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Daemen College?


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My sister went there in the late 70's , early 80's, Kinda like a commuter school, not bad, art major, nothing that would apply to current school.



It was well-though of when I was in Bflo and it was called Rosary Hill. There are a good number of small schools that do a good job for folks (excepting the ones that have spawned in recent years, the ones that are scams and student grant mills spouting empty promises).


Robert Morris College in Pgh. comes to mind (good sports school btw), and here in Cincy, Antonelli College. That college's main campus is here, and has 2 others - in Hattiesburg and Jackson, MS. They specialize in interior design, commercial art, photography, etc. A degree from them carries weight in those fields.

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met some hot girls there as an undergrad


i think they still have female only dorms though...so if you want to shack up with one overnight, get a motel or bring her back to your own room





wait...did you want to know about their academics?

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