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Used to smoke Marlboros.  I recently quit for the second time in my life.  This time I'm doing it for good.  I'm done with that crap.




Betcha a grand you start again. I hope you dont, but. That second time thingy..... <_<

Used to smoke Marlboros.  I recently quit for the second time in my life.  This time I'm doing it for good.  I'm done with that crap.



The first cigarette I ever smoked was Marlboro. They really smell bad.

An embroidery girl at work has her father going in for surgery this week. Cancer in his tongue? Never heard of that before but its at the back of his tongue so the operation sounds pretty gruesome. They have to split his jaw apart or something. Really terrible stuff. He had throat cancer from smoking as well apparently and had that operation only a few years back. He is a long time smoker as well but had not smoked in years. Too little too late I suppose. Dumb thing is the girl smokes. At lunch on Friday she was sitting outside smoking and I told her to throw the fuggin things out and that she had to be insane after seeing what her dad is going through.



My father passed on as a result of smoking and yet one of my brothers and my sister smoke. It's a tough habit to break. I never really started it though, I tried a few times but I didn't like it.

Betcha a grand you start again. I hope you dont, but. That second time thingy..... <_<




Wish there was a way I could collect that. I made the vow to quit leaving my Dad's hospital room after he had a heart attack. I don't want my son to have to do the same for me because I couldn't stop smoking.

My father passed on as a result of smoking and yet one of my brothers and my sister smoke.  It's a tough habit to break.  I never really started it though, I tried a few times but I didn't like it.


Like you I tried it. I guess im one of the lucky ones that derive any pleasure from it. It hurt my throat and made me cough. Couldnt figure out why people would do it. Anyway, you would think that your brother and sister would be scared straight after witnessing what it did to your father. Too bad. <_<

Like you I tried it. I guess im one of the lucky ones that derive get any pleasure from it. It hurt my throat and made me cough. Couldnt figure out why people would do it. Anyway, you would think that your brother and sister would be scared straight after witnessing what it did to your father.  Too bad.  <_<



It did. My sister quit for like 2 years and just started again. Same thing with my brother. It's a disease.

Wish there was a way I could collect that.  I made the vow to quit leaving my Dad's hospital room after he had a heart attack.  I don't want my son to have to do the same for me because I couldn't stop smoking.




I knew you'd take that the right way, fong man. :lol:


My best, to you. Cheers! <_<



I still struggle with it.... 0:)


Smoked Newports for 5 years. Quit a little over a year ago after my grandmother was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. Best thing I ever did for myself. I felt so much better about 3 months after I stoped. My alergies dont bother me as much. I get less migraines and generally just feel better.

Did you wake up naked?  That is always a tell tale sign for me, either really good or embarrassingly bed.  Well, you can figure out the good.  As far as the bad, passing out on my buddies toilet naked all night while all his roomies came in and used the toilet next to me (for whatever reason there was two toilets).  <_<



Sure you didn't pass out next to the bidet? Then again, being wasted as you were... You might have thought it was a water fountain... ;);)



The best thing you ever did for yourself and your long term health was to stop smoking.

Every single organ in your body thanks you, because every organ is affected even though we tend to concentrate on the lungs.


In the three years since you quit, your oxygen carrying capacity (which is the amount of oxygen able to be delivered to your organs) is back to normal. Smokers are in a chronic state of low oxygen, and since our entire physical existance is based on delivering oxygen to organs and tissue, that's bad.


It's unlikely any permanent damage that has been done to your lungs would be noticeable to you but you could probably detect it on pulmonary function tests. Your lungs are fully healed from any non-permanent damage by now.


The only test you might want to ask your doc about is a chest xray or a ct scan at some time.


Congrats on quitting. It's not easy and you've extended your life considerably.





My father smoked Camel non-filters for 45 years... When his caradid [sp] artery was so clogged... The doc found it by chance and cleared it...


He quit when my mother got cancer... She died of ovarian cancer back in 1999. <_<


I guess he kinda got lucky...

None and I never will.



That's a cute story and all, but the fact of the matter is that it is one of those things that you will just start one day. This kid that always used to be the one to point out the hazards of smoking picked up the habbit just this year. There's no telling, its a nice motto and good principle, but you don't have the control over it that you think you do.


Your probably saying "No, i just won't put one in my mouth", but the fact of the matter is that some night you'll get drunk and you'll try it. I promise. There is a time in college when you just start smoking.


For now, your D.A.R.E. songs and sh-- are nice, but they don't stand true most of the time. Not trying to be an ass or anything.

That's a cute story and all, but the fact of the matter is that it is one of those things that you will just start one day. This kid that always used to be the one to point out the hazards of smoking picked up the habbit just this year. There's no telling, its a nice motto and good principle, but you don't have the control over it that you think you do.


Your probably saying "No, i just won't put one in my mouth", but the fact of the matter is that some night you'll get drunk and you'll try it. I promise. There is a time in college when you just start smoking.


For now, your D.A.R.E. songs and sh-- are nice, but they don't stand true most of the time. Not trying to be an ass or anything.



thats not entirely true ... I know people to this day that are 30, 40, 60+ years old who have never tried one

Like you I tried it. I guess im one of the lucky ones that derive any pleasure from it. It hurt my throat and made me cough. Couldnt figure out why people would do it. Anyway, you would think that your brother and sister would be scared straight after witnessing what it did to your father.  Too bad.  <_<



I am the same way. Never got any pleasure from it either ... in fact I smoked quite a bit on and off for about 3-4 months and I never got addicted. I never craved it. I never even wanted it. I only did it to be "cool" ...

That's a cute story and all, but the fact of the matter is that it is one of those things that you will just start one day. This kid that always used to be the one to point out the hazards of smoking picked up the habbit just this year. There's no telling, its a nice motto and good principle, but you don't have the control over it that you think you do.


Your probably saying "No, i just won't put one in my mouth", but the fact of the matter is that some night you'll get drunk and you'll try it. I promise. There is a time in college when you just start smoking.


For now, your D.A.R.E. songs and sh-- are nice, but they don't stand true most of the time. Not trying to be an ass or anything.


No, some people have will power. I'm 36 and have never smoked. I can't see what the fun is in burning your money away. What's a pack cost now, $5? That's money I can use elsewhere.


I smoke Marlboro Red. I have for approx 15 years, since high school. Inkman, how did you quit. I'm just beginning to consider quitting as a possibility.

No, some people have will power. I'm 36 and have never smoked. I can't see what the fun is in burning your money away. What's a pack cost now, $5? That's money I can use elsewhere.



I'm with you. never even tried cigs. never wanted to. they are gross and disgusting and i hate having to be around people that smell like cig smoke.


I will smoke the occasional cigar on the golf course or while playing cards, however.


Here's how it works. A person looks at this world we live in and one of two things happens.

1) Everything is great because Daddy made 500K a year, I'm pretty and take my kids to alternating soccer tournaments, and why does that silly Bush have to be so mean and make it stinky for the troops?


2) Some sonvabiatch just cut me off on the 190 as I'm trying to get to the Stamping Plant where I've worked my a$$ off the last 30 years in order to get my kid into a state university and take my wife to Red Lobster for our 20th anniversary. By the way, some 25 year old just handcranked the boss and is now my supervisor after being here 3 months. My widowed mom is in the nursing home, my electric is going to get cut off if I don't bring $153 to Bon-Ton by 5PM, and the dog swallowed a whole chicken wing and needs surgery.


1) Non-smoker


2) I have 2 hours of time for myself today. I can:


A) Have a nice Asian salad with arrugula and Manderin Orange before my 3 mile jog along the Amherst bike path


B) Can crack open a sixer of Blue and a turn on the pregame show as I help my kid with his algebra homework he needs to pass his math class in order to get into Buff State and eat some chickenwings (don't give the dog any), while I wait for my other kid to fall asleep so I can eventually watch the 2nd half of a football game, and maybe still get turned on by my wife for the 3 minutes I need before going to bed and doing it again tomorrow.


A) Non Smoker


B) Possible Smoker

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