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FEMA screwing up???

Hammered a Lot

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WTF does FEMA have to do with public schools?  If you have kids in them, get off your butt and do what needs to be done, including flipping money out of your own wallet as opposed to dragging it out those without kids, who have to fork over for the snots under pain of imprisonment by over-arching government. Pay your own way.


I pay school taxes and understand why, but I'm sick and tired about folks moaning how their whelp needs more and more of my money. And tired about hearing how incoming college freshmen are dumb as posts. There is a big parenting problem. Very big.


What kind of education were you taught?...Communist Propaganda 101?...sheesh. :lol:





FEMA has to do with helping the city government get reopened on all levels, and helping bear some of the costs associated with it. You alone can't just reopen a public school after something like this happens, no matter how noble of an idea that may be. What are you going to do, drive the short bus and teach all the classes while working your normal job?


FEMA is in place so the local/state government doesn't have to carry the burden of the cost involved in cleaning up. There is a lot more involved logositically than the neighbors banding together and picking up tree branches. As it stands right now, it looks like the storm is going to cost the Town of Tonawanda over 80 million dollars.






I never noticed this in your sig :


"I'm like that Texas woman who held her kid underwater and gave him brain damage. I'm just like Barbara Bush!!!"


Is that funny?  Obviously by your avatar and various posts I've seen you're slightly left of Hugo Chavez, but saying crap like that is just plain sick.  I guess its time to use the ignore feature. 


Go watch loose change a few hundred more times and get brain washed a little more.  Bush = Devil incarnate.  :doh:  :)  :devil:





Its a quote from Family Guy, one that I find rather humerous. Although I never noticed that I forgot "-Lois Griffin" at the end.


I love this board, its the only place that I've been accused of being left of Hugo Chavez and at the same time being a Republican who bashes Hillary just to bash Hillary.

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FEMA has to do with helping the city government get reopened on all levels, and helping bear some of the costs associated with it.  You alone can't just reopen a public school after something like this happens, no matter how noble of an idea that may be.  What are you going to do, drive the short bus and teach all the classes while working your normal job?


:devil:  :lol:  :lol:





Oh cripes... :doh: I'm certain you feel you have far more insight into things than when you were 16, but now at what...23...you've solved everything that needs to be solved and assume that those that proceeded you never gained things as they aged.


Read my sig line, kiddo... :)

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Oh cripes... :doh: I'm certain you feel you have far more insight into things than when you were 16, but now at what...23...you've solved everything that needs to be solved and assume that those that proceeded you never gained things as they aged.


Read my sig line, kiddo... :)



Where the hell did you get that out of my post? Actually, most of the reason why I do come to internet message boards is to learn and revise my position on things, including football, the NFL, etc. There are, without a doubt, a few posters here who I've learned a lot from.


What, exactly, was incorrect with what I said?

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Where the hell did you get that out of my post?  Actually, most of the reason why I do come to internet message boards is to learn and revise my position on things, including football, the NFL, etc.  There are, without a doubt, a few posters here who I've learned a lot from.


What, exactly, was incorrect with what I said?



It was idiotic. And I read your sig line.

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You realize that you still haven't explained what was wrong with my post, right?  :doh:


(And, again, the sig line is a friggin joke from a tv show)



You seemed to miss the fact that the Katrina - Louisana crowd were frozen in time, choosing to blame FEMA's response.


Yes, you indeed can drive the short bus and get the schools running, in your own community in times of trouble. The general idea is that governments are not the only power in society.


You seem to like the old trick of using words like "exactly", to deflect the fact that you are more focused on assigning blame than responding to the problem at hand.


I don't dance attendence to BlueFire...your finger snaps don't make me move :).


Look up what that term means...

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Seriously, though you might want to re-consider the sig line about Barbara Bush.  Lots of brain damaged kids resent being lumped in with GWB.  Geezz...if Barbara only held him under water a few more minutes......




What a dick

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You seemed to miss the fact that the Katrina - Louisana crowd were frozen in time, choosing to blame FEMA's response.


I do? When was I talking about Katrina in all of this? I don't think its related, and I would probablya gree with you about FEMA in the Katrina incident, that people should have taken initiative long before Katrina arrived.


Yes, you indeed can drive the short bus and get the schools running, in your own community in times of trouble. The general idea is that governments are not the only power in society.


You're right, its not, but my point is that everyone has limited resources, while the government has comparably more resources. A community can only do so much in a time of crisis due to that. The logistics of getting a community back up and running require both community participation and governmental participation.


You seem to like the old trick of using words like "exactly", to deflect the fact that you are more focused on assigning blame than responding to the problem at hand.


Blame? Where am I assigning blame? If I was doing that, I'd have to be talking negatively about someone/something and saying they didn't do what they should have. I haven't commented one way or the other in this thing. I'm not deflecting anything.


I don't dance attendence to BlueFire...your finger snaps don't make me move :unsure:.


Look up what that term means...



So, if you don't want to discuss something, or respond to other people's questions, why are you on a message board anyway?

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