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I rented the movie "United 93"


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This movie has been on video for awhile and there have probably already been previous threads about it.


I just got around to seeing it. GREAT MOVIE! It was almost like watching a documentary in that it was so well acted, i didn't feel like i was watching actors portray a role.

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This movie has been on video for awhile and there have probably already been previous threads about it.


I just got around to seeing it.  GREAT MOVIE!  It was almost like watching a documentary in that it was so well acted, i didn't feel like i was watching actors portray a role.




I had my reservations going into it, but I thought it was excellent as well. Did you realize that most of the people working in the control towers, were the people working in those same control towers on 9/11/2001? The dialouge was taken from the best of their recollections. It was a very powerful film, that did not rely on any political slant to tell its' story...I think a lot of people confuse it for the other made for tv movie, which did have professional actors, which I hear was not as good...I highly recommend this movie as well, if you have the heart for it.

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