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Can you please provide real evidence of the facts you stated?  Just asking.  I assume you have witnessed thousands of women who have terminated a pregnancy since you stated you have seen first hand the psychological trauma caused by abortions.



Your question is like knocking on the door to truth and running away when it opens. Here, don't take my word for it, take THE leading abortionist in this country in the 60's and 70's. He has committed 75,000 abortions so that qualifies him as an expert:


Dr. Bernard Nathanson



If you deny his stance you are not being rational. How about Joan Appleton's credentials as a RN who performed thousands of abortions and struggled with suicide herself? Her story is AMAZING and her story about committing an abortion using ultra-sound (something that usually traumatizes doctors because they see themselves killing the baby)


This is her quote about what she saw during an abortion personally after doing hundreds of them:

I saw the baby pull away. I saw the baby open his mouth. I had seen Silent Scream a number of times, but it didn't effect me. To me it was just more pro-life propaganda. But I couldn't deny what I saw on the screen. After that procedure I was shaking, literally, but managed to pull it together and continue on with the day.


And the group for physicians, nurses, paramedical personnel, technicians, receptionists, and security personnel who become suicidal after being part in abortions called the Society of the Centurions in MN who take in thousands of industry murderers because their conscience is causing them to become deeply depressed and suicidal? What can they know?


Oh, that's right, you who have such limited knowledge working with that industry of infanticide can tell me who am I, when I have a slew of doctors and nurses who are on record admitting the wickedness of abortion.

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Your question is like knocking on the door to truth and running away when it opens. Here, don't take my word for it, take THE leading abortionist in this country in the 60's and 70's. He has committed 75,000 abortions so that qualifies him as an expert:


Dr. Bernard Nathanson



If you deny his stance you are not being rational. How about Joan Appleton's credentials as a RN who performed thousands of abortions and struggled with suicide herself? Her story is AMAZING and her story about committing an abortion using ultra-sound (something that usually traumatizes doctors because they see themselves killing the baby)


This is her quote about what she saw during an abortion personally after doing hundreds of them:

And the group for physicians, nurses, paramedical personnel, technicians, receptionists, and security personnel who become suicidal after being part in abortions called the Society of the Centurions in MN who take in thousands of industry murderers because their conscience is causing them to become deeply depressed and suicidal? What can they know?


Oh, that's right, you who have such limited knowledge working with that industry of infanticide can tell me who am I, when I have a slew of doctors and nurses who are on record admitting the wickedness of abortion.


Yawn, next -- You stated, "The vast majority of women suffer from incredible psychological trauma after an abortion. I should know, I've seen it first-hand and it's very sad."


How many abortions have you personally performed?


More importantly, are you willing to adopt an unwanted child to save it from being aborted?

I just don't believe that.  Your life was brought into being by the cooperation of two people.  God doesn't fertilize an egg, God doesn't take women by force and FORCE a CHILD onto someone's life who is unwilling.  How is it fair to FORCE a woman to have a child out of rape or incest, to force even more trauma on a woman and completely change the direction of their life by either making her give up a child (not as easy a decision as it's made out to be) or to raise it -- an investment of more than 20 years?  I'm sorry.  It's completely unethical.


I'm not saying those are always the wrong options.  But I believe in the choice.  And I definitely don't believe it's the domain of men to decide this for women.  Ask yourself, would you force any woman in your family to have a child that was forced upon them?  Anyone you love?


There are too many children right now who aren't being given the best life can offer them.  I'm in no rush to put even more of them out there.



You keep saying FORCED, yet you don't go to the next question: How is it fair that someone is FORCED to die?


Oh, here is some evidence on the mental health of women who have abortions to show abortions cause more harm to the women than people think. This comes from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health:



How about the connection that women who have abortions have a tremendously higher rate of breast cancer?




Who wins in an abortion? Certainly not the women who has them, and certainly not the child.

Yawn, next -- You stated, "The vast majority of women suffer from incredible psychological trauma after an abortion. I should know, I've seen it first-hand and it's very sad." 



I've seen it too, in every woman I know who's had an abortion.


But - and here's the really salient point here - I don't think it's my job or the governments to protect people from the psychological trauma of their own choices.

I've seen it too, in every woman I know who's had an abortion.


But - and here's the really salient point here - I don't think it's my job or the governments to protect people from the psychological trauma of their own choices.



I've seen it too, in every woman I know who's had an abortion.


But - and here's the really salient point here - I don't think it's my job or the governments to protect people from the psychological trauma of their own choices.


I thought the Constitution had that part about how no one should ever feel bad. Hmmmm.... :doh:

Who wins in an abortion? Certainly not the women who has them, and certainly not the child.


I'm not calling anybody a "winner" in the situation. But particularly in the case of rape or incest, there are no winners, except for the rapist in the world you advocate


I'm looking for a situation in which people at least have the choice to direct their lives as they see fit. Obviously, our perception of where life begins is different and this is paramount.


I think it's misguided to believe that God is directing an action of violence against a woman, and that she has no say in the matter.


Again, your solution for all the unwanted, neglected, uncared for children in this world? Live in reality.

I thought the Constitution had that part about how no one should ever feel bad.  Hmmmm.... :doh:



It's falls under the umbrella of the government's role being to prtotect us...

I've seen it too, in every woman I know who's had an abortion.


But - and here's the really salient point here - I don't think it's my job or the governments to protect people from the psychological trauma of their own choices.


First, I don’t necessarily condone abortion but I fully support a women’s right to choose. I too have known several women who've had an abortion -- And I can't say with 100% certainty that they suffered psychological trauma as a result of their action – Yet I have known many woman who suffered from severe post-partum depression.

Again, your solution for all the unwanted, neglected, uncared for children in this world?  Live in reality.



It's conservative social policy: life begins at conception and ends at birth.

You keep saying FORCED, yet you don't go to the next question: How is it fair that someone is FORCED to die?


Oh, here is some evidence on the mental health of women who have abortions to show abortions cause more harm to the women than people think. This comes from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health:



How about the connection that women who have abortions have a tremendously higher rate of breast cancer?




Who wins in an abortion? Certainly not the women who has them, and certainly not the child.



Once again, it all falls on your definition of when life starts. No one should have a baby forced on them. And i find it hard to see the equivalent between someone who hacks apart another human and someone who has a clump of cells removed form them after a rape.


Also, your link between abortions and breast cancer? complete and utter bull sh--.

First, I don’t necessarily condone abortion but I fully support a women’s right to choose.    I too have known several women who've had an abortion -- And I can't say with 100% certainty that they suffered psychological trauma as a result of their action – Yet I have known many woman who suffered from severe post-partum depression.



"Post-partum" as in post-abortion? (I ask because, while I'm not saying you're misusing the term, "post-partum" in common usage means "post-birth"...I just want to make sure I'm clear on what you mean.) I would actually consider that a form of psychological trauma.


But it brings up an interesting point...post-partum depression does usually mean "post-birth". Clearly, the birthing process causes many women psychological trauma. Maybe the government should just ban pregnancy completely...

Also, your link between abortions and breast cancer? complete and utter bull sh--.



I was going to say...but I've only read printed studies, none on the internet, so it's obviously not credible science... :doh:

I was going to say...but I've only read printed studies, none on the internet, so it's obviously not credible science...  :doh:



That article screams of holcombs arm logic.


Lets see...


pregnancy causes change in hormone levels

an abortion will subsequently cause changes in hormone levels

hormones may have an effect on breat cancer


AHA! abortions cause breast cancer!


what a crock of sh--. :doh:

"Post-partum" as in post-abortion?  (I ask because, while I'm not saying you're misusing the term, "post-partum" in common usage means "post-birth"...I just want to make sure I'm clear on what you mean.)  I would actually consider that a form of psychological trauma.


But it brings up an interesting point...post-partum depression does usually mean "post-birth".  Clearly, the birthing process causes many women psychological trauma.  Maybe the government should just ban pregnancy completely...


My bad ---- Post-partum as in "post birth." I too would consider that a form of psychological trauma. There is no conclusive evidence that I am aware of that a woman suffers more from aborting then she does birthing.

That article screams of holcombs arm logic.


Lets see...


pregnancy causes change in hormone levels

an abortion will subsequently cause changes in hormone levels

hormones may have an effect on breat cancer


AHA! abortions cause breast cancer!


what a crock of sh--.  :doh:



More like Monty Python's Flying Circus. "If she weighs as much as a duck...she'll float...so she's a witch!"


You know...I'd honestly thought that everyone in the world had heard by now that the abortion-breast cancer myth had been thoroughly debunked. I forgot about people's infinite capacity to ignore what's inconvenient to them.

My bad ---- Post-partum as in "post birth."  I too would consider that a form of psychological trauma.  There is no conclusive evidence that I am aware of that a woman suffers more from aborting then she does birthing.



No bad at all...literally, post-partum could apply to either. I just wanted to make sure I completely understood you.


I know of no conclusive evidence either. All I'm going on is my own personal anecdotal evidence...which I'm more than willing to generalize, but not without the caveat that it is personal anecdotal evidence. It would be an interesting and useful study for someone to perform, though...

Well, the obvious solution to that is to ban prenatal care. If the birth defect had never been identified, the abortion never would have needed to be performed...



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