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This season was certainly better than last season but quite frankly, losing this show won't be as bad as losing 'The Nine' or 'Journey Man'. Those two shows were far more complex and interesting.



Never got to see Journeyman. The Nine was crazy bad. But hey cheers to you for liking it.

I think that the 'dead journalist' actually compounds the story by making the truth more difficult to get out into the world. Having a journalist spread out over the wires was too easy a solution. Now, as they say, the plot thickens.



I totally agree with you on that. It showed how serious the conspiracy was about keeping it a secret.


Maybe if they made Jericho a reality show more people would be interested


Just watched the series finale on the CBS website. Missed it on the regular tube last night.


The last three eps have been great television. The plot finally went somewhere! If only it had done this sooner.... This is not a day when you can lally around and wait for an audience to watch painfully slow developments. Same with LOST, there's a broad mystery that gets danced around and a lot of smaller things that get introduced then more clues and solved not too far down the line; we feel there is movement. "Jericho" has only had that broad mystery, and only in flashes. All that time they spent last season fighting New Bern should instead have been what this short season was.


So, if it all ends like this, we take away that Jake and Hawkins started the revolution to favor the 'good guys' Columbus + Texas, especially when the truth about Cheyenne = J&R is shown and their military all rip the flags off their uniforms. I don't know what the chances are of SciFi or another network picking it up are... but for cable, a 5 share ain't bad, and this show has very loyal viewers in a coveted demographic. We'll see.

Just watched the series finale on the CBS website. Missed it on the regular tube last night.


The last three eps have been great television. The plot finally went somewhere! If only it had done this sooner.... This is not a day when you can lally around and wait for an audience to watch painfully slow developments. Same with LOST, there's a broad mystery that gets danced around and a lot of smaller things that get introduced then more clues and solved not too far down the line; we feel there is movement. "Jericho" has only had that broad mystery, and only in flashes. All that time they spent last season fighting New Bern should instead have been what this short season was.


So, if it all ends like this, we take away that Jake and Hawkins started the revolution to favor the 'good guys' Columbus + Texas, especially when the truth about Cheyenne = J&R is shown and their military all rip the flags off their uniforms. I don't know what the chances are of SciFi or another network picking it up are... but for cable, a 5 share ain't bad, and this show has very loyal viewers in a coveted demographic. We'll see.

If they change the gears of the show a bit and stay along the same plot line, I think this show could have serious legs on cable. This seaosn had more of a "24" feel to it, which I enjoyed. The big knock on the show is the size of the cast and production costs due to that. But I think if the show morphed into Jake and Hawkins fighting the new civil war, that could be pretty cool. Cuts down on the cast, and keeps the show going. Every once in a while they could bring back an old cast member as a guest star to keep the actual town of Jericho tied in.

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