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But once again we end up in 3rd and 8 and guess what a sack. Where is Lee Evans on 1st and 2nd downs? Where are the passes when we have less than 3 WR on the field or runs when we are in 3 WR sets? We are so predictable!




The Bills just stink, plain and simple.


And wait till the cap escalates faster and other teams get better, it will get worse.

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This team and organization is a complete joke...season over...yet again


2007: over too, another "rebuiild"


Thank goodness for the Sabres, a team who has a plan and sticks to it, not changing entire philosophies and coaches every 3 years.


Sell the team and move please.




The Bills belong in Buffalo - dare ye not speak of such things :o

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I just can't understand how anyone can watch this Team and single out JP as the reason they are losing...Granted JP has not helped things at times...But this Team has more holes than Swiss Cheese and they compound those gaps in talent by making mistakes all over the Field. JP may not be the answer at QB, it's a bit too early to tell if you ask me...But He is SO far from being the difference between winning and losing on this Team I can't fathom why some continue to blame Him alone...


Maybe not for the rest of the games but this game is a lot on JP as the D has given the Bills ample chance to get back in this game and WM is doing alright. JP and the passing game has to start doing something; what happen to Fairchild's creative plays in the 1st half; the rollouts, etc?

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Sell the team and move please.



You can call Marv senile.


You can curse Ralph Wilson's name.


You can insist, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, that this would be a Super Bowl team if only Craig Nall were starting.


You can even speak ill of The Holy Trinity of Kelly, Thurman, and Reed.


But it is an unforgivable blasphemy to -- even jokingly -- suggest that the Buffalo Bills should be moved out of Erie or Niagara Counties.

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Why?  So can we all waste $ on tickets, and waste time on a lost cause?



I spend whatever it is for direct TV and the NFL ticket to see this team over the past 5 years, and yeah I feel the pain. But considering what the team means to the area, I do not think moving is the answer. I say the team needs to returns to the days of empty seats and garbage bag wearing fans. With the coverage the teams gets now, I'd say embarrass Ralph and Marv and lets hope that gets results. What the Bills needs is Steinbrenner-esk ownership. I hate the Yankees, but apprciate the mindset of the team.

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I knew the D would breakdown sooner or later and who is the victim...McGee and Simpson. Our offense threw away 3-4 great drives to get back in this game! Let me guess we HOPEFULLY might make the game look close but still have a 2-5 record and we aren't that bad!

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