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Some decisions


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League 1, start RB:

A) Rudi Johnson vs. Carolina

B) Kevin Jones @NYJ

C) Fred Taylor @Houston


I planned on starting Rudi every week, but may reconsider. The Panthers run D is generally good but still unpredictable. Even last year when they were really good they let Cadillac & Julius Jones run on them in their house. But still, it's hard to see a big game from Rudi. Palmer is my QB too in this league fwiw.

The Jets run D obviously stinks, but the Lions are generally such a terrible road team that I can see them falling behind 14-0 in the 1st Qtr, so I dunno...

Taylor I don't think hits paydirt enough to be a serious consideration.


Also, how about Lee Evans vs. Randy Moss? I know it's fashionable to bash Moss, but he has 2 TD's in 3 weeks and ~85 yards vs. a great Denver defense last week. It's a rare opportunity for the Raiders to win a game IMO, as the Cardinals defensive performance last week I think was a fluke.


League 2, Tatum Bell @Cleveland is a no-brainer:

How about Jordan or McGahee as my 2nd back?

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Kevin Jones. The Dolfags were able to run (Ronnie Brown 1st 100 yd day all year) even when they fell behind in the game. Kevin Jones should fair just as well.


ALso, I would start Lee Evans over Randy Moss all day, no matter what the opponent. Lee is starting to establish himself as a premiere go to guy in this league, and the last 4 weeks have proven that.


And the other league, McGahee, not just becuase I am a homer, but I think he will have success against the Pats run D much like he did in week 1, but they need him to get into the EZ.

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