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Someone from the U shot and killed


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I would say that when you draw talent from thugish areas you are going to get thugs mixed up with thugish realtions, thus performing thugish actions.



You mean like the punter from Northern Colorado who stabbed the other punter.


Bunch of thugs up there in mountain country. ;)

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You could argue that the whole reason why the U finds it acceptable to do this is because of the culture of the area around the campus.


I don't think that its a stretch to say that either.  People that give money to Miami will tolerate that type of garbage, much moreso then other schools, so they can get away with it in order to attempt to win.



I would tend to agree. But to completely write off the idea of an individual being tied in with thugs committing thugish actions, is completely ludacris. To just blame it on the city itself is not doing justice to the whole matter.


What this is really about is a football program that was once respectable, being flushed down the toilet because of the recruitment of low character thugs that do not hep the city of Miami in the least bit.


To automatically say that this kid is innocent of anything is a crime in itself, and i apologize if people get upset by my playing of devil's advocate, but the fact of the matter is that the probability of this situation points to some sort of guilt on his part.

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You mean like the punter from Northern Colorado who stabbed the other punter.


Bunch of thugs up there in mountain country.  ;)



Cause when was the last time that there was a problem in Northern Colorado before this. Oh, that's right, probably when we were trying to fulfill manifest destiny and were engaged in conflict with Native Americans. This stuff at Miami is only one of many things to happen this season that should be raising eyebrows but people instead are taking the side of "oh that poor boy".


It's disgusting.

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My main point is that I am not ready to judge his character and write off his murder as another thug until I get more information.  Additionally, I am not going to act like the U seeks out all the violent athletes from across the nation.  A lot of the guys on the team are from Miami.  Maybe this has more to do with who they are than what school they go to.


Maybe Pata was a thug hanging out with other thugs as you suggest.  And just maybe this was because of the city he grew up in...



Okay, i got you on that one.


I am not saying that you should act as though the U seeks out the most violents athletes in the country, i think the question i am asking of you is to consider how much Coaker and those ass clowns want to win? Is it so much that they are willing to risk the life of one of the senior talents on the team so that they can struggle to make it to a bowl game?

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To automatically say that this kid is innocent of anything is a crime in itself, and i apologize if people get upset by my playing of devil's advocate, but the fact of the matter is that the probability of this situation points to some sort of guilt on his part.


You are probably right...however "innocent until proven guilty" is still a pretty important idea in my mind. Especially when talking about someone who just died...


But no harm in playing devil's advocate.

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I would tend to agree. But to completely write off the idea of an individual being tied in with thugs committing thugish actions, is completely ludacris. To just blame it on the city itself is not doing justice to the whole matter.


What this is really about is a football program that was once respectable, being flushed down the toilet because of the recruitment of low character thugs that do not hep the city of Miami in the least bit.


To automatically say that this kid is innocent of anything is a crime in itself, and i apologize if people get upset by my playing of devil's advocate, but the fact of the matter is that the probability of this situation points to some sort of guilt on his part.



Oh don't get me wrong, I think that its definitely on the people that committed the crime.


UM is acceptant of this sh-- cause of the city they are in though. They continue to get money from people, and feel this is their best way to win.

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Okay, i got you on that one.


I am not saying that you should act as though the U seeks out the most violents athletes in the country, i think the question i am asking of you is to consider how much Coaker and those ass clowns want to win? Is it so much that they are willing to risk the life of one of the senior talents on the team so that they can struggle to make it to a bowl game?


I think Coker is really insignificant in the bigger picture. The culture of the U has been more or less the way it is now for awhile. It wasn't Coker or Butch Davis that started it, they just kept it going. And I honestly think Coker has tried to tone it down, but I don't think he has a whole lot of say as to what types of people the school recruits. That check was signed a long time ago. But if things keep going downhill and, more importantly, if the team stops winning, there will be some changes.

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I think Coker is really insignificant in the bigger picture.  The culture of the U has been more or less the way it is now for awhile.  It wasn't Coker or Butch Davis that started it, they just kept it going.  And I honestly think Coker has tried to tone it down, but I don't think he has a whole lot of say as to what types of people the school recruits.  That check was signed a long time ago.  But if things keep going downhill and, more importantly, if the team stops winning, there will be some changes.



Losing games and having brawls are something totally different from having players being murdered by whoever may have done it, whether any guilt is or should be taken by the deceased or not. Coaker or Coker, however it is spelled, has a larger hand in the recruitment of players than you think i believe, and he is going to be gone at the end of the season.

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Losing games and having brawls are something totally different from having players being murdered by whoever may have done it, whether any guilt is or should be taken by the deceased or not. Coaker or Coker, however it is spelled, has a larger hand in the recruitment of players than you think i believe, and he is going to be gone at the end of the season.



The irony is that you are the one with the avatar that has the gun locked and loaded. ;)

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I had nothing bad to say about Bryan Pata. Again, RIP kid... It's just unfortunate that this shooting had to be tied to the university of miami football team, thus strengthening its negative image. Yes, there's be more benefit of the doubt thrown Pata's way had he been a [insert midwest D-III school here] student, but that's not due to Pata's legacy, that's the legacy of the college he attended. I hope that whomever ended Pata's life is brought to justice. Again, i did not mean any disrespect to Pata, and quite frankly, that's all that matters.

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Maybe if this was the first implication of thugism on that team people may have more sympathy. But the fact of the matter is that this is not the first case, Coaker has run the program into the ground, and mainly is recruiting thugs to fill out his roster.


I have sympathy for the kid, but chances are he was not completely innocent in this matter.



Maybe if you knew how to spell the coaches name your post about the program would have a little more credence. Who shot Pata? Do you know? If someone shoots a member of your family does that make your family member a thug?

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3. One of the best points made in this thread was that the city of Miami has a lot to do with this, probably much more so than the school's reputation.




The U is in Coral Gables, about as much as Ralph Wilson Stadium is in Buffalo. Again, someone talking out of their @ss

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Maybe if you knew how to spell the coaches name your post about the program would have a little more credence.  Who shot Pata? Do you know?  If someone shoots a member of your family does that make your family member a thug?



My bad d-nozzle, i thought that it was a name close to Coakley or something along those lines. I don't think it really kills my credibility for my post, so go back to bed, get laid, do something besides come on this board at 7:30 in the morning and nitpick about stupid sh-- that you think destroys credibility.

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My bad d-nozzle, i thought that it was a name close to Coakley or something along those lines. I don't think it really kills my credibility for my post, so go back to bed, get laid, do something besides come on this board at 7:30 in the morning and nitpick about stupid sh-- that you think destroys credibility.




Oh, so it's not if you're right or wrong, it's HOW right or wrong you are.


I'll wait to you leave for work to go to bed and get laid.

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The U is in Coral Gables, about as much as Ralph Wilson Stadium is in Buffalo.  Again, someone talking out of their @ss


What is your point? That some nice resident from Coral Gables shot Pata? Or maybe that Coral Gables is too far away from the city that anybody could possibly get there?

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