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UB’s own Wolf Blitzer on CNN


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That's real non-partisan journalism Wolf. He kept on rooting for the Dems all night and this is the MSM agenda and it shows.


Why can't these people just report the news any more?

Where is all the voter fraud charges that would have appeared if the GOP won?


All in all, the Dems will look like the idiots they are for the next two years and set-up a new a fresh Republican run the Presidency and the house. This will re-energize the GOP base and propel them to victory in '08.

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That's real non-partisan journalism Wolf.  He kept on rooting for the Dems all night and this is the MSM agenda and it shows. 


Why can't these people just report the news any more?

Where is all the voter fraud charges that would have appeared if the GOP won?


All in all, the Dems will look like the idiots they are for the next two years and set-up a new a fresh Republican run the Presidency and the house.  This will re-energize the GOP base and propel them to victory in '08.






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That's as completely !@#$ing stupid as when someone on the right trots out "Well, Clinton did it too!"



Leave VA alone you big meanie. The last two days have been rough on him and it's going to get worse if Allen does concede this afternoon.

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The TV reporters' celebrations the last couple days make Chad Johnson's celebrations look subtle.


They just watched the American people rebuke an administration by handing control of two houses of congress to the opposite party, watched the Dems gain control of both houses of the state legislature in 23 states, 15 of which also have Dem governors, watched the Dems gain 6 new governorships for a total of 28, and watched the Dems make inroads in states like Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, and Texas to name just a few.


That was pretty historic from a news point of view. Should they have moped around?

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They just watched the American people rebuke an administration by handing control of two houses of congress to the opposite party, watched the Dems gain control of both houses of the state legislature in 23 states, 15 of which also have Dem governors, watched the Dems gain 6 new governorships for a total of 28, and watched the Dems make inroads in states like Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, and Texas to name just a few.


That was pretty historic from a news point of view. 




Maybe you should make this your sig line, this way we dont have to read it 300 more times till next election. :lol::P

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They just watched the American people rebuke an administration by handing control of two houses of congress to the opposite party, watched the Dems gain control of both houses of the state legislature in 23 states, 15 of which also have Dem governors, watched the Dems gain 6 new governorships for a total of 28, and watched the Dems make inroads in states like Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, and Texas to name just a few.


That was pretty historic from a news point of view.  Should they have moped around?


1. It's not even that historic. It's common for an opposing party to make big gains during the sixth year of the other party's time in the White House.


2. Did I say they should mope? No, but this is !@#$ing political news. They're acting like the home team just won the Super Bowl. "WE won"? That's pathetic "reporting" by any standard.

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That's real non-partisan journalism Wolf.  He kept on rooting for the Dems all night and this is the MSM agenda and it shows. 


Why can't these people just report the news any more?

Where is all the voter fraud charges that would have appeared if the GOP won?


All in all, the Dems will look like the idiots they are for the next two years and set-up a new a fresh Republican run the Presidency and the house.  This will re-energize the GOP base and propel them to victory in '08.


At which time they'll increase our military commitments even further beyond capacity, spend like drunken sailors, and continue their ever more scandalous behaviour.


Go America! Keep voting for losers!

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