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Member of liberal media passes

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Ed Bradley died today.

....and the Mighty Macaca will have a concession speech at 3pm so set your tivos for that one. I'm just hoping for one last "Macaca Moment" before he fades into the oblivion he so richly deserves. What a confederetro jackass!


Your right, he is much worse then the woman hating pedophile. :P

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....and the Mighty Macaca will have a concession speech at 3pm so set your tivos for that one. I'm just hoping for one last "Macaca Moment" before he fades into the oblivion he so richly deserves. What a confederetro jackass!


not that i would agee with it, but i would laugh for days if he went out in a classic Mel Gibson rant! :P:lol:

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Macaca is introduced by Warner, steps up to the podium and launches a football at some plant in the audience and then goes on to say "I thank God" (*groan*), launches into your basic concession before beating a hasty retreat.



No Macaca moments. *sigh*

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Over 2 million votes were cast and he lost by a few thousand.  That's nothing to be ashamed of.


(On the other hand, what the Republicans and Democrats actually do when they're in power IS something to be ashamed of.)


Pretty embarassing to the state of Virginia, though!

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