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The Right was Right about the Left.

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Stop crying and just accept the fact that your precious party got their asses handed to them yesterday.


Whoo hoo! The Democrats finally shut up long enough not to lose a gift election. It only took 8 years.


The cool part is, they'll get nothing done and in 2 years it'll likely tighten even further.

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Personally, I question all this "I vote for both parties" stuff.  I don't how that is possible.  Unless a certain candidate is truly unworthy of office - I don't see how one could possibly reconcile switching support between competing agendas and everything that goes with it (control of the legislative agenda, chairmanships, judges, etc...).  In general, Dems vote w/ their party once elected and likewise for Republicans.


Regardless of what candidate "X" says to get my vote - if you disagree with the party platform - a vote for that candidate is a vote for that platform.


Well, I'm a Democrat but if the Presidential election were Hillary vs Rudy G I'd take Rudy. He is a really good man and has a proven track record at many levels of getting things done. Of course he would never survive a southern primary, the road to the GOP nomination goes through the South

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Now that the election is behind us, and the Democrats control one or possibly both houses of Congress, there's no reason not to admit it: the right was right about us all along. Here is our 25-point manifesto for the new Congress:


1. Mandatory homosexuality--this should be brought to the attention of Vatican City not San Fran.  Only they force celibacy on its members.  Perverted to the core.


2. Drug-filled condoms in schools--lazy parents want the schools to raise their kids.


3. Introduce the new Destruction of Marriage Act--married men with wandering eyes are to blame, not politics.  Adultery is a mortal crime. 


4. Border fence replaced with free shuttle buses--fences should be built on both borders, not one.  Muslims extremists didn't cross from Juarez if memory serves. 


5. Osama Bin Laden to be Secretary of State--he might find himself quicker than the current admin.


6. Withdraw from Iraq, apologize, reinstate Hussein--next time plan a little, it might help with results. 


7. Engpsh language banned from all Federal buildings--this is stupid.  If you want to live here learn the language. 


8. Math classes replaced by encounter groups--education is laughed at in this country.  Nobody likes nerds. 


9. All taxes to be tripled--for unpatriotic corporations who ship jobs overseas, definitely. 


10. All fortunes over $250,000 to be confiscated--you are not middle class if you make more. 


11. On-demand welfare--bring back jobs here and raise the minimum wage and you won't see this as a problem.  Literacy should be expected of everyone. 


12. Tofurkey to be named official Thanksgiving dish


13. Freeways to be removed, replaced with light rail systems--slight against our Japanese friends here?


14. Pledge of Allegiance in schools replaced with morning flag-burning--the pledge and prayer in school should be allowed, IMO.


15. Stem cells allowed to be harvested from any child under the age of 8--rules should be set forth so that we can use science to help the sick. 


16. Comatose people to be ground up and fed to poor--ignorant.


17. Quarterly mandatory abortion lottery--


18. God to be mocked roundly--He is the moral law we should all follow. 


19. Dissolve Executive Branch: reassign responsibipties to UN


20. Jane Fonda to be appointed Secretary of Appeasement--haha


21. Outlaw all firearms: previous owners assigned to anger management therapy--it's sad how this government has taken away personal liberties.  It certainly won't be the last, however. 


22. Texas returned to Mexico--they don't speak English. 


23. Ban Christmas: replace with Celebrate our Monkey Ancestors Day--


24. Carter added to Mount Rushmore--do we blame Bush for 9/11?  NO!  We, as cheap ass Americans don't want to relinquish our dependence on foreign oil.  We need to bite the bullet now so our kids and grandkids have a safer and much more self-sufficient America. 


25. Modify USA's motto to "Land of the French and the home of the brave"--Land of the Indian/Hindu would be more appropriate. 


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You slam against celibacy by the Vatican unlines your vast ignorance the rate of destroying innocence in youth by homosexuals is higher in public schools, rabbis, and protestant ministers.


Start your crusade against teachers first, then we'll talk. Celibacy does not create homosexuality. That's not only fallacious, but stupid. You might want to learn what an ad hoc fallacy is.

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Now that the election is behind us, and the Democrats control one or possibly both houses of Congress, there's no reason not to admit it: the right was right about us all along. Here is our 25-point manifesto for the new Congress:


1. Mandatory homosexuality


Wait wait wait, that hasn't started yet??? I thought that happened like 18 months ago! Oh man...... :doh:

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Whoo hoo!  The Democrats finally shut up long enough not to lose a gift election.  It only took 8 years.


The cool part is, they'll get nothing done and in 2 years it'll likely tighten even further.



Settle down there sparky. I never said the dems were my party. I was on a taunting VA run there. :doh:

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