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Oh Babs, you classy broad!

KD in CA

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She gets heckled because someone didn't pay hundreds of dollars to hear her mindless political views, so she loses her temper and screams "shut the f*&k up!"    :lol:





I can't figure out what is so appealing about her? She isn't really all that talented.

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I'm not going to defend Streisand--she means nothing to me and I hate her music. But can you imagine how great it must feel to be able to tell someone to shut the f&!# up in front of thousands of people? And the person actually shuts up? And you get cheered? It's like a dream come true.

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I don't care for her soapboxing on political issues, but I'd hardly say she's not talented.



I guess I should rephrase that. I don't think she is talented enough to warrant paying over $1,000 a ticket to hear her whail.

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I wonder what her husband, Mr. Streisand thought about all of this?



He's derranged. He dropped Bailey Quarters from WKRP for Miss Chokesond*ck from South Park (see the recent picture of Babs without a bra).

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He's derranged. He dropped Bailey Quarters from WKRP for Miss Chokesond*ck  from South Park (see the recent picture of Babs without a bra).




Of which recent picture do you speak?

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I wonder how long before someone turns it into a Jewish thing? :lol:



Well I guess meazza will be torn between his hatred for jews and his liking her because of his hatred for Bush. I am guessing the fact that we has pub's will push him towards not liking her.

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