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Serious question and ruling re: "Man Laws"

The Poojer

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i understand and fully respect the whole double dipping rule..but when it comes to wings, specifically the "drumette" portion...if you have your own bleu cheese, is it ok to double dip. When I eat wing, the "2 Boned" part of the wing is an easy clean with one bite, however, in better establishments, the "drumette" portion can be eaten in 2 stages, reverse and obverse. I generally dip the wing in the bleu cheese and go after the one side of the "drumette", conscioustly(spelling?????) leaving a bit of bleu cheese left over for the the other side of the "drumette" avoiding the double dip infraction. Can we get a man ruling on this.


*****Please note that in some/most circumstances it is my goal/objective to clean off the wing(beit a "2-Boned" part or "Drumette" with one pass into the mouth...but when I am out in some situations I "try" to be a little more couth and take 2 passes on the "Drumette"...The "2-Boned" is ALWAYS a one pass method

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i understand and fully respect the whole double dipping rule..but when it comes to wings, specifically the "drumette" portion...if you have your own bleu cheese, is it ok to double dip.  When I eat wing, the "2 Boned" part of the wing is an easy clean with one bite, however, in better establishments, the "drumette" portion can be eaten in 2 stages, reverse and obverse.  I generally dip the wing in the bleu cheese and go after the one side of the "drumette", conscioustly(spelling?????) leaving a bit of bleu cheese left over for the the other side of the "drumette" avoiding the double dip infraction.  Can we get a man ruling on this.


*****Please note that in some/most circumstances it is my goal/objective to clean off the wing(beit a "2-Boned" part or "Drumette" with one pass into the mouth...but when I am out in some situations I "try" to be a little more couth and take 2 passes on the "Drumette"...The "2-Boned" is ALWAYS a one pass method


If it's your own bleu cheese, who cares? I think the double dip rule only comes into effect when you're sharing a dip (like a central container of salsa or chip dip or whatever).

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If it's your own bleu cheese, who cares?  I think the double dip rule only comes into effect when you're sharing a dip (like a central container of salsa or chip dip or whatever).



Fezmid is correct. I only double dip when it's my own bleu cheese or salsa or guac, or whatever.

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Well you would probably be in violation of Man Law for even caring about double dipping.


But if its is your own dip, what is wrong with double dipping? And it all depends on how you dip, as long as none of the bitten area touches the dip again, it can't really fall under the double dip rule. The point of the double dip rule is to keep from having the bitten part re-enter the dip and spread germs to others using the dip. But if you only re-dip the un bitten part, there shouldn't be a problem (for example,you dip a chip and take a bite, then you flip the chip over and redip the un bitten portion so that no part that has touched the mouth re-enters the dip. This should be considered acceptable, but it would be hard to police this action to ensure no improper double dipping occurs)

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Well you would probably be in violation of Man Law for even caring about double dipping.


But if its is your own dip, what is wrong with double dipping? And it all depends on how you dip, as long as none of the bitten area touches the dip again, it can't really fall under the double dip rule. The point of the double dip rule is to keep from having the bitten part re-enter the dip and spread germs to others using the dip. But if you only re-dip the un bitten part, there shouldn't be a problem (for example,you dip a chip and take a bite, then you flip the chip over and redip the un bitten portion so that no part that has touched the mouth re-enters the dip. This should be considered acceptable, but it would be hard to police this action to ensure no improper double dipping occurs)


I would disagree. In your example, your fingers touch the chip and then are put in the dip - spreading germs from your hands. In addition, germs can spread just by breathing, so it's probable that germs would come out of your mouth onto the chip if you doubledip.


My 2 cents anyway.

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yes in part you are right, however in cases of celery or carrot sticks and bleu cheese I do make a valiant effort of grasp said object in the middle, thereby avoiding my grimy fingers touching both ends, thereby(again) allowing me to double dip.


I do understand everyones point about sharing the personal bleu cheese's, however if you are like me, you load up on bleu cheese and deplete your supply then are forced to go scavenging for your friends that put girly amounts on thier wings....I'm just sayin...


I would disagree.  In your example, your fingers touch the chip and then are put in the dip - spreading germs from your hands.  In addition, germs can spread just by breathing, so it's probable that germs would come out of your mouth onto the chip if you doubledip.


My 2 cents anyway.


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The Man Law only applies in the case of communal dip.


When you are alone you are the sole owner of the dip and may therefore double dip at your own discretion


However in the case of communal dip, you enter into a legal and binding social contract with the other dipper(s) which prohibits double dipping

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The Man Law only applies in the case of communal dip. 


When you are alone you are the sole owner of the dip and may therefore double dip at your own discretion


However in the case of communal dip, you enter into a legal and binding social contract with the other dipper(s) which prohibits double dipping



Actually, in a decision last year the Supreme Court overturned that in a 5-4 ruling, and said that the government may in fact confiscate your dip to the benefit of another party's double-dipping...

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Here's the solution to your problem:


Use the celery stick as a blue cheese spreader.  That way you can apply the blue cheese to both sides of the wing prior to biting into it.  Make sure that you hold out your pinkie as you use the celery stick to spread.


That's just gay!


Men shouldn't touch the celery until all the meat is gone, you have ensured there is no meat clinging to the bones, and you have used all remaining edible portions of food on the plate to remove excess dip. Only if dip remains should men turn to the celery.

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I would disagree.  In your example, your fingers touch the chip and then are put in the dip - spreading germs from your hands.  In addition, germs can spread just by breathing, so it's probable that germs would come out of your mouth onto the chip if you doubledip.


My 2 cents anyway.


What are these germs you speak of? Giving a rip about germs is a direct violation of Man Law #1.


In case you've forgotten, Man Law #1 states "Be a Freakin Man!"

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Actually, in a decision last year the Supreme Court overturned that in a 5-4 ruling, and said that the government may in fact confiscate your dip to the benefit of another party's double-dipping...



Sad but true :P

The SCotUS has issued a few rulings that conflict with the Men of the Square Table


If this keeps up, Burt Reynolds, Undercover Brother, the Bus, and the old guy who writes everything down will end up at Guantamo

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I love dipping my wings in the bleu cheese for a couple reasons...(1)I love bleu cheese, and, (2) I like my wings as hot as you can get them, and I find the Bleu Cheese takes away some of the pain/heat.

So along those lines, eating the celery dipped in Bleu Cheese prior to said meat being de-clinged, is a process of mine to get a bit of relief from the pain pleasure I am enduring from the hot sauce


That's just gay!


Men shouldn't touch the celery until all the meat is gone, you have ensured there is no meat clinging to the bones, and you have used all remaining edible portions of food on the plate to remove excess dip. Only if dip remains should men turn to the celery.


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