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Ooooh ooooh oooh


A blog and Olberman. :rolleyes:


Kind of ironic that you mention blogs and Olberman in regards to something that finished third


Since I consider blogs and Olberman to rhyme with something that sounds like "third"

Merely pointing out that there are sources - however credible or incredible - that challenge Joey Balls' claim.

Doesn't it have to be entertaining for that to work?



No, it has to be the people that it attracts and how the show is aired.

I think the Weather Channel draws more viewers (It's next to MSNBC where I live).


So when The Weather Channel predicts a high of 75, is that the temperature in Fahrenheiit or the number of MSNBC viiewers

There is a bigger line for couples waiting to adopt than there are abortions in the country.

Got a source for that or are you just another zealot with an agenda? According to the CDC there were over 36 MILLION abortions performed between 1973 and 2004. There are between 5 and 10 times more abortions performed than adoptions ANNUALLY and the adoption institute reports that their numbers are DECLINING. There are nearly 600,000 children currently in foster care.


Orphans aren't new-borns and you're insane if you pretend that some kids are orphaned after their parents went wacko and their lives are ruined by bad examples is the same as adopting a new-born.

Oh, because you and the rest of the zealots would be able to put a system in place to move over 1,000,000 kids annually, when you already ignore the fact that our education system, hospitals, and inept government (they can't move body armor, but they'd do great with unwanted kids) can't take care of the wanted kids we have now? No pie in the sky thinking there.

Lines for new-borns have no end. Kids who are orphaned many times has nothing to do with the parents not wanting the children, it's because the parents were misbehaving.

Really? No end? Add 1,000,000 a year to that line. I guarantee it'll have an end way sooner than you could comprehend. That says nothing of the fact that the government wouldn't hand over newborns anyway.

No comparison.


Mostly because you have no idea WTF you're talking about. Try looking at the big picture. Right now there are at least 130,000 kids between the ages of 2 and 10 waiting for someone to take them home.


But save the fuggin' unborn so we can add to the unwanted. Morons.

The one I really got a kick out of, however, was Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show, saying that he was relieved by the results of the election, because he now felt relieved of the responsibility of having to carry the ball for people who don't deserve it...what a complete, utter, piece of sh-- this guy is...my bold prediction for the next two years is that the swine loses his radio job...his buddy Laura Schlesinger is in hot water, for urging her conservative listnership, to jam the phone lines to the offices of their local Democratic headquarters...

I sometimes listen to Rush when I'm driving around. In the past, I've heard him defend various Rinos. You know how he does it? First, he acknowledges that an Olympia Snow or whomever is a Rino; and then he says, "but the most important vote this person will ever cast is for which party should control Congress." That's the only example of Rush "carrying the water" for these people which I've heard.

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