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Maybe i'm late

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But i've just readen the SI story about Pat Tillman in one of their Sept issues. Before reading that story i did not really know much about who Tillman really was. I had heard and seen a lot of things about him but it was hard for me to really have an opinion about his life, his choices... The SI story is very well documented, goes deep into the details and is really amazing. Go read it if you have not yet. And now i can tell it without a doubt: Pat Tillman was an exceptionnal human being.

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That is true. But every soldier sacrifices. I honor Tillman for his sacrifice, but no more than the other 2,700+ Americans (not to mention allies) who have also lost their lives. We may not worship the "Everyman" like we do athletes but their lives are just as precious, to someone if not to us.

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