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It would be nice if people actually would read posts before replying to them. As I said, you can expect the typical, oh they're still a good team, they gave us a tough time, blah blah... but he makes his praise so ridiculous it borders on sarcasm.


And let's say that he was just trying to give the teams proper respect... well, it is well known that he holds back against poorer teams in order to save plays and strategies for the bigger games. So the fact that the Bills almost beat the Patriots last week was not because the Bills were any good but because the Patriots were taking them lightly.


And while he heaps ridiculous praise on his opponent--like saying how great Bledsoe was when he was here--he is blasting him in his biography, saying the complete opposite.



Or at least make an attempt to try and understand the other individual first.


We got a tough crew here JohnnyB... :o:o


!@#$ belichick and !@#$ the pats! Belichick is nothing more than an egotistical prick. His team is slowly rotting from the inside, and their fall from grace is going to be a great thing to watch.


The best part will be watching all the pats "fans" scurry out to buy eli manning jerseys in a year or 2.


Top ten list of why I hate the New England Patriots:


10. The deification of St. Teddy Bruschi - enough already

9. The way important calls always seem to go their way i.e The tuck, Just give it to them, Pass interference on a Hail Mary, etc.

8. The fact that they hosed us with Drew

7. Ma$$hole fans - the biggest bandwagon jumpers I've seen in a long time. I remember when the Pats were #4 in that 4 sport town

6. Bob Kraft - I guess when he bought the Pats he paid for a few extra calls from the refs.

5. Route 1 in Foxboro - possibly the worst road in and out of a football stadium

4. Charging for seat license fees before being able to purchase season tickets at Foxboro stadium

3. Did I mention that I can't stand their fans?????

2. The fact that they have owned us for several years

1. And the number 1 reason I hate the Pats is Rodney Harrison. I hate that a punk like him is able to enjoy the success he has. Can't stand dirty players.

Top ten list of why I hate the New England Patriots:


10. The deification of St. Teddy Bruschi - enough already

9. The way important calls always seem to go their way i.e The tuck, Just give it to them,  Pass interference on a Hail Mary, etc.

8. The fact that they hosed us with Drew

7. Ma$$hole fans - the biggest bandwagon jumpers I've seen in a long time. I remember when the Pats were #4 in that 4 sport town

6. Bob Kraft - I guess when he bought the Pats he paid for a few extra calls from the refs.

5. Route 1 in Foxboro - possibly the worst road in and out of a football stadium

4. Charging for seat license fees before being able to purchase season tickets at Foxboro stadium

3. Did I mention that I can't stand their fans?????

2. The fact that they have owned us for several years

1. And the number 1 reason I hate the Pats is Rodney Harrison. I hate that a punk like him is able to enjoy the success he has. Can't stand dirty players.



This thread is hilarious. Thanks for making this Pats fan's day. I thought the game was good. I revel in your pain and jelousy. :doh:

Top ten list of why I hate the New England Patriots:


10. The deification of St. Teddy Bruschi - enough already

9. The way important calls always seem to go their way i.e The tuck, Just give it to them,  Pass interference on a Hail Mary, etc.

8. The fact that they hosed us with Drew

7. Ma$$hole fans - the biggest bandwagon jumpers I've seen in a long time. I remember when the Pats were #4 in that 4 sport town

6. Bob Kraft - I guess when he bought the Pats he paid for a few extra calls from the refs.

5. Route 1 in Foxboro - possibly the worst road in and out of a football stadium

4. Charging for seat license fees before being able to purchase season tickets at Foxboro stadium

3. Did I mention that I can't stand their fans?????

2. The fact that they have owned us for several years

1. And the number 1 reason I hate the Pats is Rodney Harrison. I hate that a punk like him is able to enjoy the success he has. Can't stand dirty players.



#10: Still bitter about that ESPN crew?

#9: Selective amnesia. The "tuck" rule was invoked prior to the Pats/Raiders playoff game. It was just on a larger stage that time. You simply choose to remember the incidents you want to.

#8: Blame Hollywood for that one.

#7: the 4th team behind Russell and Bird's C's, Orr's B's, and one of the oldest professional sports teams in the country? What a shock. I apologize for the metro Boston area having more teams that WNY.

#6: Kraft is probably the best thing to happen to this team. Great that a life long fan bought it, rather than move us to St. Loius.

#5: Agreed. Rt.1 isn't a highway, and it doesn't pretend to be. The problem was it existed long before the Patriots were a good team. There is no easy way to improve the situation though.

#4: Applies to many many many other teams, in many sports. Not something that will ever change.

#3: Yes. We love you too.

#2: I feel similarly about Denver.

#1: Surprised you picked this reason as your number one, considering he is a relative newcomer to the team, and frankly has been a model citizen since joining the Pats. I suppose people's pasts stick with them for a long time.


PS- BlueFire is a nerd.


You people are a joke. You hate on a guy who has taken a team that had previously done NOTHING and made them into a 3-time super bowl champ. I'll guarantee you that if he had done the same with the Bills you'd be creaming your pants over him.


Congratulations, you've succumbed to the mentality of a fan of a LOSING franchise. You hete everyone or everything that's better than you rather than aspiring to BE that good.


I really can't stand listening to the broadcast of the Bills games when they play the Patriettes. How in the hell does Dierdork even talk with his lips so firmly and intimately adhered to Tom Brady's and Bill Belichick's butts the whole game? :P


Oh, and it is quite apparent that smarmy Bobby Kraft has sold his soul to the devil. It will all come due someday, rest assured.


The Patriettes will have our number for a while to come (hopefully not as long as the Dolphins did!) - but at some point their star will fade. Here's hoping that it's sooner than later.












Oh geez, I almost forgot...








DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!

The Patriettes will have our number for a while to come (hopefully not as long as the Dolphins did!) - but at some point their star will fade. Here's hoping that it's sooner than later.



1 win against them in 10 years. You read it here first.


The sheer jealousy and whining in here is pathetic and is really beneath what I once thought were the best fans in the league.


Show some respect for gawd's sake. Bills fans can only wish for a team 1/2 as good as New England has been these past several years.


Bill Belichek is an excellent coach, Tom Brady is perhaps the best QB in the league and the Patriots win and lose as a team.


Why can't you respect that?


Yes I can appreciate the frustartion with the Bills but show some class in defeat. Bill's fans are better than this.

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