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The problem with this team is obvious


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The #1 reason why the patriots have been the league leader in winning close games in the clutch for the past 6 years is because they have players who are aware of every situation they're in before the snap, because they have that capacity and because Belichick works that capacity like a master. The Bills just don't play with much situational awareness. When you see any team make mistakes in critical situations on a *consistent basis*, this is what you have. Even some of our "better players" do boneheaded things REGULARLY.


There's always someone there to get a personal foul to knock out a good 3rd down stop. I think JP is a C+ quarterback but he could be so much better if he just had this aspect to his game. But he doesn't. It's early, but JP shows all the signs of being a QB who does not play with a high level of situational awareness. How often do you see Brady let the play clock wind down? You don't. How often do you see Brady throw the ball away on 3rd and 5 when he has an obvious first down by running forward? You don't. You don't see good players do a lot of things that the Bills do. I question how much our coaches are addressing this situational awareness, and I question the football intelligence of many, many players on this team, even those we might consider above reproach: Fletcher, Clements, Villarial (what a weak link), Gandy, McGee, JP, Kelsay, Et. Al. There is a lot of deserved criticism to go around.


I'll keep watching, as always, but I do worry that fans are going to lose interest in this team. It has been the same old story of no intensity and no heart for far too long. When you don't see players trying their hearts out *for each other*, you have a losing team.


The Bills make me wanna Yawn!

Stretch my arms up and Yawn!

Pat my gaping mouth and Yawn!

Hay-ay Ay-Ay ...

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They played with zero heart today.



Those who taped the game, watch the effort of the Bills' Dline in the first series. Playing patticake with the Patriots is all they were doing. No one made any effort that whole series. Way to come out fired up. They played better later but they started the game as if they were dreaming of LA.

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