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Only in America

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In the computer age in the greatest democracy ( lets not argue this point) and we cant even get a system in place that we can ensure votes are counted and registered properly with full auditting capability. What message do we send to rest of world when each election we are faced with issues of aledged fraud, parties intimidating members of others as well as people calling folks and telling them they cant vote or voting place has changed and it hasnt. Id like to see somepone fix the damn system instead of sitting around slinging garbage at each other.

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In the computer age in the greatest democracy ( lets not argue this point) and we cant even get a system in place that we can ensure votes are counted and registered properly with full auditting capability.  What message do we send to rest of world when each election we are faced with issues of aledged fraud, parties intimidating members of others as well as people calling folks and telling them they cant vote or voting place has changed and it hasnt.  Id like to see somepone fix the damn system instead of sitting around slinging garbage at each other.



As if elections in other parts of the world are completely bereft of difficulty....intentional or accidental?


Give us a break.

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