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The Math Does Make Sense

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That would still be a result of the invasion, which is all the Lancet study was saying.



My contention is that it would have happened sooner or later, once Saddam kicked the bucket. His one son was insane, and couldn't possibly hold that country together and his other son was universally reviled.

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A million where?  Maybe in one part of Iraq.  I believe the number is closer to 3 million.  Hell if I remember correct after Gulf I he supposedly killed 800,000 in southern Iraq alone for their treachery. 


How many Iranians were gassed and killed as well?


EXCELLENT question. Here's another one: Where did he get the gas? :doh: From the-enemy-of-his-enemy perhaps (the red, white and blue one)??

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My contention is that it would have happened sooner or later, once Saddam kicked the bucket. His one son was insane, and couldn't possibly hold that country together and his other son was universally reviled.


Ah the old pre-emptive strike mentality! Saddams sons were both nutjobs and would have killed MORE people so our invasion is actually SAVING people from being killed.


Yup, that sounds like fodder for a 2007 Nobel prize, in what category I don't know.

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EXCELLENT question.  Here's another one:  Where did he get the gas?  :) From the-enemy-of-his-enemy perhaps (the red, white and blue one)??





No, he made them with the agricultural and pharmaceutical industry he purchased from/was given by France and Germany. Nerve agents are fairly easy to make if you can make pesticides, and mustard gas is easier still (mix sulfur monochloride - easily attainable to anyone with a petroleum industry - and ethylene - easily attainable to anyone with a pulse, I think I have some in the workshop, actually - and "shake well"). And the Iraqis were sophisticated enough to invent some of their own..."dusty mustard", binding mustard gas to small sand particles, was particularly nasty.


Really, this stuff is very well documented, if you'd bother to look.

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Ah the old pre-emptive strike mentality!  Saddams sons were both nutjobs and would have killed MORE people so our invasion is actually SAVING people from being killed.


Yup, that sounds like fodder for a 2007 Nobel prize, in what category I don't know.



Nooo, read again, nozzle. I said that neither of his sons would have kept the country together, thereby causing the same thing as we see now. I say split the !@#$ers up into their own little fiefdoms and be done with it.

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Nooo, read again, nozzle. I said that neither of his sons would have kept the country together, thereby causing the same thing as we see now. I say split the !@#$ers up into their own little fiefdoms and be done with it.



So you agree with the plan that Joe Biden has been proposing for some time to split into regional autonomous areas with a sharing of oil revenues and border security?

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91 Confirmed dead today, and that's basically an average day in Iraq, right? 365 days times 100 [averaging up to 100 from 96] and 36,500 a year. Now we know that reporters, public health officials, GIs, etc. can't really get around Iraq at all to see the carnage. With this in mind the larger numbers of hundreds of thousands of dead since the invasion makes since. True, earlier in the occupation things were not as bloody, but the death toll surely must be over 100,000, at least


Get back to me when the death toll equals the tens of millions systematically killed by Saddam over the decades. Things may not have gone exactly as planned in Iraq but things are a hell of a lot better now than under the murderous Saddam.

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Get back to me when the death toll equals the tens of millions systematically killed by Saddam over the decades. Things may not have gone exactly as planned in Iraq but things are a hell of a lot better now than under the murderous Saddam.



Tens of millions?! What is this - think of a number and double it?

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Tens of millions?! What is this - think of a number and double it?


Oh sure, Saddam was just a wonderful guy. Problem with you people is you want to blame our soldiers for everything. You blame Bush and Rumsfeld, but we know who you really hate. Just like in Nam. My dad was spit on, had blood thrown on him just for fighting for his country

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Oh sure, Saddam was just a wonderful guy. Problem with you people is you want to blame our soldiers for everything. You blame Bush and Rumsfeld, but we know who you really hate. Just like in Nam. My dad was spit on, had blood thrown on him just for fighting for his country



Never said he was a great guy. In fact, he was a brutal and cruel dictator. That doesn't change the fact that stating that he systematically killed "tens of millions" is completely ridiculous.

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Oh sure, Saddam was just a wonderful guy. Problem with you people is you want to blame our soldiers for everything. You blame Bush and Rumsfeld, but we know who you really hate. Just like in Nam. My dad was spit on, had blood thrown on him just for fighting for his country



How's life under the bridge?

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