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A Few Thoughts About The Game

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1) Is it even possible to punt a football 61 yards with so much hang time that it cannot be returned? I guess it is. Friggin Amazing.


2) I have watched enough football to know how dangerous it is to start multiple rookies up front, but Chris Villarial belongs on the bench.


3) I might have missed something, but I didn't see Jason Peters make any mistakes today at LT.


4) Sorry, but just about any qb in NFL history would have completed that 2nd qtr. pass to Evans for a TD.


5) Like him or not, Tripplet tipped 2 passes today and had constant pressure. In the first half, Schobel bordered on dominant. What a game for AS!


6) It would have been a dumb move in retrospect, but this is the first time that I can ever remember wanting a qb benched while his team was winning. THAT is how bad JP stunk the place up imo. My doubts about him are obviously becoming serious.


7) You really had to be happy for Anthony Thomas today.


8) Time to play "Bill from NYC is the GM of the Buffalo Bills." Here ya go......

"Excuse me London, you are hereby officially notified that you are being designated the Franchise Player of the 2007 Buffalo Bills Football Team. Have a nice day." OK, game over.


9) I tried, but it was tough to rate Pennington. Either way, I am glad he is getting a chance to see if he can play.


10) The win was ugly as sin, but it feels good.


GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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9) I tried, but it was tough to rate Pennington. Either way, I am glad he is getting a chance to see if he can play.


Before the game, I said to my brother that I had no idea how to fairly evaluate Pennington. A rookie 7th-rounder started halfway through his first year, with a washed-up veteran next to him - I'd be shocked if he didn't suck.

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2) I have watched enough football to know how dangerous it is to start multiple rookies up front, but Chris Villarial belongs on the bench.


Agreed. This man does not belong out there.


3) I might have missed something, but I didn't see Jason Peters make any mistakes today at LT.


It looked like he was having some trouble with the speed outside rush at the start of the game, but I didn't notice it later on.


4) Sorry, but just about any qb in NFL history would have completed that 2nd qtr. pass to Evans for a TD.


Badly underthrown. Too bad.


6) It would have been a dumb move in retrospect, but this is the first time that I can ever remember wanting a qb benched while his team was winning. THAT is how bad JP stunk the place up imo. My doubts about him are obviously becoming serious.


I was actually starting to have those thoughts myself as well.


7) You really had to be happy for Anthony Thomas today.


Player of the game (on offense, at least) if you ask me. He was a man out there.


9) I tried, but it was tough to rate Pennington. Either way, I am glad he is getting a chance to see if he can play.


It looked like he was having a tough time in the first half. Butler was playing RT at the end of the game, although I don't know when that happened. I did notice that almost every running play of ours was to the left.


10) The win was ugly as sin, but it feels good.


Damn straight.

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1) Is it even possible to punt a football 61 yards with so much hang time that it cannot be returned? I guess it is. Friggin Amazing.


2) I have watched enough football to know how dangerous it is to start multiple rookies up front, but Chris Villarial belongs on the bench.


3) I might have missed something, but I didn't see Jason Peters make any mistakes today at LT.


4) Sorry, but just about any qb in NFL history would have completed that 2nd qtr. pass to Evans for a TD.


5) Like him or not, Tripplet tipped 2 passes today and had constant pressure. In the first half, Schobel bordered on dominant. What a game for AS!


6) It would have been a dumb move in retrospect, but this is the first time that I can ever remember wanting a qb benched while his team was winning. THAT is how bad JP stunk the place up imo. My doubts about him are obviously becoming serious.


7) You really had to be happy for Anthony Thomas today.


8) Time to play "Bill from NYC is the GM of the Buffalo Bills." Here ya go......

"Excuse me London, you are hereby officially notified that you are being designated the Franchise Player of the 2007 Buffalo Bills Football Team. Have a nice day." OK, game over.


9) I tried, but it was tough to rate Pennington. Either way, I am glad he is getting a chance to see if he can play.


10) The win was ugly as sin, but it feels good.


GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1. I know. Moorman was just obscene out there.


2. I am with you brother. There were too many times CV didn't seal the backend on the zone blocking and other stuff. My initial thought/hope is when Tutan is healthy again, they will place him in at RG and bench CV. TR has experience and is more athletic.


3. 1 False start that I can recall, but overall, I thought he did a good job.


4. Disagree with you here. No way KH could have thrown the ball > 5 yards <_<


5. Yeah, I am with you. Defense came up big when it counted.


6. I am not for benching him. He was not having a good day by any stretch, but I would rather him stay in there and work through it. Finally hitting Lee in the 4th was good for the whole team's morale. More importantly (to me anyway) is that JP didn't turn the ball over. Since we're in rebuilding mode, I would rather take our lumps with him and hope he learns as he goes along.


7. Exactly. He ran hard and I am glad he got that TD and that 1st down to end the game!


8. It'll be interesting to see what happens with London at the end of the season. Part of me would be hesistant to re-signing him to a long term deal because of age and wear. But he's still a damn good player. We will definitely miss him if he goes.


9. Same here. Give the kid some experience.


10. Oh yeah. Too bad the folks here inflicted with a permanent case of sandy v*gina can't sit back and enjoy the victory.

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You need DirecTV Bro. Oh, and please don't talk to me about money, whereas you prrobably have more of it than any poster on this board.  <_<



I wish I had more money than anyone on the board! lol I think KazooMike has that distinction as of today <_<

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Before the game, I said to my brother that I had no idea how to fairly evaluate Pennington.  A rookie 7th-rounder started halfway through his first year, with a washed-up veteran next to him - I'd be shocked if he didn't suck.



What I'm looking for in draft is RG or RT/G number 1 or 2, depending on how Pennington finishes.


I agree CV is washed up; probably was when he came to the Bills with TD's rep as a trash collector.

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4) Sorry, but just about any qb in NFL history would have completed that 2nd qtr. pass to Evans for a TD.



You forgot to add, "and any WR in the NFL would have caught the ball anyway." It was a horrible throw but it would have been good for roughly 30 yards and a 1st down had Evans held onto it.

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You forgot to add, "and any WR in the NFL would have caught the ball anyway."  It was a horrible throw but it would have been good for roughly 30 yards and a 1st down had Evans held onto it.



Sorry, I respectfully disagree.

Evans was alone, and JP gave the db time to recover. JP has all the arm strength to make that pass. It was a train wreck of a throw.

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Sorry, I respectfully disagree.

Evans was alone, and JP gave the db time to recover. JP has all the arm strength to make that pass. It was a train wreck of a throw.



It was a bad throw but the ball hit Evans right in both hands and the DB never touched the ball. You don't expect a WR to catch a ball that hits both of his hands?

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1) Is it even possible to punt a football 61 yards with so much hang time that it cannot be returned? I guess it is. Friggin Amazing.


2) I have watched enough football to know how dangerous it is to start multiple rookies up front, but Chris Villarial belongs on the bench.


3) I might have missed something, but I didn't see Jason Peters make any mistakes today at LT.


4) Sorry, but just about any qb in NFL history would have completed that 2nd qtr. pass to Evans for a TD.


5) Like him or not, Tripplet tipped 2 passes today and had constant pressure. In the first half, Schobel bordered on dominant. What a game for AS!


6) It would have been a dumb move in retrospect, but this is the first time that I can ever remember wanting a qb benched while his team was winning. THAT is how bad JP stunk the place up imo. My doubts about him are obviously becoming serious.


7) You really had to be happy for Anthony Thomas today.


8) Time to play "Bill from NYC is the GM of the Buffalo Bills." Here ya go......

"Excuse me London, you are hereby officially notified that you are being designated the Franchise Player of the 2007 Buffalo Bills Football Team. Have a nice day." OK, game over.


9) I tried, but it was tough to rate Pennington. Either way, I am glad he is getting a chance to see if he can play.


10) The win was ugly as sin, but it feels good.


GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We stink...GB stinks..we have a bleak future..Favre is a supertalented mistake machine.......Have a nice day!!!

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It was a bad throw but the ball hit Evans right in both hands and the DB never touched the ball.  You don't expect a WR to catch a ball that hits both of his hands?



Maybe so, but easier said than done. He had to come to a virtual stop to make a play on the ball, and he was open by perhaps 7 or 8 yards. He was standing there waiting to get crushed.

If JP would have put the ball even halfway on the money in terms of hitting him in stride, Evans would still be running untouched as we speak. <_<

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I agree with most of what you said, but I wasn't all that impressed with Peters in passing downs. I thought he did a very good job opening up holes for runs, but KGB absolutely abused him early on. He settled down later, but it was an up and down performance in my opinion. He will get better as he gets more comfortable.

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2) I have watched enough football to know how dangerous it is to start multiple rookies up front, but Chris Villarial belongs on the bench.





Is there a more over-rated/over-paid OG in the NFL? I think not...This Guy got old fast and he looks 100% done to me... <_<

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1) I expected to see this and today I did. Someone made an "Off" "Fence" sign like in those Man Laws commercials. It was in Section 138


2) I don't know exactly what they were doing, but in section 240 (Rockpile) it looked like some youg'ins were hitting each other with cream pies when the Bills scored.


3) Two and a half years of being in the Van Miller Club, and today was the first time I've seen anyone ejected because of their behavior. I didn't catch what they did, but it was 5 Packers Fans, I believe getting into a verbal arguement with some season ticket holders.

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6) It would have been a dumb move in retrospect, but this is the first time that I can ever remember wanting a qb benched while his team was winning. THAT is how bad JP stunk the place up imo. My doubts about him are obviously becoming serious.



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