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Yet More Evidence That Buffalo....


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Its because there is no controversy. Sure fans can whine and B word, like you, but at OBD, Losman is the clear cut starter.




So, then, why did he mention Mark Brunell?

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Not that huge a difference.  Really, it's not.


As Rico said, the controversy starts after this year if JP doesn't start producing at a higher level than he has been.  Of course, in many ways, the worst outcome for the team will be if he continues playing at a mediocre level like he has been.  We really need him to either turn it on or tank it.



Not a huge difference in the sense that they have played in the same number of games. But you were wondering why he was being left out of the conversation and it is because he wasn't from that class.

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Oh, so when JP plays well they'll show him in a positive light, bt right now he's playing like a turd, so they're speaking about him negatively. Damn those reporters!


Exactly for that's how they sell stories as they over hype and over react to keep drama going! And some fans get too caught up in what this reporter said or that. Perfect example: Mike Vick. He had 2 great games and a lot of his promoters came and out and said he has arrived and this is what we knew he could do all along. He has a bad game against the Lions now his naysayers start to say see it's the same old Vick and the past 2 games are an aberation! Same with Favre; he has bad game to start season against the Bears and all the he should retire comments by the media comes out. He plays well for a brief stretch against weak teams and protects the ball he is being hailed agin. Now after returning to his turnover prone days Sunday now it is why is Brett embarrassing himself out there. If I were a player, I would give a damn what a fan or sportswriter says about me for most are wishy washy to beign with!

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I think it is probably because even idiots in the media know that quarterbacks need playing time to develop - a fact that an endless train of people around here either decide to ignore or are too damn stupid to realize.

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Read any comment from Jauron - the Bills head coach, by the way. There is no controversy.


Jauron has stated repeatedly that he's sticking with JP. He's stated he had no thoughts of pulling him last week against the Packers. He's said over and over they need to be forcefully patient with JP. He's even gone so far as to say he thinks JP will be a good QB in this league. In addition, several players (most notably Lee Evans) have said on several occasions this year that they think JP gives the Bills the best chance and they're behind him.


So, regardless of what any fan says or any Bills beat reporter says, there is no QB controversy in Buffalo. JP is our starter and will remain our starter for the foreseeable future. I'd strongly suggest that if any one wants to see another qb play, they should just watch a different team.

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Perhaps because the only place there is a quarterback controversy is on TBD and no where in the actual bills organization?


I've supported JP all the way because I want to see him and this team succeed. He's just now getting to the point where it makes any sense to question whether or not he could be a good NFL starter, yet people have been running him down since day one.  The only time I've ever questioned whether or not he COULD be great (since I'm still holding on to that hope that he can) was last sunday when our passing game looked terrible and he underthrew Lee by at least 10 yards on that first long bomb that didn't connect but could have been a touchdown if JP had thrown it to him in stride. 


The point is, when JP is playing poorly, my first thought is "you gotta play better than that JP" not "put in Nall".  That's why there is no quarterback controversy.  Just my opinion.


I feel the exact same way, I've been patient and I've supported him 100% until watching that game, I'm starting to doubt what he can do.


I'm still behind him and I'm still cheering for him just as I was before, but I'm starting to get worried now.

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the rest of the team is so bad, that it makes the losman issue almost irrelevant. 


let me be clear, i have about run out of hope he'll be any good, but as i said elsewhere (sorry foxy harriet)he is just one of many bad players on this team.  yanking him will do NOTHING to improve this team.  not yanking him...well, at least then you know what you have to do when this year is over.


Preee-cisely. This isn't a playoff team no matter who's playing QB. Last year, MM decided he'd rather play Holcomb than try to develop Losman, and that got us all the way to 5-11. Woo-frickin'-hoo.


But while I understand the logic behind using this season as an extended training camp/player evaluation period, it doesn't make the games any easier to watch...

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lori, who's that dude in your avatar?


Josh? PAHS '97 (or maybe '98?). After working his way all the way up from single-A ball, he finally made the "big club", just in time to enjoy the Cards' wild ride. (And contribute to same, posting a 0.00 ERA in the playoffs.) His dad, Tom, works at the plant.


NLCS/Series was fuggin' nuts around here. (Never knew there were so many Redbirds fans in this neck of the woods. ;) ) Couple weeks ago, the R-A ran a full-page game photo from his Game 2 appearance on Page 1, and there are still "Go Josh!" signs up all over town.

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Read any comment from Jauron - the Bills head coach, by the way.  There is no controversy.


Jauron has stated repeatedly that he's sticking with JP.  He's stated he had no thoughts of pulling him last week against the Packers.



Sounds a lot like Joe Gibbs.... and Washington still got mentioned....

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I think it is probably because even idiots in the media know that quarterbacks need playing time to develop - a fact that an endless train of people around here either decide to ignore or are too damn stupid to realize.



The problem, todd, is that while there are some examples of a bad QB in his third year needing time to develop, there are also a lot examples of bad QB's in their third years who went on to become.... bad QB's.

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