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As a Christian, this sickens me.


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I've never heard of this guy...but scroll down and read. His parishoners think the claims are false.


I say, where there's smoke, there's fire.


I am actually against gay marriage, but I certainly don't begrudge two people having a relationship, even if it's same sex...I honestly don't care.


And speaking of the pastor, why does he need a house with an electronic gate in front? Are there questions about finances here as well, because for a minister to be living that high sure doesn't look good.


The allegations here aren't just gay sex, they are also drug use...and if these voicemails are proven to be valid, there could be criminal charges forthcoming.


I am sick of these high-profile ministers thinking they're somehow above accountability. There is sin, I understand, but the Bible states that there should not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. (Ephesians 5:3, NIV). I don't wish to judge the man, but these are the commands from Scripture.


And if the Mod Squad wants to move this to the PPP board, fine with me. Some of these ministers want to get close to political power (mostly on the Republican side), but they fail to remember who the true Power is.

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personally, i am a former catholic agnostic now, with no judgement on the man's relgious beliefs. But the guy is resigning for having sex with a man, and to me it is not that big of a deal. Being a Christian is about acceptance and forgiveness, values often overlooked by society. Even though I very much disagree with the guys agenda I do not feel he should be ousted for allegedly having sex with a 49 year old man. As a liberal, i even question the timing of this too.

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I personally think everyone should practice their religion within the confines of their own home. Churches (in particular 14,000 seat churches) are not conducive to humble selflessness. They seem more akin to promoting greed.

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I personally think everyone should practice their religion within the confines of their own home.  Churches (in particular 14,000 seat churches) are not conducive to humble selflessness.  They seem more akin to promoting greed.



Nicely said. I've always had a problem with Catholic churches and how ornate and gaudy they are, almost as if they are trying to throw their affluence in peoples faces. And their vestments, holy crap. Gold trimmed and flashy, they look more like halloween costumes then the uniform of supposed men of God. Much of the money wasted on all that trivial decoration could have gone to the poor and whatnot, if they were truly about being rightous and pious. I'm sure they'd say it's all about marketing, using extravagence to sway the poor and simple minded, but that's partly why I consider myself a lapsed Catholic/agnostic today...

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I personally think everyone should practice their religion within the confines of their own home.  Churches (in particular 14,000 seat churches) are not conducive to humble selflessness.  They seem more akin to promoting greed.



Then you've been to the wrong chruches.

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Nicely said. I've always had a problem with Catholic churches and how ornate and gaudy they are, almost as if they are trying to throw their affluence in peoples faces. And their vestments, holy crap. Gold trimmed and flashy, they look more like halloween costumes then the uniform of supposed men of God. Much of the money wasted on all that trivial decoration could have gone to the poor and whatnot, if they were truly about being rightous and pious. I'm sure they'd say it's all about marketing, using extravagence to sway the poor and simple minded, but that's partly why I consider myself a lapsed Catholic/agnostic today...



Much new world Catholic Church architecture can be seen as a reaction to nativist or

anti-immigration sentiments, at least in the Northeast and Mid-west. The architecture did not so much develop as a desire to market or to proselytize - but to assert the communities stability in American society.


Churches were funded locally, and usually built with immigrant labor, so at once they were job projects, grand, and usually ethnic. The Irish had to build a better church than the Polish, for example. Their very building were job projects and at once jobs by and for the poor.


As for Vestmentry, these were usually made by orders of nuns and sold to parishes to support themselves and their ministries to the poor. Of course in some cases it was just as you say, conspicuous consumption.


I'm not saying I am great fan of ornate churches, but there was a cultural and internal economy to their creation. Most modern churches tend to be understated, as the ethnic model and the nativist influences have disappeared.



Damn. Am I a big hit at parties or what? :devil:

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Churches were funded locally, and usually built with immigrant labor, so at once they were job projects, grand, and usually ethnic. The Irish had to build a better church than the Polish, for example. Their very building were job projects and at once jobs by and for the poor.


As for Vestmentry, these were usually made by orders of nuns and sold to parishes to support themselves and their ministries to the poor. Of course in some cases it was just as you say, conspicuous consumption.



Damn. Am I a big hit at parties or what? :wub:





I'd add that there was some basic reasons for them to be "awe-inspiring". A practical one was having a glorious place to break up the drabness that folks lived in on a daily basis.

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Of course, they make the best judges.  :devil:




Remember the thread regarding Bills fans punching out a Patriot fan in a John. True anyone should be repulsed that a man was beaten by a group of people, but certainly because it reflected poorly on Bills fans , Bills fans were more concerned, I think you very well understand the case is similar regarding Christians being disappointed in another said to be Christians behavior as to often it reflect badly on all , giving ammunition for those not disposed.

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Please note the sarcasm icon, my friend.


You think correctly, I do understand.


Remember the thread regarding Bills fans punching out a Patriot fan in a John.  True anyone should be repulsed that a man was beaten by a group of people, but certainly because it reflected poorly on Bills fans , Bills fans were more concerned, I think you very well understand the case is similar regarding Christians being disappointed in another said to be Christians behavior as to often it reflect badly on all , giving ammunition for those not disposed.


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Guy now admits he contacted and paid the buff, gay prostitute for a massage, but not sex.... because you know all of us fine upstanding hetrosexual men when looking for a massage think "I'll call a gay prostitute" :devil:



Right. He didn't inhale.

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