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Yankees Cory Lidle owned plane that crashed


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Pretend it's not a Yankees pitcher for one second and realize that a handful of people are dead and a building is on fire. No matter who was flying the plane, it would still be a tragedy.


Trust me, I'm not trying to be 'dad' here and make people ashamed of themselves. I believe in healing-through-humor as much as anyone. But there are some cheap shots in this thread that are highly insensitive. I give the benefit of the doubt that it is just message board spew, and most people actually act human in their 'real' lives.


Message board tards coming out of the woodwork are a dime a dozen. Be better than that.

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First of all, there was no storm when he was flying. Visibility was approx 3-4 miles in the air. The storm started about 2 hours after he crashed.


Secondly, there was a call reported from the plane before it crashed. Something about a fuel problem.


Third, Lidle was a licensed pilot, he got the license in the offseason. Apparently, he was alone in the plane.


Finally, some of you people have serious f--- problems. To mock someone's apparently accidental death, along with those of 3 others is reprehensible. To do so with more arbor simply because he plays for a team you don't like, is deplorable.

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I apologize for my "joke", it was completely out of place!  It was meant with absolutely no malice....heck I am a yankee fan.  Sorry!




meh.,...what the heck....it was a joke. don't be so hard on yourself.


i mean really....are we still not allowed to poke fun at JFK for riding around Dallas with his top down?

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truely f-cking classless guys, truely f-cking classless.


somebody knocks JP and he is run off the board. f-ckin idiots make fun of a man who tragically loses his life and it's high comedy. f-cking classless.


Funny coming from a guy who insisted over and over "Mitch Hepberg is not dead- its an April Fools joke". Make sure you include as many f-bombs as you can when demonstrating class. And dont forget to have a sense of humor

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Seems his flying was about as accurate as his pitching.


And what kind of a dumbass instructor takes his student flying around midtown Manhattan?  :)



Flying instructors in this sort of situation do have at least partial control of the plane, do they not?

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“The whole plane has a parachute on it,” Lidle said. “Ninety-nine percent of pilots that go up never have engine failure, and the 1 percent that do usually land it. But if you’re up in the air and something goes wrong, you pull that parachute, and the whole plane goes down slowly.”





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“The whole plane has a parachute on it,” Lidle said. “Ninety-nine percent of pilots that go up never have engine failure, and the 1 percent that do usually land it. But if you’re up in the air and something goes wrong, you pull that parachute, and the whole plane goes down slowly.”


I saw that. Problem is you can't pull a parachute and glide down slowly in midtown Manhattan. An open field in NJ, sure. But not in midtown.

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