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Clements, Fletcher and other thoughts


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Some thoughts/questions below:


1. I hope the Bills re-sign Clements and Fletcher. If they don't, we will be trying to fill too many holes again this offseason. Free agent cbs are expensive, even mediocre ones, and I don't think Youboty will be ready to replace Clements. Fletcher is a leader and the Bills need to show that they can keep their veterans.


2. Is Kelsay a free agent after this season? If so, that will be another hole to fill in the draft or free agency (even if Denney becomes the starter).


3. We need to win today (and approach .500 for the year) because the Bills need to be perceived in the league as an improving team with a bright future by both fans and potential free agents.


4. At what point do amounts available in the current cap year cease to be available for contract extensions? I have noticed that some teams that are under the cap are extending players by using amounts available this year (i.e., Dockett). It sounds like Vincent will count towards this year's cap, but do we have more available? I would think that the Bills would use up their available cap amounts so that there is more available next year.

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