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I'm tired of seeing our QB Keanu louse things up. This moron should join Rob Johnson in the hottub in SloCal tomorrow. Everytime he throws a long pass he goes "whoa...that was cool". I took off after the third quarter of the Pats game that was how pathetic he was. Actually the whole team sucks. If I have to watch one more game where Willie McGee dances to the line of scrimmage for one yard I'll scream.


And yet another quality, thought-provoking "Get Rid of the QB" thread peppered with a brilliant and creative stab at California dudes.


Welcome. I hope you post often. By the way, you're insight as to what you would do to improve the team (beyond leaving them in the third quarter) is riveting. Really.

And yet another quality, thought-provoking "Get Rid of the QB" thread peppered with a brilliant and creative stab at California dudes.


Welcome. I hope you post often. By the way, you're insight as to what you would do to improve the team (beyond leaving them in the third quarter) is riveting. Really.



LOL, you'd think someone who's ripping on another poster would at least use the correct words to do such.

And yet another quality, thought-provoking "Get Rid of the QB" thread peppered with a brilliant and creative stab at California dudes.


Welcome. I hope you post often. By the way, you're insight as to what you would do to improve the team (beyond leaving them in the third quarter) is riveting. Really.



Why even respond to a guy named "Joey Balls." What, Busta Nutt was taken?

I'm tired of seeing our QB Keanu louse things up. This moron should join Rob Johnson in the hottub in SloCal tomorrow. Everytime he throws a long pass he goes "whoa...that was cool". I took off after the third quarter of the Pats game that was how pathetic he was. Actually the whole team sucks. If I have to watch one more game where Willie McGee dances to the line of scrimmage for one yard I'll scream.



Just another case of where installing passing the wonderlic as a requirement to post would have done us all a favor.

He really does, and Adam even played a NFL QB in the longest yard too.




While Keanu was just a "Replacement" which is slightly better than JP

LOL, you'd think someone who's ripping on another poster would at least use the correct words to do such.



Which word is it that you feel was used incorrectly? ;)


Dude! I have a most excellent suggestion!


What is is, Ted!


In the future, future Bill and Ted should go back in time and put a garbage can in front of each defensive lineman so the next play we run will be over the dudes as they fall down.


Wyld Stallyons! (doodley-doodley-doodley)

Which word is it that you feel was used incorrectly?  ;)




Errr, if I have to show you, njsue and you are equals. He posted "you're insight". Maybe he meant the poster was "in sight". God, this is the Board NjSue was banned from?????? I guess I see where she got her intellect.


Oh ya, I forgot the 0:)

Errr, if I have to show you, njsue and you are equals.  He posted "you're insight".  Maybe he meant the poster was "in sight".  God, this is the Board NjSue was banned from??????  I guess I see where she got her intellect.


My deepest and most sincere apologies for mistyping a word and I am absolutely in your debt forever because you were able to locate that word and make sure I stood corrected.


You'll make someone a terrific wife one day.

Errr, if I have to show you, njsue and you are equals.  He posted "you're insight".  Maybe he meant the poster was "in sight".  God, this is the Board NjSue was banned from??????  I guess I see where she got her intellect. 


Oh ya, I forgot the ;)



Ah, so he didn't misuse a word. He misspelled a word. Perhaps he's not the only one who occasionally misuses a word. 0:)


The moron poster / intelligent poster ratio seems to be leaning more steadily in the moron direction lately.

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