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Found Them!!!!!!!!

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They found them alive and well.


Here's the scoop.  Two of our LSI senior students (who I'm good friends with) went hiking on one of the trails Saturday morning and spent the night on top of one of the mountains.  During this time at about 11:00pm that night they called saying they were having a great time and well be back tomorrow.  When they got back down off the mountain Sunday afternoon, they realized they had 6 hours to spare before they needed to head home.  So, they decided to drive to another trail thinking they would be back in time.  They did reach the summit of the mountain that they were hiking but when they were heading back it was already dusk and it was getting hard to see.  Turns out that, this was the key for why the got lost.  Instead of taking the trail to get back home they took another trail by mistake.  After realizing what happened they decided to spend the night and backtrack Monday morning.  Funny thing is is that as soon as they were about to head out and backtrack the way they came, one of the search rangers found them.  I was a rough day for them, but I'm pleased to report that they are alive and well.


Can't wait to see them tomorrow.  Thanks to the Police and search team, they're home.



That is great LSI. I'm really happy to hear that.

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I'm told the ghost of he who can not be named now inhabits those woods.  Only fools or the careless dare enter the Adirondacks on a dark night when the frost descends upon the forest.  If those two boys are still alive, they are no doubt begging for a swift death to deliver them from the horrors they have encountered.  Pray for their souls......



You may have a point, if I were a wayward man lost in the woods of the Adirondacks, I'd be much more worried about the ghost of Dawn.

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That was the whole purpose for creating this forum.  It's off the wall for god's sake.





You continue to amaze me. Really, I know why you are a chef. There could be nothing else in life you could do, except cook.

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That was the whole purpose for creating this forum.  It's off the wall for god's sake.



You're right. But it still is annoying. All it is is one person making a somewhat normal post with someone else making a stupid joke, then Ed jumping in and everyone piling on him.

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You're right.  But it still is annoying.  All it is is one person making a somewhat normal post with someone else making a stupid joke, then Ed jumping in and everyone piling on him.



And there you have a microcosm of life.


Who says this board isn't deep?

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