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Yankees Cory Lidle owned plane that crashed


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One poster said humor is how some deal with tragedy. Problem is nobody who's joking is using it in the context of grieving. It's just classless cheap shots.



It is sad, of course. But exactly who is it a cheap shot at?


Or do you mean the behavior here is just coarse?


It was suggested in another thread that this incident may be a Darwin award before we learned it was somebody famous.

Does the fact it was a Yankee in an Airplane make it any more tragic than, say, a car accident with 4 nameless victims? It certainly does seem to make it more dramatic.

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meh.,...what the heck....it was a joke.  don't be so hard on yourself.


i mean really....are we still not allowed to poke fun at JFK for riding around Dallas with his top down?



It'll probably be a while...the Lincoln assassination just recently became funny, according to Michael Scott on the Office.

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“The whole plane has a parachute on it,” Lidle said. “Ninety-nine percent of pilots that go up never have engine failure, and the 1 percent that do usually land it. But if you’re up in the air and something goes wrong, you pull that parachute, and the whole plane goes down slowly.”





If it's due to engine failure. If the engine's still running, the 'chute's useless, or worse.

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Flying instructors in this sort of situation do have at least partial control of the plane, do they not?



Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on what the flight's for. If he was just being checked out for his twin-engine rating, Lidle was the pilot-in-command, so to speak, and the instructor probably hands-off. As far as I know, that's the general rule - there's no such thing as "partial" control of an aircraft, you either have it or you don't.


I would be surprised, though, if Lidle had full control. He was, after all, a pitcher for the Yankees. (Ba-dum bum).

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Maybe.  Maybe not.  Depends on what the flight's for.  If he was just being checked out for his twin-engine rating, Lidle was the pilot-in-command, so to speak, and the instructor probably hands-off.  As far as I know, that's the general rule - there's no such thing as "partial" control of an aircraft, you either have it or you don't.


I would be surprised, though, if Lidle had full control.  He was, after all, a pitcher for the Yankees.  (Ba-dum bum).



With the few things I've heard about the accident, I'll bet it was pilot error all the way. Out of of fuel? Maybe he didn't didn't switch tanks. Looked like plenty of fuel made it to the apartment building. Never practiced powerless flight and a disaster waiting to happen is my guess.

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It is sad, of course. But exactly who is it a cheap shot at?


Or do you mean the behavior here is just coarse?


It was suggested in another thread that this incident may be a Darwin award before we learned it was somebody famous.

Does the fact it was a Yankee in an Airplane make it any more tragic than, say, a car accident with 4 nameless victims? It certainly does seem to make it more dramatic.


Would people mock the 4 people in the car crash? No. The only reason Cory Lidle is being mocked is because he's better then 99% of the baseball players in this world. Just not that 1%.

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Would people mock the 4 people in the car crash? No. The only reason Cory Lidle is being mocked is because he's better then 99% of the baseball players in this world. Just not that 1%.


The only reason Cory Lidle was flying over Manhattan with little flying experience is the fact he was a multimillionare who pitched for the Yanks who is richer then 99.9% of the world. Your average pilot with a mere 75 pilot hours experience would not be allowed. Lidle had no business flying that plane over NYC and he killed 2 innocent people in their apartment. Lidle was not instrument rated to fly the plane and could only fly when visibility was good. It was overcast in New York. The model plane he was flying has problems stalling and is for advanced pilots only. Extremely poor judgement by Lidle. People get mocked all the time for dying stupidly.



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The only reason Cory Lidle was flying over Manhattan with little flying experience is the fact he was a multimillionare who pitched for the Yanks who is richer then 99.9% of the world.  Your average pilot with a mere 75 pilot hours experience would not be allowed.  Lidle had no business flying that plane over NYC and he killed 2 innocent people in their apartment.  Lidle was not instrument rated to fly the plane and could only fly when visibility was good.  It was overcast in New York.  The model plane he was flying has problems stalling and is for advanced pilots only.  Extremely poor judgement by Lidle.  People get mocked all the time for dying stupidly.




He was by himself? This wasn't supposed to be a controlled flying session? I don't know I'm just asking. It's still poor judgment to fly in that area with limited experience. Did they say it was his decision to fly in that area? Regardless of these answers I choose not to mock the dead. It's got to be bad for karma.

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Maybe.  Maybe not.  Depends on what the flight's for.  If he was just being checked out for his twin-engine rating, Lidle was the pilot-in-command, so to speak, and the instructor probably hands-off.  As far as I know, that's the general rule - there's no such thing as "partial" control of an aircraft, you either have it or you don't.


I would be surprised, though, if Lidle had full control.  He was, after all, a pitcher for the Yankees.  (Ba-dum bum).



Ah, alright. I was under the impression that there were two sets of controls installed for training situations, and that the instructor could lock the other set and take back controls in the event of an emergency. Possibly a special type of plane? I don't know much about how flight training works.


I remember seeing/reading/something that somewhere a long time ago, but I didn't know if it really worked like that or not.

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Your average pilot with a mere 75 pilot hours experience would not be allowed.  Lidle had no business flying that plane over NYC and he killed 2 innocent people in their apartment.  Lidle was not instrument rated to fly the plane and could only fly when visibility was good.  It was overcast in New York.


is there a rule that you can't fly a plane over ny unless you have X hours of flying experience?


Visibility was fine this afternoon - overcast yes, visibility plenty.

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is there a rule that you can't fly a plane over ny unless you have X hours of flying experience?


Visibility was fine this afternoon - overcast yes, visibility plenty.



Pete - as usual - doesn't know what he's talking about. I know people that have soloed in and out of Reagan National in DC (much more restricted and crazier than Manhattan) with 20+ hours. He's right in that Lidle had no business being over Manhattan - bad decision on his part (bad decisions from a Yankees pitcher? What a shocker...). But he wasn't restricted from flying there by anything but common sense...and the NYC regional air traffic control, who I'm willing to bet he wasn't in contact with like he should have been (another bad decision).


And "overcast" is only important if you're actually flying in the cloud deck. If there's a solid overcast at 10k feet, and I'm at 6k feet...just so visibility's a few miles or so below the cloud deck (I forget how much; my ground school books are still packed), VFR applies. Anyone know the ceiling in NYC this afternoon? Lidle was clearly below it...

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Now if he had a decent battery mate, like say, a Thurmun Munson.....


You think the Yanks would put that in the contract, no piloting small aircraft.


Thurman died in a Citation jet!


The Cirrus is a state of the art, modern, single engine prop plane. New, they go for about 1/4 mil. $


I have to wonder if something "funny" may have been going on with the female "flight instructor," causing a "distraction."


We'll never know, but it has crossed my dirty mind. :)

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God i hate the Yankees.


Could we find some kind of curse in this to use as a reason they can't win a World Series, Bosox fans?


Please tell me you didn't just post this.


1) The guy was a goddamned free agent. If he was thinking of signing with the Red Sox, do you change your mind?


2) The guy was a human being. Have some compassion.


3) His team lost and was out of it just one week after yours. It's not like they are doing anything to be much of an object of hatred right now.

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Please tell me you didn't just post this.


1) The guy was a goddamned free agent.  If he was thinking of signing with the Red Sox, do you change your mind?


2) The guy was a human being.  Have some compassion.


3) His team lost and was out of it just one week after yours.  It's not like they are doing anything to be much of an object of hatred right now.



I dont like any Yankees.


He was a human being? Gee, it is a good thing you said something.

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The only reason Cory Lidle was flying over Manhattan with little flying experience is the fact he was a multimillionare who pitched for the Yanks who is richer then 99.9% of the world.  Your average pilot with a mere 75 pilot hours experience would not be allowed.  Lidle had no business flying that plane over NYC and he killed 2 innocent people in their apartment.  Lidle was not instrument rated to fly the plane and could only fly when visibility was good.  It was overcast in New York.  The model plane he was flying has problems stalling and is for advanced pilots only.  Extremely poor judgement by Lidle.  People get mocked all the time for dying stupidly.





Dude. Come on man.

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The only reason Cory Lidle was flying over Manhattan with little flying experience is the fact he was a multimillionare who pitched for the Yanks who is richer then 99.9% of the world.  Your average pilot with a mere 75 pilot hours experience would not be allowed.  Lidle had no business flying that plane over NYC and he killed 2 innocent people in their apartment.  Lidle was not instrument rated to fly the plane and could only fly when visibility was good.  It was overcast in New York.  The model plane he was flying has problems stalling and is for advanced pilots only.  Extremely poor judgement by Lidle.  People get mocked all the time for dying stupidly.




it appears you and ramius had a menage a trois with the retard tree...

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