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Stupid is as stupid does....


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After 3 weeks of watching this team lose, it's the veterans who are constantly making the bone head mistakes:


Moulds: dropping easy passes, unsportsman like conduct penalties, misreads


Fletcher: unsportsman like conduct penalties, delay of game, pass interference


Henry: not understanding the play, falling down on the job, missed blocks


Bledsoe: misreads, fumbles, immobility


Wire: being beaten down field, lousy coverage player


This is just a few but probably the most glaring. And these mistakes are coming at the most critical time and costing the game. But you all know this already. This team needs a spark. If it means bringing in Magahee for that goal line score, Losman for a change (when healthy), making Evans the second receiver (Reed isn't the answer, see last season) then do it. I am so sick of the lip service and BS rhetoric from this team week in and week out. I was impressed to a point with the first half of the game on Sunday, but I knew in the back of my mind that there were still 30 mins left to play and they'd find a way to blow it. I'm really disapointed that we haven't seen WM in there spelling TH or together in the back field. There is so much potential that is being wasted.


MM said in his interview on ESR last night that he feels there is no drop off in talent from the starters to the backups. Well damn it then, put a back up in there when that starter constantly plays like crap and maybe he'll wake up and smell the coffee. Fletcher is really pissing me off and so is Wire. At least Wire sat in the end. But Fletcher is the defense captian and he knows better. If the vets can step up and play like vets, then let the backups start.


And TD's comments to fans questions were reminiscent of a small child searching for an answer for misbehaving. Donahoes' drafts have sucked to say the least with the exception of a few. We needed help on the O-line and he failed to realize that. We needed help on DE and it wasn't addressed.


This is frustrating to no end. I feel sorry for the season ticket holders who paid out the a$$ for tickets. As for me, it's too bad I paid my subscription in full for the NFL ticket already. I realize we have a new coach, staff and offensive game plan. But my god, you had how many mini camps, training camp, preseason, and now 3 games to get this crap together and yet, they still can't score more that 10 offensive points a game. We can only hope this is the 98 season resurrected. If so, then look for JP to start soon.


This will come down to a rebuilding year, not a minor tweaking. Pull DB and start JP if the season is lost come November and let JP learn the ropes. Next season he'll start with a year under his belt with the new offense. Get Evans in there as the second WR. JR isn't getting it done. He's a slot receiver. If it's going to be another losing season, let's get next years starters in now to learn. :devil:

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