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Terrell Owens has a personal health issue...


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I have been (and will remain) a TO fan and defender for most of his stuff. I think he takes a lot of heat unecessarily, but he brings most of it on himself anyway. But this new one is just too much.


TO has been sleeping in team meetings


Ok so big deal, he's lazy. But no, he and Jerry Jones (why am I not surprised) believe it is a health issue.


These have to be the best two sentences I've ever read in a sports article:


Owens added that once he processes the game plan, the meetings and film work become redundant. And in a dimly lit room, Owens can doze off in a hurry.


No!! You mean he gets....bored?? Someone better call the 200,000,000+ lazy people in this country and alert them to get medical attention before their condition worsens. :wub::devil:

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Wow. Thats something else. Personally I have always held this stance on TO:


1. Terrel Owens is a great player who can dominate a game, but also opens his mouth to much.


2. I would take him on my team anyway


3. I would tell his teammatest before he came in to just let him talk, not take anything personally, and let him be who he is.


T.O. can (and has been an ass) but if the people around him were professionals and just let him do the dumb stuff he does, then their would be no locker room split.

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T.O. can (and has been an ass) but if the people around him were professionals and just let him do the dumb stuff he does, then their would be no locker room split.



You expect other people that work with him to put up with his behavior? Would you expect this in any other job outside of sports?


Your logic works both ways btw, if he was a professional and didn't do the dumb stuff he does, then there wouldn't be any problems.

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You expect other people that work with him to put up with his behavior?  Would you expect this in any other job outside of sports?


Your logic works both ways btw, if he was a professional and didn't do the dumb stuff he does, then there wouldn't be any problems.



Absolutely! But we all know that wont happen ... so take the great player and tell everyone else to be a professional.


T.O. IS AN ASS ... but he is an ass I would put up with, because he can win games.

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I suffer from this condition as well when in classroom settings. It is brutal disorder and no laughing matter. I think the offical name is Istayedoutuntil4amonatuesdaynightandIamwearingyourwifesunderwear-itis.

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Absolutely! But we all know that wont happen ... so take the great player and tell everyone else to be a professional.


T.O. IS AN ASS ... but he is an ass I would put up with, because he can win games.



Personal choice, I guess.


I'd take the guys who behave professionally and play like a team over the "ME" guys. A little lesson learned from NE and the Sabres.

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Personal choice, I guess.


I'd take the guys who behave professionally and play like a team over the "ME" guys.  A little lesson learned from NE and the Sabres.



If Tom Brady was an ass and supposedly "split the lockeroom" would you take him? I would. If he helps you win games, I take the player.

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Yeah it's a good thing we have Josh Reed and Peerless Price and are paying them a combined $5M a season for not being able to get open.


I have been (and will remain) a TO fan and defender for most of his stuff.  I think he takes a lot of heat unecessarily, but he brings most of it on himself anyway.  But this new one is just too much.


TO has been sleeping in team meetings


Ok so big deal, he's lazy.  But no, he and Jerry Jones (why am I not surprised) believe it is a health issue.


These have to be the best two sentences I've ever read in a sports article:


Owens added that once he processes the game plan, the meetings and film work become redundant. And in a dimly lit room, Owens can doze off in a hurry.


No!!  You mean he gets....bored??  Someone better call the 200,000,000+ lazy people in this country and alert them to get medical attention before their condition worsens. :wub:  :devil:


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There is a simple solution for this that is used in the military. If you think you're going to fall asleep, you need to be relieved of your chair and stand in the back of the room. That's it.


Done and done.

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If Tom Brady was an ass and supposedly "split the lockeroom" would you take him? I would. If he helps you win games, I take the player.


Going out on a limb here, but I'd venture that maybe the reason Tom Brady wins so many games is because he isn't like TO.

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Going out on a limb here, but I'd venture that maybe the reason Tom Brady wins so many games is because he isn't like TO.



Was about to post that myself, heh. Leadership and not splitting a team is even more exacerbated in the QB position.

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TO is a headcase, that's for sure... but I think Dallas is doing a great job of keeping him in check. You think TO is the only player who falls asleep in meetings? I'd tend to doubt it. I'd be there are players on EVERY team that consistently fall asleep during meetings but the only reason this gets press is because "TO Eats Dinner" is now worthy of front page news.


Going out on a limb here, but I'd venture that maybe the reason Tom Brady wins so many games is because he isn't like TO.


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TO is a headcase, that's for sure... but I think Dallas is doing a great job of keeping him in check.  You think TO is the only player who falls asleep in meetings? I'd tend to doubt it. I'd be there are players on EVERY team that consistently fall asleep during meetings but the only reason this gets press is because "TO Eats Dinner" is now worthy of front page news.


True, which is why I defend him a lot. But blaming it on a medical condition? He deserves what he gets for that one. That is something a 7th grade smartass would say when a teacher caught him sleeping in Algebra.

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Absolutely! But we all know that wont happen ... so take the great player and tell everyone else to be a professional.


T.O. IS AN ASS ... but he is an ass I would put up with, because he can win games.



If I recall correctly, he's on being a winning team twice in the playoffs in 10 years. That doesn't make all the nonsense he brings worth it to me.


Personally, I'd take Hines Ward (who has about half the physical tools but twice the heart) anyday over TO.

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If Tom Brady was an ass and supposedly "split the lockeroom" would you take him? I would. If he helps you win games, I take the player.



I hate prima donnas with a passion. TO is the all time worst sports' prima donna.


If I have to appease a flipping ahole prima donna to win a championship, then I don't want the championship. The end doesn't always justify the means, does it? You read like you believe it does. I don't.

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If Tom Brady was an ass and supposedly "split the lockeroom" would you take him? I would. If he helps you win games, I take the player.



Great........so your need as a fan to have your team win, outweighs the quality of the working conditions of the other players. I manage a group of people. If one of my top producers is a dick that is bringing the rest of the team down, I cut his ass. The bottom line may suffer but the work environment improves greatly which would likely increase the productivity of everyone else.


You're being very selfish here.

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I can't buy into a "win at any cost" mentality. If T.O. was in a Buffalo uniform I would constantly taste puke in my throat. I would have a serious problem. My guess is the problem started a long time ago with coaches that thought, "this kid is a prick, but hey, we're winning" As long as a team is willing to retain his services his attitude is validated. I wish he had to spend a year as a regular working stiff.

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Absolutely! But we all know that wont happen ... so take the great player and tell everyone else to be a professional.


T.O. IS AN ASS ... but he is an ass I would put up with, because he can win games.



Why the !@#$ do you have a Kansas-size boner for these "great players" like Nate Clements and T.O.? B/c you've heard their names? We need these guys making $10M/yr on our cap and delivering some pretty unspectacular performances?


Newsflash, the TEAM is what is important. 53 guys need to play together. Not two guys who are self-proclaimed M-F'in' PLAYMAKERS and 51 scrubs. It is not T.O. who "wins games." It is not Nate who "wins games" for us. The team is a dynamic, that when you add in personalities who think they're beyond the game and above the team, you ruin that dynamic.


You just don't get it, do you?

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