died. I was not saying he was outside a church or a strip club.


So don't come at me with this whole thing that i don't do any research, okay? I use a lot of metaphors and i think it is about time that you realize that.


In terms of not doing research, i went onto his myspace page and checked it out so let's just take it easy here.



If your doing your research on myspace your either 13 and should have parental supervision while on the computer or need to do some real research.

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