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I have and I have worked retail on a black friday...you have to prepare yourself for the madness and get in that state of mind then sit back and watch the human interaction...it is quite fun


  LSI Cadets said:
You think a 17 year old guy like me, enjoys shopping (unless it's quick shopping or for video games).  I hate shopping, but I never experienced it on "Black Friday".


Have you?



No, because I have worked on black friday for about 10 years now. You think it's bad for the customers? Try being one of the retail workers who have to deal with pissed off customers when a hot sale item sells out before the customers get there.


I am now out of retail and i'm looking forward to being as far away from stores as possible this year.


I have, I like the rush you get, but I won't camp out overnight to get anything.


Several years ago I went to BB here in Syracuse. It's in a mall, so people had been camped out for several hours, maybe even overnight. But since it's in a Mall, there are two directions to get into the front door. And the line snaked all over the place. So as soon as the doors opened, everyone just scattered towards the doors, rather than keep in line. Basically, if I had stayed in line, it would have taken easily 15 minutes to get in. Instead, it only took 3. Grabbed the two items I wanted, got checked out, all in less than 10 minutes. Then went to CompUSA, same mall, but opening an hour later. Smaller crowd, I was about 15th in line, got the one item I was after, and went to my truck to leave. Seeing the line of cars waiting to get in and circling the parking lot, decided to drop my items off and go do some more shopping for non-BF items. The fun part was after I got each item, I'd go put it in my truck, then go back in. Each time someone would see me come out, they'd follow me to my vehicle, then act all pissed off when I'd turn around and go back in. I got all my shopping done that day by noon. Worst line for checkout was when I went back into BB. It wrapped around the store. I was near the end when an employee said that they could take people paying by CC in the TV department. So I, along with 10 other people went over there. Well, we ended up waiting 1/2 hour to be checked out because the employee back there was helping someone out that left their BB credit card home. So you've got the employee trying to call their CC company and get her number, you've got the customer trying to reach someone at home to get her number, and all of us fuming because we wanted to get checked out. People, remember your CC's if you plan on using them! We figured, but they wouldn't do it, was give her a raincheck for the TV she wanted at the BF price, so she could run home and get her card, and come back later, but BB did not want to do that for some reason.


I am not sure how it is in all retail, but I have worked in music reatail (either full or part time) for about 20 years. In music retail, the Saturday before Christmas is always the busiest day of the year, not "black Friday". It seems to me, "Black Friday" is a myth, to a degree, perpetuated to make people think they will be missing out on great deals if they wait to late to shop. True, if you wait to long, there is a good chance stores will be out of what you want, but you might actually spend less money.

  buftex said:
I am not sure how it is in all retail, but I have worked in music reatail (either full or part time) for about 20 years.  In music retail, the Saturday before Christmas is always the busiest day of the year, not "black Friday".  It seems to me, "Black Friday" is a myth, to a degree, perpetuated to make people think they will be missing out on great deals if they wait to late to shop.  True, if you wait to long, there is a good chance stores will be out of what you want, but you might actually spend less money.


of course you spend less money.....if you wait they won't have what you want


black friday......just a big sale to get a profit for the stores......to get them in the black

  crackur said:
of course you spend less money.....if you wait they won't have what you want


black friday......just a big sale to get a profit for the stores......to get them in the black


Zactly, it is the day when historically retailers went from being in the red to being in the black. Probably not so true today, but still a huge day for retailers.


Only once. Went to Comp USA to get a great package deal on a PS2. Actually wasn't too bad. 15 minutes in line at 7am.


Never would I try for one of the hot ticket items at a more popular store like Best Buy or Wal-Mart. Not worth the savings to me.


I experience form a whole differant perspective. Before Kids, was an all dayer at the OTB as wifey poo, mother in law, and sister all went shopping. AWESOME!!!


After Kids, they still go shopping, but for the last 4 years, I get the kids all day. That includes my sisters, so 4 ankle biters all total.


Now , Balck Friday SUCK in my mind

  kegtapr said:
Only once. Went to Comp USA to get a great package deal on a PS2. Actually wasn't too bad. 15 minutes in line at 7am.


Never would I try for one of the hot ticket items at a more popular store like Best Buy or Wal-Mart. Not worth the savings to me.



15 minute line at 7 in the morning. Can't imagine what I would be like around 2pm.

  taterhill said:
I would rather stab myself in the face



what a coincidence - I would rather stab you in the face too! <_<:lol:

  SDS said:
what a coincidence - I would rather stab you in the face too!  <_<  :lol:


SDS did it in the kitchen with the knife :lol:

  LSI Cadets said:
You think a 17 year old guy like me, enjoys shopping (unless it's quick shopping or for video games).  I hate shopping, but I never experienced it on "Black Friday".


Have you?



Had a g/f that dragged me out on Black Friday. Dude all I can say, unless you are getting laid or some other form of copulatious gratification for it...stay home and order stuff online.


You will never get me around any retail store or mall that whole Thanksgiving weekend.......


I pity anyone who has to work that weekend as a cashier at say...Wal-Mart or Target. That will be the worst job in the world.


I love watching the news clips seeing people rush in the door at 5am to trample and injure all for some cheap inferior DVR going for 30.00.


What has society come to?


They recently had a Peebles store open out where I live and they were giving away free tote bags to the first 150 people in the door. Well you would think there was a mass shortage of tote bags.....someone told me they opened the door at 9am and by 9:04 all 150 were gone...how laughable was that?

  bbb said:
I don't get why it's called Black Friday?  The stores don't want to be busy??


You would get it if you worked in retail

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