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GAO chief warns economic disaster looms

Tux of Borg

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Income taxes are unrelated to social security taxation, except for their rise with taxable wages AFAIK. Note that, as is always the case, the economy goes up when people and business are taxed less. JFK knew that. So did Reagan. And now Bush.


Getting more money into the hands of the government is a great way to use it inefficiently. Look at college costs. The more Fed money that goes into grants and tuition assistance, the more money is up for grabs by colleges, so up goes the tuition.

A gas expands to fill the available volume...


Without the influx of tax revenue, the market sets the price. Unless you have an alternate explanation for these tuition costs that year after year far outpace the rate of inflation. Same with medicine. Before the government got into it big time, physicians competed with each other...they used to *actually* get in a car and drive to your home. Amazing, that...


Tell me the last time the Democrats offered a *single*- idea regarding improving the social security system. All I've heard from them is screaming criticisms and accusations, but no ideas whatsoever. What have you heard about their "plan"?  I'd like to know...


The economists use 5% unemployment as the benchmark for full employment. It's been at 4.6% so far in 2006, with some 35 months of job growth  If you have stocks or a retirement plan containing same, you have reason to be pleased.


You wouldn't know that if you watch CNN, which has run a 24/7 jihad against the economy for a long, long time.


Enough of that. Everyone knows if we just take more money from the rich the government will start spending it wisely. :devil:

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Enough of that.  Everyone knows if we just take more money from the rich the government will start spending it wisely.  :devil:




Im still confused how higher taxes increase revenue to start with. I'll deal with the spending wisely plan later.

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