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The Bills commited the cardinal NFL sin today

Pyrite Gal

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The game was not entertaining at all.


Losing I can deal with (hey I grew up in Chicago as a Cub fan).


However, losing because while moving the ball quite a bit but fouling up with stupid dumb penalties (such as the roughing the passer idiocy after a rare 3rd down stop), getting no turnovers but fumbling the ball away simply made this an unentertaining game to watch.


I rarely agree with Dierdorf about things, but his description of this game as like a day in the office for NE was wholly accurate. BB would destroy Bledsoe by pulling out some near piece of analysis and playcalling to unmask his weaknesses. Today they just seemed to handle the Bills straight up with no muss and no fuss.


I tend toward being the analytical type even folks disagree with the analysis. However with this one, Jauron some how needs to break his normal analytical down to earth ways and find a way to create some passion in this team.


Losing while trying hard or even getting a bad break I can deal with. Being boring in this "entertainment" activity I can read about in the paper later.

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