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46 minutes into LOST


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I actually liked this episode. It was infinitely better than the opener (yawner).


Not too thrilled with the season so far but this episode was definitely much better than the opener.


I agree with whoever said that it's boring The Others always get what they want. The stars of the show need to get a victory at some point (it's season 3 for cryin' out loud) just to let us know that we're not following the story of a bunch of morons who can't do anything right. Even in this episode Sawyer beat up a few guards and start laying the groundwork for an escape.....but (OOPS) we can't let The Others seem vulnerable so there was Ben monitoring the whole conversation at the end. Gimme a damn break.


What sucks about the show the most (besides the thousands of loose ends we know they'll never get to) is that I already know that everything the stars do will turn out to be playing right into the hands of The Others.

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I believe the writers and director took the same sh-- Locke stuffed in his mouth. Holy acid trip, man! Lots of trippy dialogue b/w Charlie and Hurley. They're all walking around like there wasn't a ginormous explosion.


After two weeks of discovering the darker side of people we first came to like, we now find out that Locke, when faced with making that same Big Decision (whether to shoot Eddie to conceal the commune/family's marijuana op), he seems to have done the right thing... We did not see this, but you'd think it would have shown up in his character before if he had. Also, this flashback seems to have taken place after last season's flashback of his father's 'death' and the wiseguys looking for the money; so it doesn't seem that's how he became paralyzed as some people thought. Anyone w/ Tivo want to detail what was in that sweatlodge dream? Imagery of him back in the wheelchair, grabbing at his feet that seem paralyzed again. Boone bloody. And the stage is set for Charlie to be his next lackey; which was the logical connection from the heroin plane which Locke totally missed.


Desmond knows the future. After-effects from the accident? Or does he have a deeper knowledge of what will happen? Is he in on it all?


And why didn't Hurley tell anyone anything when he got back? F--ktard.

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Great episode tonight. Awesome that Locke couldn't pull the trigger (so that makes, what, one person on the plane who didn't kill anyone previously :unsure: ).


Anyways, this episode has me excited about Lost again. The show seemed to go back to the magic stuff it was all about in its first season. I love that the island is telling Locke to rescue Jack, etc. It's cool that Locke has a mission (though I am worried the writers will screw this up by making it all turn out to be ANOTHER trap set by the Others to capture Locke, which could turn out to be ANOTHER part of ANOTHER trap by the Others *yawn*).


Oh, and I really liked that Desmond was still alive. He's cool.

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Great episode tonight.  Awesome that Locke couldn't pull the trigger (so that makes, what, one person on the plane who didn't kill anyone previously  :doh: ).


Anyways, this episode has me excited about Lost again.  The show seemed to go back to the magic stuff it was all about in its first season.  I love that the island is telling Locke to rescue Jack, etc.  It's cool that Locke has a mission (though I am worried the writers will screw this up by making it all turn out to be ANOTHER trap set by the Others to capture Locke, which could turn out to be ANOTHER part of ANOTHER trap by the Others *yawn*).


Oh, and I really liked that Desmond was still alive.  He's cool.



It cut away when Locke put the gun down, exasperated. Not to say he raised it and shot (and I don't think he did), but then again, last season left us thinking Sun didn't have an affair with Jae Lee.... What was up w/ him not being able to speak?


I like that Locke now has a mission. When he says he's going to do something, he does it. Action is a good thing. Rather than have Charlie repeat his "You don't call, you don't write..." line and all of the Lostaways being so UNcurious about what happened to the hatch and if anyone was hurt. WTF is that? W/o Jack physically being there, 'Live Together/Die Alone' goes out the window?


Desmond seemed to be in a world of his own at the end there. Skipping stones in the ocean, not a care in the world? Strange about his being naked after the pulse; the electromagnet just pulled metal toward it, not cotton. And so, I would surmise that the power is now off in the hatch.


After watching that link from slothrop, what kind of "signal" was it that those research guys called Penny Widmore about? The story goes that they were on the island trying to change a value in the 4 8 15 16 23 42 code. Could that shutdown be a signal of a success or a failure in this change, and a message for the receiver to start some process (perhaps using the 'vaccine' --- and did I catch that right, the 'vaccine' is intended to kill 30% of humanity?) in the outside world?

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I actually didn't like this episode all that much. I was into the other story line and switching to this side of the island was slightly disappointing.


Did anybody else find it weird that the polar bear just disappeared when Charlie and Locke ran into Hurley?


Why were there toys in the cave with the polar bear?


Why can Desmond tell the future? Or was he feeding Locke lines?

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I felt like a Flyers fan watching them get killed by Buffalo last night. What a letdown. I was a fan of J.J. Abrams other show, Alias for the first two years. So much promise, interesting stories - then BLAM. Its like he has no idea about an ending. He adds stuff suring the story and doesn't develop his characters. He added two new cast aways last night. WTF? Where is nice interracial couple from last year?



Looks like the actors aren't thrilled with these new faces either...

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Anyone catch the superimposement of a lions snapping teeth (or some large cat) when Locke dove out of the sweat lodge? I thought I saw something but the wife didn't catch it the first time, so I rewound it and there it was.



I thought that was the polar bear...

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I felt like a Flyers fan watching them get killed by Buffalo last night. What a letdown. I was a fan of J.J. Abrams other show, Alias for the first two years. So much promise, interesting stories - then BLAM. Its like he has no idea about an ending. He adds stuff suring the story and doesn't develop his characters. He added two new cast aways last night. WTF? Where is nice interracial couple from last year?

Looks like the actors aren't thrilled with these new faces either...



I'm having a brain fart. Who are the "two new castaways"?


Agreed about the plot complexity. But as an explanation for the drop in viewership, I think there's a fair number of people who are just waiting for the DVDs to come out so they can watch it all at once rather than week-to-week.


Same thing happened with me re: Alias. Watched casually the first 2 seasons, and I was lost in the third, especially after I missed a few episodes. None of it made sense. Started to watch it again in the final season. It got way too complex and there were too many pieces of the puzzle that, by design, you couldn't put together. I hope Lost doesn't get that bad.

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I'm having a brain fart. Who are the "two new castaways"?


Agreed about the plot complexity. But as an explanation for the drop in viewership, I think there's a fair number of people who are just waiting for the DVDs to come out so they can watch it all at once rather than week-to-week.


Same thing happened with me re: Alias. Watched casually the first 2 seasons, and I was lost in the third, especially after I missed a few episodes. None of it made sense. Started to watch it again in the final season. It got way too complex and there were too many pieces of the puzzle that, by design, you couldn't put together. I hope Lost doesn't get that bad.


When Locke and Charlie brought Eko to the beach there were two new castaways there. We knew that there were other castaways on the island but we rarely (if ever) were able to see them clearly enough to make out their faces. They usually just milled-about in the background.


In this case, not only were we able to see their faces, but they had dialog and I think Locke called them by name. I'd be interested to see if their characters get developed. (Not that I need more to try to keep track of.)


One thing I had a question about....at one point Charlie told Hurley to "go to the kitchen" to get something. Wasn't the kitchen in the hatch? Shouldn't Charlie know that the kitchen is gone since he and Locke saw the impoloded wreckage?

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I tivo'd it and paused it, it was a wolf's head.


Maybe indicating Locke was a hunter?


That's funny...I thought it was a wolf too, but then talked myself out of it when the polar bear showed up.

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One thing I had a question about....at one point Charlie told Hurley to "go to the kitchen" to get something. Wasn't the kitchen in the hatch? Shouldn't Charlie know that the kitchen is gone since he and Locke saw the impoloded wreckage?


I think by "kitchen" he meant the area of the beach where they keep all the food on the makeshift shelves.

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