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You know what? F this team


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I'm not going anywhere, but I enjoy watching quality football being played.  I didn't see that this week and not too often this year.  We can still be a Bills fan but if I want to watch good football, it should include good teams, and this ain't one.



Although, I'm starting to appreciate the comedy factor in watching truly atrocious football teams, after that display the Raiders put on last night. Randy Moss catches the ball a yard beyond the first down maker...runs backwards three yards...doesn't get the first down. That's just good stuff... <_<

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Although, I'm starting to appreciate the comedy factor in watching truly atrocious football teams, after that display the Raiders put on last night.  Randy Moss catches the ball a yard beyond the first down maker...runs backwards three yards...doesn't get the first down.  That's just good stuff...  <_<



Sure, if it's somebody's elses team it's funny. :D

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good stuff.



3rd that. "I'm a better fan than you" OMFG STFU....who posts here after 6 years of losing w/out being a fan? You'd have to have a slower reaction time than Jim Drunkenmiller to be a "bandwagon" fan and still root for the Bills.

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Dont let the door hit you in the ass.  Let another disappointing season weed out true fans and dont even think of hopping on the bandwagon when we turn this thing around.  Cya!  Go Bills!



I'm with you on this. What's the point of quitting?

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well i will always love the bills win or lose......yeah losing sucks and it seems we keep rebuilding,but i am optomistic enough to think we are rebuilding "for real " this time.....when marv came on board he said you build the defense first.i bet next season he addresses the lines ,specifically a left defensive end and maybe a defensive tackle and a blue chip left tackle.go bills

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Thank God for the sabres. This is a team that all teams should be modeled after. A team that the city can get behind.


The winds of change are upon us, and right now Buffalo is turning into a hockey first city and rightfully so.



Let me tell you what, buddy. I have been a Sabres fan since 1970, and we don't need fair weather fans like you on the bandwagon.


You sound like one of those NYers who digs his Mets hat out of the closet the minute the Yankees are eliminated.

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I found myself so disinterested in this team today. i was more into my fantasy football team than the bills today, and that never happens. Its just all crap and this team is showing zero signs of progression. Its been like this for years and it has become very tiring. I think the city, as a whole, has lost the connection with this team like it had through the early to mid 90's.


Thank God for the sabres. This is a team that all teams should be modeled after. A team that the city can get behind.


The winds of change are upon us, and right now Buffalo is turning into a hockey first city and rightfully so.




So, its all about you.......right?

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I've been a fan since I was 5 years old. I just cant take it anymore. When I first became a Bill's fan in 1990 there was a feeling of unity. We've lost that.


Whats next?



You are just spoiled that's all. Did you think the Bills would go to the Super Bowl every year for the rest of your life? There's got to be down years in order to appreciate the good ones. Yeah it's been a while since the Bills have done anything to be happy about, but how about giving Marv more than 5 games to right the ship?

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I've been a fan since the early 70s when they were a joke and remained so for about 16 more years. Then we got good. Now we're a joke again, hopefully for fewer than 16 years.


The reality is that the Bills have stunk for more years than they've been good. This is typical Bills football: sit back, grab a beer and enjoy! <_< Mediocrity is just around the corner - if we're lucky!

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I've been a fan since the early 70s when they were a joke and remained so for about 16 more years. Then we got good. Now we're a joke again, hopefully for fewer than 16 years.


The reality is that the Bills have stunk for more years than they've been good. This is typical Bills football: sit back, grab a beer and enjoy!  <_< Mediocrity is just around the corner - if we're lucky!





Maybe you're right. It just hurts so bad when they lose!!! :D

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I've been a fan since I was 5 years old. I just cant take it anymore. When I first became a Bill's fan in 1990 there was a feeling of unity. We've lost that.


Whats next?


When you became a fan in 1990? Are you kidding me? That team was one of the easiest in the history of American sport to root for.



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