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You are drunk at 8:20 am? Impressive. I smoked for 15 years. a pack Marlboro lights everyday(two if I was drinking which was most days). I quit 3 years ago and haven't had one since.

You are drunk at 8:20 am?  Impressive.  I smoked for 15 years.  a pack Marlboro lights everyday(two if I was drinking which was most days).  I quit 3 years ago and haven't had one since.




Get checked regularly. My father smoked cigarettes for ~15 years, then switched to pipes and cigars for 20 more. Stopped cold turkey when he got a silent heart attack and a mini stroke. Was OK after that for 6 years and then he found out he had inoperable lung cancer- died at 60.


Get checked regularly. My father smoked cigarettes for ~15 years, then switched to pipes and cigars for 20 more. Stopped cold turkey when he got a silent heart attack and a mini stroke. Was OK after that for 6 years and then he found out he had inoperable lung cancer- died at 60.



Sounds stupid, but what do I ask my doc to check? He did a breathing test a few years ago and he said I had the lung capacity of a normal 40 year old man. (which was 10 years older than I was) :lol:

I have a wicked hang over but apparently I had an awesome time last night.



Did you wake up naked? That is always a tell tale sign for me, either really good or embarrassingly bed. Well, you can figure out the good. As far as the bad, passing out on my buddies toilet naked all night while all his roomies came in and used the toilet next to me (for whatever reason there was two toilets). :lol:

Beware...boondock is drunk...the bartles and james must have went to his head...no mailbox is safe right now...



I literally screamed when I read that. Good ol' wine coolers. Those commercials were pretty funny.

Sounds stupid, but what do I ask my doc to check?  He did a breathing test a few years ago and he said I had the lung capacity of a normal 40 year old man.  (which was 10 years older than I was)  :lol:



The best thing you ever did for yourself and your long term health was to stop smoking.

Every single organ in your body thanks you, because every organ is affected even though we tend to concentrate on the lungs.


In the three years since you quit, your oxygen carrying capacity (which is the amount of oxygen able to be delivered to your organs) is back to normal. Smokers are in a chronic state of low oxygen, and since our entire physical existance is based on delivering oxygen to organs and tissue, that's bad.


It's unlikely any permanent damage that has been done to your lungs would be noticeable to you but you could probably detect it on pulmonary function tests. Your lungs are fully healed from any non-permanent damage by now.


The only test you might want to ask your doc about is a chest xray or a ct scan at some time.


Congrats on quitting. It's not easy and you've extended your life considerably.




Smoked mostly Canadian smokes. Matinee Milds, duMauier Extra Lights. Quit 6 months ago. All tobacco products. (Tried to smoke a Cuban Cigar 5 weeks after I quit, and put it out 3 minutes after I smoked it. Haven't had any tobacco since.)

I literally screamed when I read that.  Good ol' wine coolers.  Those commercials were pretty funny.


In college I had one of those cardboard standups of Frank & Ed. I wish I could remember what happened to it.


I agree with what run the ball said. Get x rays or CAT scans or MRI regularly. My father had quit for 6 years and felt fine when he found out . Just thought he had the flu.


Glad you quit.

Drunk...teying to get a feel for TSW.

Seeing if monitors delete due to politically incorrectedness, or whatever...HAHA



I only smoke chronic.

Beware...boondock is drunk...the bartles and james must have went to his head...no mailbox is safe right now...



Bluefire, i need some help! Tell him about steel reserve and other crappy beers.

Bluefire, i need some help! Tell him about steel reserve and other crappy beers.





Man, Steel Reserve usually makes me pass out, but we've had nights where we are up until like 8 or 9am drinking natty ice.


An embroidery girl at work has her father going in for surgery this week. Cancer in his tongue? Never heard of that before but its at the back of his tongue so the operation sounds pretty gruesome. They have to split his jaw apart or something. Really terrible stuff. He had throat cancer from smoking as well apparently and had that operation only a few years back. He is a long time smoker as well but had not smoked in years. Too little too late I suppose. Dumb thing is the girl smokes. At lunch on Friday she was sitting outside smoking and I told her to throw the fuggin things out and that she had to be insane after seeing what her dad is going through.

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