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The subject of statistics

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That explains why you try debating on an internet message board



You said try... :devil::(


He (AD) doesn't even make an attempt to do that (debate). Never has... Must be too tiresome for him...


Highly effective people first try and understand where the other side is coming from before expecting their argument to be understood.


Again, read the red part above.


Betcha, I got yall confused...




The Riddler...



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Given your complete ability to understand statistics, I doubt you can comprehend what the phrase "average five year old" even means.  :devil:


Christ, man...you start off over here with some Mickey Mouse BS eugenics theory based on your complete misunderstanding of statistics, you get called out on it, so you follow it up with a Mickey Mouse BS statistics example proving your complete misunderstanding of statistics, get called out on that...and it's blisteringly obvious to you that the problem is everyone else?  :(  Were you dropped on your head as a child or something?


Based on the content of your posts, I'm going to start guessing how much longer your bungee cord was than it should have been. This is at least a ten foot post. :huh:

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First you protect this stupid thread like it was your firstborn son, then you cry about the results of having done so. Nice.  :devil:


Admitting the thread is stupid is the first step toward recovery.


As far as crying goes, your assumption of my state is about as accurate as your statistical analysis. Think wry smile. :(

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You said try... :devil:  :(


He (AD) doesn't even make an attempt to do that (debate).  Never has...  Must be too tiresome for him...


Highly effective people first try and understand where the other side is coming from before expecting their argument to be understood.


Again, read the red part above.


Betcha, I got yall confused...




The Riddler...


:w00t:  :doh:


Yeah, I ought to spend alot more time trying to understand potatohead. You know, so I can give out useful tidbits like "Don't be so worried about what people or the government is doing to you or others...".


I wonder why I don't spend any time trying to explain things to people with such views? :huh:

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Yeah, I ought to spend alot more time trying to understand potatohead.  You know, so I can give out useful tidbits like "Don't be so worried about what people or the government is doing to you or others...".


I wonder why I don't spend any time trying to explain things to  people with such views?  :huh:



Maybe that is the reason you are ineffective... :devil::(

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I don't even know what this means.  Does anyone know what he's trying to say?



I do... :huh::devil::(:w00t:


Maybe that is the reason you are ineffective... ;);)


He (of course my take on it, not trying to put words in HA's mouth) said that when you bungee jump, you have a nasty habit of selecting too long of a bungee cord, causing you to hit your head or whatever...


He may have forgot to reference that 10' post thingy... By saying this is a 10' post on a 15' jump...


Maybe you can give me cord stretch ratios so as to accurately scale the above reference...



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I don't even know what this means.  Does anyone know what he's trying to say?


Let me put it in simpler terms: the next time you attempt a 50' jump, don't use a 60' bungee cord. The more extra cord you give yourself, the greater the resulting head injury. Based on the content of your earlier post, I estimated that your cord was ten feet too long. Less foolish posts will result in lower estimates.

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Actually, this thread is your son.  You brought it into the world :(


It was so cute when it came out of the delivery room. It had a very good childhood. But once it had its first menstral cycle, it was all over. Which post do I consider the equivalent of that first period? I'll leave that question to the reader's imagination.

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Good. So now that you've admitted this thread is stupid, will you finally let me close it?




But in better news: I'm hoping eventually you'll learn not making anymore stupid (which for you actually means ANY) statements will cause the thread to flame out on it's own. It's just too bad that your understanding of internet message boards is about equal to your ability to analyze statistics.

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