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Anyone here from Nevada?

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I know the governor's race has turned on a possible sexual assault scandal, and Jimmy Carter's son is running for Senator.



But....the one initiative on the ballot that holds the interest of aging hippies and libertarians (aren't they the same thing?) is the medicinal herb to relief stress and tension bill. It failed a few years back, how's it look now?


We all know the drug war is a failure....don't we?

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But....the one initiative on the ballot that holds the interest of aging hippies and libertarians (aren't they the same thing?) is the medicinal herb to relief stress and tension bill. It failed a few years back, how's it look now?


No, aging hippies and libertarians are not the same thing...sorry. I'm not an aging hippie, but would define myself as more libertarian than just about anything else in political sense.


The core belief of libertarians is an advocacy for smaller, less instrusive government. And further from that vein, less taxes. Return more money to the people through a combination of spending cuts, tax cuts and reduction of the size AND scope of government. By scope, I mean a reduction of the items that the gov't is willing to address. No reason for the gov't to legislate "morality" as defined by the collective majority. Just as there is no reason for the gov't to tax and double tax just about everything we do to support its ever-bloated size.


Aging hippies are just aging hippies. Not that there is anything wrong with aging hippies.

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