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The 101 most influential people


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44. Buffy the Vampire Slayer


I can't even begin to list all the ways Buffy the Vampire Slayer has changed the world. :lol:


They seriously could have just named the list "most famous book and movie characters." Throw some of the smurfs on there, who gives a crap?

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Yeah, that way they could have put God at the top spot! :lol:



Man if we start getting into what figures exist and don't.....well it would be interesting just to see how many people would get offended and how fast. Good thing I'm somewhat of an agnostic :lol:

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So that makes two of us who've read it.


I don't know about you, but I don't see that many people walking around saying "Buck the St Bernard is a big influence in my life..."






Actually Jack London did have a great influence on literature and thus culture and Buck was a most significant part.

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Some of the "people" on their list aren't even people. Unless I was smoking something pretty damn good when I was 5 cause I remember Bambi being a deer.


Not to mention even some of the actual people aren't people. Dionysus and Apollo are gods. I could keep going, but everyone gets the idea.


Also I think this is a better list

Top 50 movie villians

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