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October 2, 2004 -- A New Jersey public-school teacher claims she was bushwhacked by her principal yesterday when he ordered her to "get out" of the building after she refused to remove a photo of President Bush and the first lady from her classroom.


So basically this teacher had a picture of the US presidents up in the classroom. Using normal teacher logic, she also had a picture of the current US president, George W. Bush. Several parents complained about this, and the vice principal asked the teacher to hand in her key and leave the building.


If that isn't the dumbest thing I have ever heard, I don't know what is.



If that isn't the dumbest thing I have ever heard, I don't know what is.




Wait, her getting chased out of the building, or her displaying a picture of the first couple in her classroom? Which is the dumbest thing you have ever heard? Someone at my job, a big Dixie Chicks fan, got suspended a day for not removing a "Dixie Chicks for President" sticker from her desk....it is a crazy fugged up coountry, this "united" states of ours... :lol:


Almost as dumb as the boss who fired the woman who dared to park her car in the company's parking lot with a Kerry bumper sticker, or the Bush heckler who got fired when he returned to work the next day.


The reality of the situation is that instead of a Kerry picture, she could have put up pictures of the other 41 men who have been president, and stuck it to them by having the current president's photo larger, as a sign he is the one in office right now.


The whole censorship by bosses who don't agree with employees political views has gotten out of hand.


I hate to say it but that's good grounds for a lawsuit...and a civil rights violation. Something about the 1st Amendment.


She also had many other pictures of presidents in the same classroom. This was clearly a case of her superiors picking on her because of this.


By the way, why is it a problem in the first place to have a picture of the sitting president in your classroom? Is this not a current events issue.


By the way, how many votes did she effect? Do these crazy leftists think that these kids would go home and tell thier parents to vote for GWB because thier teacher had a coool picture of him in their classroom?


Typical liberal hate attack here. Don't be afraid to call it what it is.


My recollection of elementary school is that we always had a picture of the current president hanging somewhere.


Wasn't too bright of her to prod the bear...but that principal is way out in left field...

My recollection of elementary school is that we always had a picture of the current president hanging somewhere. 


Wasn't too bright of her to prod the bear...but that principal is way out in left field...



That is my recollection too.


I asked the question: Why Laura, is that SOP? I don't think she is hanging in the lunchroom here?

That is my recollection too.


I asked the question:  Why Laura, is that SOP?  I don't think she is hanging in the lunchroom here?



Yeah, I don't recall ever seeing a pic of the First Lady. I suppose the principal could argue that through it being a pic of both, it was less an expression of respect for the office and more of support for the president personally...and given their strong evangelical faith, represented an intentional violation of separation of church and state...basically, it introduced "prayer" into school.


I wouldn't agree with it...but I could see an over-officious ass trying to make the argument to save his skin. And like I said...the teacher prodded the bear. Don't know why she thought the issue was worth a job...

Yeah, I don't recall ever seeing a pic of the First Lady.  I suppose the principal could argue that through it being a pic of both, it was less an expression of respect for the office and more of support for the president personally...and given their strong evangelical faith, represented an intentional violation of separation of church and state...basically, it introduced "prayer" into school.


I wouldn't agree with it...but I could see an over-officious ass trying to make the argument to save his skin.  And like I said...the teacher prodded the bear.  Don't know why she thought the issue was worth a job...


In a country where at least half of the adults can't name key political figures, I hardly think there is any decent argument to be made for not displaying pictures of the President and First Lady.


Garbage in, garbage out. Get government out of education.

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