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My argument is weak? Please...


By your logic, any intoxicating substance is a gateway drug.


That makes no sense. Your reasoning assumes that any user of any intoxicating substance will feel the need to get a better buzz the next time around. This is more of a personality disorder than a specific issue with the intoxicant.


I'm not saying you do it once and you need something stronger every time. What I am saying is that over time and increase use, your body won't get the same buzz it got the first time you did it so you start using stronger stuff to get a buzz again.


Its like alcohol, the first time you drink the easier it is to get a buzz, after exssive drinking your body requires more to get the same buzz so you start either a) drinking more beer, or b) moving on to harder liquor.


And yes it does work for any intoxicating substance. Typically you start using more when the original buzz is no longer felt from the same amount anymore, or you move onto harder stuff. That is the point to smoking weed, or doing drugs, to get a buzz or to feel a certain way? obviously when you don't feel that same way anymore you are going to require more to get that way or move onto something harder. The reason it is a Gateway drug is because most people start with it and then move onto harder stuff, not everyone does, but alot of people do. Your more likely to start out on Pot and move to coke or heroin, etc. then the opposite or going straight to the harder stuff.

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Detox, you need to do your homework. The Fit is huge inside, and boasts 41.9 cubic ft of storage alone.


But how many cubics are you + Boon?


Who is Detox?

First, the Evil Genius is accused of banging some married broad and now his son gets caught busted smoking pot.  What a great father.





Hey, if we could win a Super Bowl, I wouldn't care if Ralph, Marv, and Dick were a team of serial killers :pirate:

It's a joint, who effing cares?

It's not like he's going around smashing people's mailboxes.  :devil:


I didn't see anything about him 'meowing' at old people either. :pirate:


Myself, I don't use the stuff (it makes me too unbearably wonderful), but I see nothing wrong with the occasional 'spleef' - so long as he's not performing brain surgery, operating heavy machinery, or running for public office.


Now if he goes out and tries the 'flaming-bag-of-schitt' trick tonite, well that would be egregious!

That has to be the weakest argument. Because pot is illegal and dealers have other stuff you are more likely to do it? That makes no sence.


No, you are more likely to try other stuff because you have gotten to the point were pot isn't giving you the same Buzz anymore because you have done too much of it and you need to go to something stronger to get the same feeling.


Say what you want about it, but anything that alters your state of thinking/being is having an effect on your body. Now just like alcohol, occasional smoking of pot will probably not give you long term health concerns, just like occasional drinking, but the problem is when you over indulge. I've seen many Burnouts who act as if they are borderline retarded that are that way because they smoke pot all the time.



The gateway drug argument is bull sh--. Most people who are on heroin, cocaine or any other strong drug will probably smoke pot. They will also smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. Does not mean that one lead to the other. I have been smoking since I was 19, and to be honest, when I smoke now, it actually affects me more than it did before, and to be honest, I am actually getting sick of it.

Actually, there is some truth to both.  Dealers do play the "you think that was awesome?  Wait till you try this ____________" card.



Yeah, and if you are stupid enough to try something without knowing anything about it, well then it is your problem.

you are more likely to try other stuff because you have gotten to the point were pot isn't giving you the same Buzz anymore because you have done too much of it and you need to go to something stronger to get the same feeling.


Which Nancy Reagan propoganda pamphlet did you pull this one from?


What I am saying is that over time and increase use, your body won't get the same buzz it got the first time you did it so you start using stronger stuff to get a buzz again.

Its like alcohol, the first time you drink the easier it is to get a buzz, after exssive drinking your body requires more to get the same buzz


Ahhhh ,this explains why I now must drink 147 beers before I feel anything... :pirate:


The reason it is a Gateway drug is because most people start with it and then move onto harder stuff, not everyone does, but alot of people do. Your more likely to start out on Pot and move to coke or heroin, etc. then the opposite or going straight to the harder stuff.

Did you know that a lot of people who drink milk eventually move on to try beer?

Milk is obviously a gateway drug! :devil:



Pusz, there are a lot of studies by reputable professional scientific and government institutions which debunk the ridiculous and wholly unsupportable gateway myth. All you're doing is regurgitating propoganda that has no basis in reality and started 80+ years ago with the claim that Mexican food was a gateway to opium addiction.

This stuff is laughably ridiculous and patently false propaganda. You can continue to spout mythical nonsense simply because it fits the preconceived notions you have on the subject, but you'd be much better served and more accurately informed if you actually did some research on teh subject.


:D  :lol:  ;) 

Which Nancy Reagan propoganda pamphlet did you pull this one from?

Ahhhh ,this explains why I now must drink 147 beers before I feel anything... :pirate: 

Did you know that a lot of people who drink milk eventually move on to try beer?

Milk is obviously a gateway drug!  :devil:

Pusz, there are a lot of studies by reputable professional scientific and government institutions which debunk the ridiculous and wholly unsupportable gateway myth. All you're doing is regurgitating propoganda that has no basis in reality and started 80+ years ago with the claim that Mexican food was a gateway to opium addiction.

This stuff is laughably ridiculous and patently false propaganda. You can continue to spout mythical nonsense simply because it fits the preconceived notions you have on the subject, but you'd be much better served and more accurately informed if you actually did some research on teh subject.





I'm not saying you do it once and you need something stronger every time. What I am saying is that over time and increase use, your body won't get the same buzz it got the first time you did it so you start using stronger stuff to get a buzz again.


Its like alcohol, the first time you drink the easier it is to get a buzz, after exssive drinking your body requires more to get the same buzz so you start either a) drinking more beer, or b) moving on to harder liquor.


And yes it does work for any intoxicating substance. Typically you start using more when the original buzz is no longer felt from the same amount anymore, or you move onto harder stuff. That is the point to smoking weed, or doing drugs, to get a buzz or to feel a certain way? obviously when you don't feel that same way anymore you are going to require more to get that way or move onto something harder. The reason it is a Gateway drug is because most people start with it and then move onto harder stuff, not everyone does, but alot of people do. Your more likely to start out on Pot and move to coke or heroin, etc. then the opposite or going straight to the harder stuff.



Pretty much what Simon said...


But seriously, your logic is still very flawed. What comes after hard liquor? Is scotch a gateway drug? How about beer?


Obviously people build up tolerances, no one is arguing that point. But to make the leap from having a high tolerance to substance to saying that it's likely you'll move onto to a sreonger substance is BS. If that was the case, why aren't career alcoholics moving onto heroin?

:doh:  :lol:  :lol: 

Which Nancy Reagan propoganda pamphlet did you pull this one from?

Ahhhh ,this explains why I now must drink 147 beers before I feel anything... :P 

Did you know that a lot of people who drink milk eventually move on to try beer?

Milk is obviously a gateway drug!  :doh:

Pusz, there are a lot of studies by reputable professional scientific and government institutions which debunk the ridiculous and wholly unsupportable gateway myth. All you're doing is regurgitating propoganda that has no basis in reality and started 80+ years ago with the claim that Mexican food was a gateway to opium addiction.

This stuff is laughably ridiculous and patently false propaganda. You can continue to spout mythical nonsense simply because it fits the preconceived notions you have on the subject, but you'd be much better served and more accurately informed if you actually did some research on teh subject.



Hey, I'm not saying that either side is 100% truth, but what makes your points truth, and mine false propaganda?

Hey, I'm not saying that either side is 100% truth, but what makes your points truth, and mine false propaganda?


You must have missed the "there are a lot of studies by reputable professional scientific and government institutions" part.


Rand Corporation


American Journal of Public Health, Nat'l Cancer Institute, Nat'l Resource Council, etc.


Canadian Senate Special Committee


National Institute of Medicine


Drug Policy Reseach Center


National Academy of Sciences


"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), states unequivocally that, "Most marijuana users do not go on to use other drugs."[12] In addition, similar 1996 literature from the HHS reasons that the minority of marijuana users who do graduate to harder drugs do so not because of marijuana use, but because of marijuana prohibition. "Using marijuana puts children and teens in contact with people who are users and sellers of other drugs.....so there is more of a chance for a marijuana user to be exposed and urged to try more drugs."[13]


Further support for this theory is provided by the Netherlands where marijuana is allowed to be purchased openly in government-regulated "coffee shops" designed specifically to separate young marijuana users from illegal markets where harder drugs are sold. As a result, just 1.8 percent of Dutch youth report having tried cocaine and 75 percent of adult cannabis users do not report other drug use.[14][15] Consequently, it seems that when the cannabis markets are effectively separated from the harder drugs, marijuana is clearly a "terminus" rather than a gateway drug.


Although the gateway theory still remains a staple in prohibitionist rhetoric, the facts indicate it to be a blatant falsehood. Moreover, any correlation between marijuana use and hard drug use can be linked to federal policies that place marijuana in the same underground markets as hard drugs like cocaine and heroin.

First, the Evil Genius is accused of banging some married broad and now his son gets caught busted smoking pot.  What a great father.




Buy the title you would think Belicheck's son was caught shooting herion in his butt cheeks.

Buy the title you would think Belicheck's son was caught shooting herion in his butt cheeks.



Or dressing up like Adolf Hitler and going to school.

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