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Thank You Hockey Hall of Fame!!!!


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I'm confused - shouldn't the whites be the Home "Colour".  So would you get a blue or white jersey from here?



It used to be white was the home jersey. The NHL in it's infinite wisdom changed it some time ago.

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It used to be white was the home jersey. The NHL in it's infinite wisdom changed it some time ago.


It wasn't really "infinite wisdom", it was to save money. All third jersey's are dark, so visiting teams had to pack both sets in case the home team wanted to wear their thirds. The NHL decided to save some money and switched everyone to darks at home, so if the home team decides to wear thirds it has no impact on the visitor.

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It used to be white was the home jersey. The NHL in it's infinite wisdom changed it some time ago.


Well - that was my point. This website from the HHOF is showing the vintage white jersey but they call it the "Away". If it is vintage and from the HOF, isn't that "Home"?

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