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46 minutes into LOST


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I think they do....they used it to grab Walt.


They gave that boat to Michael and Walt.


What I meant was maybe they (the others) have another boat they could have used to reach the sailboat if they (Sayid and his posse) would have anchored it off shore. If Sayid and Jin were on shore, with no ability to get to the boat, Sun would have been really screwed.

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They gave that boat to Michael and Walt.


What I meant was maybe they (the others) have another boat they could have used to reach the sailboat if they (Sayid and his posse) would have anchored it off shore. If Sayid and Jin were on shore, with no ability to get to the boat, Sun would have been really screwed.



Sayid, Jin and Sun don't know that Michael was given the boat.

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They gave that boat to Michael and Walt.


What I meant was maybe they (the others) have another boat they could have used to reach the sailboat if they (Sayid and his posse) would have anchored it off shore. If Sayid and Jin were on shore, with no ability to get to the boat, Sun would have been really screwed.


Thank you. That's more evidence that I may be too stupid to really enjoy this show. That scene where they gave Michael and Walt the boat was a big part of the storyline and it has already been pushed out of my brain by strawberries and fish biscuits. <_<

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Sayid, Jin and Sun don't know that Michael was given the boat.


<_< I know. My orignal response about another boat was due to this post by MadCap.


BTW, How friggin stupid do you have to be to not assume the others will try and steal the sailboat instead of a head-on confrontation? Why they didn't have Sun (who can sail) take the boat out into the ocean and wait for a signal to keep the boat from falling into enemy hands is unbelievable. And the Iraqi is supposedly a master of warfare? Stupid, stupid...



Maybe the others had/have another boat they could have used to get out to the sailboat IF Sayid and company would have gone with the plan MadCap suggested.

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I like the point made earlier than we're learning more of the darker side of our protaganists.


The most notable line last night had to be the female "Other" confronting Sun on the boat. We're not the enemy, she says, but if you shoot me, we will be. Then, BLAM!


What if the writers are heading us in a direction where by season's end, they end up building our sympathies for the Others?

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I like the point made earlier than we're learning more of the darker side of our protaganists.


The most notable line last night had to be the female "Other" confronting Sun on the boat. We're not the enemy, she says, but if you shoot me, we will be. Then, BLAM!


What if the writers are heading us in a direction where by season's end, they end up building our sympathies for the Others?



That female "Other" is none other than that c-suckin' whore Trixie from Deadwood.


As a general note, if you (not YOU Cripes, but the royal "You") feel the need to rate every show for where it stands in the pantheon of all the other episodes, you need to move on. When you read a book, some chapters are better than others--as long as the plot is moving forward (with twists and turns), there's a storyline. Feel free to switch back to CSI where every episode has its clear cut ending and there are only the faintest ongoing plotlines--still a good show--but you don't actually need more than a 45 minute attention span.

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I missed the first 5 minutes of the episode and I just watched them. Sun is starting to look pretty evil. When she's a little kid, she lies about who broke the ballerina, which gets the maid fired. Then she drives her lover to suicide, while at the same time forcing her husband into becoming a hitman.


I think what Ben said to Jack last night is going to be very revealing for the rest of the series. He said something along the lines of getting Jack to change the way he thinks. It's turning into some sort of demented group therapy.

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I missed the first 5 minutes of the episode and I just watched them.  Sun is starting to look pretty evil.  When she's a little kid, she lies about who broke the ballerina, which gets the maid fired.  Then she drives her lover to suicide, while at the same time forcing her husband into becoming a hitman.


I think what Ben said to Jack last night is going to be very revealing for the rest of the series.  He said something along the lines of getting Jack to change the way he thinks.  It's turning into some sort of demented group therapy.


Maybe they're all Jehovah's Witnesses? (No offense to any Jehovah's Witnesses on the board.)

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If you have an AMEX card you can get additional "inside" info on the shows. Here is the inside info, no spoilers, just questions:


Season 3 Episode 1


A suburban bookclub? Not! Juliet's selection us called lowbrow by another member. More importantly, who is Ben, why is he absent - and why is he so important?


Juliet, clutching her favorite book, watches as Oceanic Flight 815 breaks apart above. It looks like "Carrie" by Stephen King. What meaning does it have for her?


The book club hostess-Juliet-is now Jack's captor. She gently asks for his trust. Is she more honorable then the other Others? And is chemistry brewing?


Karl, a fellow prisoner who helped in Sawyer's ill-fated escape, is beaten and forced to apologize. Was his attempt to help real or a mind game?


Episode 2

Little Sun Lies and tells her father the maid broke the glass ballerina, forcing him to fire the maid. What does lying at such an early age say about Sun?


After bringing Jack soup, Juliet encounters Ben. "You never made soup for me," he says with a smirk before Colleen interrupts. Is there a past between them?


Sawyer watches Pickett give Colleen a goodbye kiss. What does this kiss mean? Does it relate in any way to Juliet and/or Ben?


Sun and Jae Lee wake after a rendezvous and he presents Sun with a pearl necklace. Who is the father of Sun's baby?


Alex, the French woman's child, asks Kate about Karl. Who does she say is not even supposed to be in that cage? And why is Kate wearing Alex's dress?


Sawyer plants one on Kate during forced labor. Is Sawyer just testing the others' response and capabilities? And what's on the blueprints-what are they building?


The Others stealthily climb aboard Desmond's sailboat. Where did they come from, and how did they sneal past Sayid and Jin?


Jae Lee, clutching a pearl necklace, falls dead onto Jin's car. Jin had confronted him on the second floor. Could one commite suicide jumping from that floor?


Sawyer tells Kate that Juliet would definitely have shot her if he'd made another move during the fight. Juliet seems nice. Does Sawyer have her pegged?


Ben's full name is Benjamin Linus. He says he's lived on the island all his life. Was he born there? And if he could leave, as he claims, why does he stay?

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Check this out from the Hanso Foundation's website.


It seems that there was a strange (and possibly violent) conflict within the foundation. This statement about the foundation's goal is bring rebirth to a dying people from a dying land. Interesting.


Could this letter explain Ben's and the Deadwood whore's statements that "we are the good guy's"? Are they refering to the internal battle within Hanso? Did the "other's" take over the "hatch people" as part of that battle?

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The most notable line last night had to be the female "Other" confronting Sun on the boat. We're not the enemy, she says, but if you shoot me, we will be. Then, BLAM!



The whole time, I was yelling, "Shoot her!!" No one ever lies when they say they're not your enemy. <_< They weren't bad people who were going to cut Aaron out of Claire, yeah? Like the other poster, I'm getting tired of the Others always coming out on top (unless seriously overmatched i.e. Ethan).


As a general note, if you (not YOU Cripes, but the royal "You")  feel the need to rate every show for where it stands in the pantheon of all the other episodes, you need to move on. When you read a book, some chapters are better than others--as long as the plot is moving forward (with twists and turns), there's a storyline. Feel free to switch back to CSI where every episode has its clear cut ending and there are only the faintest ongoing plotlines--still a good show--but you don't actually need more than a 45 minute attention span.





Karl, a fellow prisoner who helped in Sawyer's ill-fated escape, is beaten and forced to apologize. Was his attempt to help real or a mind game?


Little Sun Lies and tells her father the maid broke the glass ballerina, forcing him to fire the maid. What does lying at such an early age say about Sun?


Sun and Jae Lee wake after a rendezvous and he presents Sun with a pearl necklace. Who is the father of Sun's baby?


Jae Lee, clutching a pearl necklace, falls dead onto Jin's car. Jin had confronted him on the second floor. Could one commite suicide jumping from that floor?


Sawyer tells Kate that Juliet would definitely have shot her if he'd made another move during the fight. Juliet seems nice. Does Sawyer have her pegged?



1) With the discussion from Alex, it appears Karl is a legit captive, not an Other plant.


2) For some reason, this scene reminded me of Boone's game "Theresa falls up the stairs, Theresa falls down the stairs" and also looking at another flashback that goes to childhood, Jack's scene where he stands up to the guys beating up his friend, Mark Silverman (later his best man). There has been an undercurrent of how the Lostaways acted or were treated as children. Charlie was expected to be the savior through his music, Sayid was bullied by Nadia, Kate trying to run away w/ Tom....


3) Very possible that it's Jae Lee's seed. Especially since the doctor said Jin was sterile. I, for one, think that JL had some help jumping. There are people following Jin around on orders from Sun's father.


4) I agree with Sawyer. Juliet, especially having seen her w/ Jack, is the kind of person who is nice as pie if you do as told. But don't cross her; she's all business. Just the sense I get.

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The whole time, I was yelling, "Shoot her!!" No one ever lies when they say they're not your enemy. <_< They weren't bad people who were going to cut Aaron out of Claire, yeah? Like the other poster, I'm getting tired of the Others always coming out on top (unless seriously overmatched i.e. Ethan).


1) With the discussion from Alex, it appears Karl is a legit captive, not an Other plant.


2) For some reason, this scene reminded me of Boone's game "Theresa falls up the stairs, Theresa falls down the stairs" and also looking at another flashback that goes to childhood, Jack's scene where he stands up to the guys beating up his friend, Mark Silverman (later his best man). There has been an undercurrent of how the Lostaways acted or were treated as children. Charlie was expected to be the savior through his music, Sayid was bullied by Nadia, Kate trying to run away w/ Tom....


3) Very possible that it's Jae Lee's seed. Especially since the doctor said Jin was sterile. I, for one, think that JL had some help jumping. There are people following Jin around on orders from Sun's father.


4) I agree with Sawyer. Juliet, especially having seen her w/ Jack, is the kind of person who is nice as pie if you do as told. But don't cross her; she's all business. Just the sense I get.



Jae Lee jumping, Balerina falling, Boone falling in plane, Oceanic 518 breaking in two, . . .


Could the "Carrie" (i.e. telekenetic forces) phenomena have something to this? Walt may fit into this. I would not be surpried if it is revealed that ALex has (or had) Walt-like powers. Now they need to replace her.


None of this invalidates my theory in my sig however.

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Perhaps Ben Linus will attempt to convert Jack into one of the others. Could some of the others have been captured and converted? This would seem likely, as they converted (sucessfully?) Alex.


They also never say what happened to the rest of the survivors that were kidnapped from the tail section. It would seem at this point extremely unlikely that they were just killed outright by the others, as they likely could have killed everyone on the island in an instant if they wanted.


Everytime I am ready to give up on this show...

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Perhaps Ben Linus will attempt to convert Jack into one of the others. Could some of the others have been captured and converted? This would seem likely, as they converted (sucessfully?) Alex.


They also never say what happened to the rest of the survivors that were kidnapped from the tail section. It would seem at this point extremely unlikely that they were just killed outright by the others, as they likely could have killed everyone on the island in an instant if they wanted.


Everytime I am ready to give up on this show...



Something that has puzzled me about Alex is that, as Rousseau said, she was kidnapped by the Others as a baby. How would Alex be expected to have such compassionate tendencies if she was always raised by people with less than stellar ethics? This is something that really stumps me. <_< How does she know that what the Others are doing is wrong? i.e. letting Claire go b/c they were going to cut her open to get the baby. Morals are taught, not intuited. And in terms of Alex helping out the captives, I would submit that hers was an unsuccessful 'conversion.' And another thing --- why keep calling her 'Alex'? exactly as Rousseau named her?


Pehaps there are multiple Other encampments on the island.

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