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Mike aka "Ron Mexico" Vick: I could be a real QB

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We can argue on that until the cows come home but the bottom line is that systems need to be tailored to maximize the strength of the roster.  The West Coast offense is NOT the offense to be installing with Mike Vick as QB.


Yeah, it's too hard for him to make reads. He should have Mularkey as his coach. Imagine the possibilities Meathead could come up with.

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Of course, which is why you employ a system that fits your roster.  Make no mistake Vick was there before the West Coast offense was installed.  If they were hell bent on using the WCO, then they should have traded him (a pretty stupid idea, btw).  If they were hell bent on having a "successful" offense, then you would NOT employ the WCO with Vick as your QB.


It's a bit of both obviously.....not all your players will fit any system so changes will always be needed to the personel. I totally agree with you about Vick though. When you have a 'name' player like him, there is obviously no way that any new coach would be considering getting rid of him.....and with his unique talents, it is logical to assume that a system should be brought in to suit those talents. It appears to me however that the reigns have been taken off Vick again this season. Last year they had been trying to mould him into a pocket passer obviously from fear of his (regular) injuries from all the rushing.

Particularly at QB, I think a system should be tailored to suit the player.

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"If only. If only. If only."

Ah, such sweet sorrow.


I hope he stays right there and remains a RedBird forever.

The tragi-comedy that is Michael Ron Mexico Vick's NFL career is so entertaining.

Not for the highlight reel clips he's occasionally on, but you just have to know he's suffering the tortures of the damned, sir. The tortures of the damned.

What a horrorshow. :blink:

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Let's not bring intelligence into the discussion, as it's pretty likely you were the one who changed my tires or filled my tank the other day...


Insults aside, you agree with my point -- that the West Coast offense is about THE worst offense to employ with Vick as QB.



Steve Young is of significantly higher intellect and character compared to Vick. I doubt many would arue that unless of course you're looking for an argument.

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It's a bit of both obviously.....not all your players will fit any system so changes will always be needed to the personel.  I totally agree with you about Vick though.  When you have a 'name' player like him, there is obviously no way that any new coach would be considering getting rid of him.....and with his unique talents, it is logical to assume that a system should be brought in to suit those talents.  It appears to me however that the reigns have been taken off Vick again this season.  Last year they had been trying to mould him into a pocket passer obviously from fear of his (regular) injuries from all the rushing. 

Particularly at QB, I think a system should be tailored to suit the player.



Statistically Atlanta is #1 in the league in rushing offense, last in passing offense but in the upper third of the league in total offense. Bottom third in scoring. Sounds like their red zone offense isn't very good and for what little passing Vick has done, his rating (66) stinks. Sounds like a QB and team that can't finish drives. He might be dangerous between the 20's but not a good drive finisher? Maybe it's a bad system, but the coach might not have confidence in the QB. Vick should keep his mouth shut and worry about his own passing performance.

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Read the earlier part of the thread... that was in response to someone knocking "my own" intelligence.


Steve Young has a law degree, not a small thing by any means.


Steve Young is of significantly higher intellect and character compared to Vick.  I doubt many would arue that unless of course you're looking for an argument.


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Try again.


Why do you "think" the Falcons are #1 in rushing offense and #32 in passing offense? Perhaps it has to do with the number of attempts?


The Falcons lead the league in rushing attempts at 36 per game.

The Falcons are last in the league in passing attempts at 24 per game.


So it should be expected that they lead the league in rushing yards when they run the ball more often than any other team! Perhaps if they gave Vick a chance to throw the deep ball, he could make things happen.



Statistically Atlanta is #1 in the league in rushing offense, last in passing offense but in the upper third of the league in total offense.  Bottom third in scoring.  Sounds like their red zone offense isn't very good and for what little passing Vick has done, his rating (66) stinks.  Sounds like a QB and team that can't finish drives. 


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What gets me about this interview is that Vick actually thinks he could be better for the Colts than Manning.


"I always think, if I played in Indianapolis, what type of effect would I have on that team?"


Translation: For all the times that Manning has come up short in the playoffs, I'll bet I could have gotten the Colts to the Super Bowl at least once.


Delusional tool. Had he been playing for Indy, the Colts probably wouldn't have even made the playoffs...

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And the best part...JP's already a better passer than vick will ever be.




Did you see the Steelers/Falcons game? Could you imagine JP leading a team from behind like Ron Mexico did? Could you imagine him in a shootout against Charlie Batch?


Yes I said against Charlie Batch

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