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Glass half-full post

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Actually I lied, there's no glass half full that can be pulled out of this one. So let me just hit on some things that have been bothering me:


Schopp and Bulldog are f-cking retarded! McGahee and Losman didn't have a great game (they may not have had a good one either). But to pinpoint them in the loss is ridiculous in my opinion. I can name so many bigger problems with this team and the loss.


1.) The Offensive Line - Wow. I just don't know what to say. Mike Gandy would have been more useful this game if he did, well, ANYTHING else! I kept thinking back to that Cinci game we unexplicibly one last season that dropped us from #3 to #8 in the draft order. D'Brickashaw Ferguson is like a wet dream at this point.


2.) The Run D - ..... or lackthereof. You know what's not a good sign? When you focus practically your entire offseason brining in defensive minded coaches, signing mostly defensive players, and practically drafting only defensive players and your defense still sucks! I REALLY hope that this game can be tabbed up to rust or not being at 100% for Takeo. If it wasn't, we're screwed. Plain and simple.


3.) Our WR's and TE's - Save Lee Evans and maybe Roscoe Parrish (who shows potential but just hasn't reached consistency yet). Price and Reed make plays here and there. But more often then not, they just can't get open for Losman. Ever wonder why Losman holds on to the ball like Drew Bledsoe sometimes? It's because our receiving core is pretty inept underneath Evans. The one good drive they had when Neufeld scored the TD, I said to my friend "this would be a good time to throw to a TE if we had one". Who came down with it? Not Royal. Not Everett. But Ryan freaking Neufeld! God, I miss Pete Metzalaars (?!).


4.) The Coaching Staff - What the hell is wrong with these guys?! Weeks 1 and 2 they looked like actual coaches. But ever since the fake field goal attempt against the Jets, they've just looked like retarded monkeys. How long did it take for them to realize that one on one against Roy Williams wasn't working?! Christ, everyone knew the ball was going to him and I can't remember a single play when he wasn't one on one. I was screaming at the television like a maniac. Pass D, i'm stoked that you shut down Joe Schmo and Something Furrey (seriously, was that guy's name Furrey?). But maybe you guys should have let up on them a little bit and worked Williams. And how deep were our Safety's?!


Marv and Ralph better be ready to spend some money in the offseason. Because their "Patriots" plan of signing young unknowns just isn't working. We don't have the veteran structure of the staff to pull it off. We need to spend some money to fix the lines. But also:


We need some offensive playmakers!


It's great having Lee Evans. But he can't do it alone. I know everyone has been anti "sexy" since TD. But it's time we go for the sexy once more with a big time FA or Draft Pick. The offense just doesn't have the firepower that Losman needs. Whether that means we say goodbye to McGahee and go after Adrian Peterson (who still seems like he'll come out even though he did just get injured for the rest of the season) Marshawn Lynch, or a WR like Ted Ginn Jr., there's no denying the offense needs help.


The Line's need veteran studs. We can't afford to try and put rookies on them next season.


In my opinion, if we can't beat the Lions the only thing this year is good for is to see whose good enough to stay on next year when the REAL rebuilding begins.


YAY :(

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