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Vote for the New Seven Wonder's of the World


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I dont know how the Statue of Liberty, Sydney Opera House and the Eiffel Tower are on the list.  I love Lady Liberty and all she stands for but compared to the pyramids or Manchu Pinchu or Anchor Wat- no comparison IMO



You have travelled a great deal , what is the most amazing thing you have seen that would be considered a great wonder?

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You have travelled a great deal , what is the most amazing thing you have seen that would be considered a great wonder?


Great question Grant- tough one. I think the Pantheon is incredible.




I went on an architecture tour in Rome and was impressed with the facts about the Pantheon. Domes are the most difficult roofs to build and the Pantheon domes are massive- and build around 120 AD. The marble columns are monolithic(single massive cut of marble). I wish I could remember more details. Rome is an amazing city with ruins and statues and art just everywhere you look. The cathedrals in Europe are amazing. Thanks for asking- I will try and think of a bettter wonder.

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Great question Grant- tough one.  I think the Pantheon is incredible. 




I went on an architecture tour in Rome and was impressed with the facts about the Pantheon.  Domes are the most difficult roofs to build and the Pantheon domes are massive- and build around 120 AD.  The marble columns are monolithic(single massive cut of marble).  I wish I could remember more details.  Rome is an amazing city with ruins and statues and art just everywhere you look.  The cathedrals in Europe are amazing.  Thanks for asking- I will try and think of a bettter wonder.



Thank you, Pete, most appreciated. Never have traveled much certainly have never seen the great buildings mentioned only in encyclopedia's ect. Apart from babies being born, the most amazing thing I have ever seen is my sugar bush after a ice storm, the maples covered in ice, the sunlight shimmering through the ice laden trees, the colors so amazing to behold. This was a natural wonder of course.

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Thank you, Pete, most appreciated. Never have traveled much certainly have never seen the great buildings mentioned only in encyclopedia's ect.  Apart from babies being born, the most amazing thing I have ever seen is my sugar bush after a ice storm, the maples covered in ice, the sunlight shimmering through the ice laden trees, the colors so amazing to behold.  This was a natural wonder of course.


I like nature alot too Grant. All the seasons are beautiful. Ever see the Northern Lights up there? I think those are amazingly beautiful

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I like nature alot too Grant.  All the seasons are beautiful.  Ever see the Northern Lights up there?  I think those are amazingly beautiful




Yes I was near Algonquin Park last week; the Northern Lights can be seen often on clear nights.

I think of the Grand Canyon of course and areas on the Baja, the beauty around the Manitoulin Islands, the Niagara falls. I think of the grand panorama that is a stadium full of sports fans, such a breath taking sight. I feel challenged to come up with what I would say is the greatest wonder I have seen, keeping in mind such things are not always the most obvious.

So much to ponder in terms of architecture, natural beauty, the arts, people ect. Times long ago where people did so much with so little and now where people do much with access too much

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Why wouldn't they just add to the list.  Seems kind of a shame to eliminate the other six.  Adding structures like the Eiffle Tower and the Statue of Liberty sort of cheapens it, if you ask me.



I agree. Neither of those structures is as awe inspiring as something like Niagra Falls. I tend to prefer natural wonders as opposed to man made, myself. Thus my reiteration of Jessica Alba as being one of the seven :blink:

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I agree. Neither of those structures is as awe inspiring as something like Niagra Falls. I tend to prefer natural wonders as opposed to man made, myself. Thus my reiteration of Jessica Alba as being one of the seven  :blink:


I agree with the Jessica Alba as the eigth wonder.


As for the Falls, they aren't as impressive when you live in the area your entire life. I have been by them so many time I am no longer impressed. Its just water pouring over a cliff. But they are still one of the wonders of the world

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I agree with the Jessica Alba as the eigth wonder.


As for the Falls, they aren't as impressive when you live in the area your entire life. I have been by them so many time I am no longer impressed. Its just water pouring over a cliff. But they are still one of the wonders of the world



I think what always gets me is the immensity of it. When I think about how much damn water we're talking about, and how much pure power those falls possess, I'm in awe. I haven't been back up there since '94, but I'm pretty confident I'd feel the same way today.

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There are many different categorys for Seven Wonders of the World(ancient, natural, etc). It seemed like this vote was all architecture wonders- hence my suggestion of the Pantheon.




The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

The Colossus of Rhodes

The Pharos of Alexandria

The Seven Wonders of the Medieval Mind


The Colosseum

The Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa

The Great Wall of China

The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing

The Hagia Sophia

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Seven Natural Wonders of the World

Mount Everest

The Great Barrier Reef

The Grand Canyon

Victoria Falls

The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

Paricutin Volcano

The Northern Lights

The Seven Underwater Wonders of the World


The Belize Barrier Reef

The Galapagos Islands

The Northern Red Sea

Lake Baikal

The Great Barrier Reef

The Deep Sea Vents

The Seven Wonders of the Modern World

The Empire State Building

The Itaipú Dam

The CN Tower

The Panama Canal

The Channel Tunnel

The North Sea Protection Works

The Golden Gate Bridge

The Seven Forgotten Natural Wonders of the World

Angel Falls

The Bay of Fundy

Iguaçú Falls

Krakatoa Island

Mount Fuji

Mount Kilimanjaro

Niagara Falls

The Seven Forgotten Modern Wonders of the World

The Clock Tower (Big Ben)

Eiffel Tower

The Gateway Arch

The Aswan High Dam

Hoover Dam

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

The Petronas Towers

The Seven Forgotten Wonders of the Medeival Mind

Abu Simbel Temple

Angkor Wat

Taj Mahal

Mont Saint-Michel

The Moai Statues

The Parthenon

The Shwedagon Pagoda

The Forgotten Wonders

The Aztec Temple

The Banaue Rice Terraces

The Borobudur Temple

The Inca City

The Statue of Liberty

The Mayan Temples

The Temple of the Inscriptions

The Throne Hall of Persepolis


The Suez Canal

The Sydney Opera House

The Red Fort in India

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Shouldn't a "wonder" of the world NOT be man made?  Why would anyone consider it a wonder if it was made by a human being?


It depends. It can be a wonder but it depends on what they are refering to.


Something like Stonehenge, for example is amazing because of the time they were built and how it would require alot of work to duplicate. Also too, the fact that it has stood the test of time.


Now something like the Statue of Liberty and Eiffel tower are not really huge engineering marvels and I do not believe they should be considered.

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As for the Falls, they aren't as impressive when you live in the area your entire life. I have been by them so many time I am no longer impressed. Its just water pouring over a cliff. But they are still one of the wonders of the world


I agree about the Falls. When people hear I'm from there, they say it must've been so cool. I tell them they can duplicate the effect by putting some rocks in their bathtub and turning the water on full blast. :lol:

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